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Old 02-27-2006, 04:19 AM   #1
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Old 03-01-2006, 07:57 AM   #2
Van Sevenz
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Default Using the clutch

You will notice you can drift just about any car.
I been drifting my ma70 ever since i bought it last year from ebay. This is my technique, works to well - safe to cause its done at low speeds - aprouch corner slowly in second gear untill revs are all the way down - clutch in - quickly rev engine to high revs - then quickly release clutch as you go around corner to get a quick boost, but not to quick otherwise the car will spin - alot of people assume my cars turboed, considering how controlled and sideways i can get it, especially in the wet.
Just resently my right hand wheel bearings collapsed, due to to many right hand drifts, so just remember drifting comes at a price.
I enjoy drifting more in the wet - you can get more sideways and for longer - and it puts less stress on your car - unless you hit a tree offcourse.
Remember the more power you have on your back wheels around corners - the more controlled you are thats why i don't hand brake around corners - cause its damn dangerous.

Drifting Technique
Heel Toe Shifting
Learn proper race shifting to get your car into the right gear for drifting. Includes double clutch shifting.

Power Over
This performed when entering a corner and using full throttle to produce heavy oversteer through the turn. You need horsepower to make this happen.

E-Brake Drift
This technique is very basic, pull the E-Brake or side brake to induce rear traction loss and balance drift through steering and throttle play. This can also be used to correct errors or fine tune drift angles. Main drift technique used in FWD vehicles.

Clutch Kick
This is performed by depressing the clutch pedal on approach or during a mild drift, then the clutch is "popped" to give a sudden jolt through the driveline to upset rear traction.

Shift Lock Drift
This is performed by letting the revs drop on downshift into a corner and then releasing the clutch to put stress on the driveline to slow the rear tires inducing over steer. This is like pulling the E-brake through a turn, but this should be performed on wet ground to minimize damage to the driveline.

Dirt Drop Drift
This is performed by dropping the rear tires off the road into the dirt to maintain or gain drift angle without losing power or speed and to set up for the next turn. This technique is very useful for low horsepower cars. Do not attempt this technique at the Drift Session.

Feint Drift
This is performed by rocking the car towards the outside of a turn and then using the rebound of grip to throw the car into the normal cornering direction. This is heavy rally racing technique used to change vehicle attitudes during cornering.

Jump Drift
In this technique the rear tire on the inside of a turn or apex is bounced over a curb to lose traction resulting in over steer. Do not attempt this technique at the Drift Session.

Braking Drift
This is performed by trail braking into a corner. Loss of grip is obtained and then balanced through steering and throttle motions. This is mainly for medium to low speed corners.

Kansei Drift
This is performed at race speeds. When entering a high speed corner a driver lifts his foot off the throttle to induce a mild oversteer and then balances the drift through steering and throttle motions. The car that is being used for this style of drift should be a neutral balanced car therefore the oversteer will induce itself. If the car plows through any turn this technique will not work.

Long Slide Drift
This is done by pulling the E-brake through a strait to start a high angel drift and to hold this to set up for the turn ahead. This technique can only be done at high speed.

Swaying Drift (Choku-Dori)
This is a slow side-to-side faint like drift where the rear end sways back and forth down a strait.

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Old 03-02-2006, 10:10 AM   #3
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Default felow drifters

FELOW drifters a car w/ 4 wheels n a tire n engine ? drifts! anyway me as a owner of a mk2 supra celica i drift w/ that shit man tell u this my frnds who who a ae86 toyota trueno he was like man how do u drift w/ that thing ? n i say man it has a lsd so nothing 2 woryabout anyway my point is supra drifts but u got to have the spirit
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Old 03-02-2006, 10:15 AM   #4
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Default hi ther

1jz its a engine r8t do u tink it would fit 2 my mkII supra celica 84 i need a response w/ this coz im planing 2 buy a engine t.y
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Old 03-02-2006, 09:04 PM   #5
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Default San Jose

YEAH DRifters ME representing SAN JOSE CALIFORNIA HEY do any ob u guys know whens a meet up for drifter w/ MK's
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Old 05-13-2006, 03:20 AM   #6
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it wasnt too hard for me except i was in a rainy parking lot. i was going about 5 mph, tached it up a bit, dropped the clutch and cut the wheel, then tapped the e-brake a bit. i drifted quite a bit cause the parking lot was kinda down hill. its defenitely possible to drift a supra but it is a bit tricky. especially with speed. i suggest buying the movie drift bible. it gets realllly into depth on how to drift. it shows you every technique.
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Old 06-04-2006, 09:47 PM   #7
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it might b hurtful to the transmission or what not, but personally i think clutcj dipping is the best way to make a supra drift, i got a stock n/a with stock suspension, but im able to drift with it, idk why cuz maybe im jus mde for it cuz i kinda suck at drag racing, but i've been able to pull some moves with my car, i can do double 180 i can drift around corners and turn i can even connect my drift together, it jus comes natural to me

Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol
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Old 06-21-2006, 11:23 PM   #8
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Default Supra's Drift (**Hands Down**)

I honestly don't think that some of these guys saying that the Supra doesn't drift have never completed a drift in one themselves. That may sound obvious, but what I mean is that if they havn't done it themselves...then BAM it can't be done.

I like others on this topic can drift with a Supra. I have a 87 turbo, stock tires, and rims and all....that thing can drift on pavement, in second if I want to. Rain is great, no questions there, it has helped newbie drifters become great masters of the art. In rain, I can easily drift in 3, fourth spools the tires too fast to do anything GREAT if your doing under 60km/h. New pavement is also a bonus.

In my opinion, I would opt to find a parking lot, like a mall parking lot, and learn how to bump your rear end out (Just a bit) around a lamp post....don't power it through...just get it to kick out, and maybe skid a bit. Increase your enter speed SLOWLY at each pass. Learn the control you need to keep your car through the small skids.

Once that is achieved, start using throttle once your back end it kicked out. Your not looking for some INSANE cool angle here either....small angles to start out with. Keep learning with more throttle till you FEEL the balance of speed and your arc. It will come to anyone who practices.

Once you can drift around a light post, with confidence...not a ONE DAY confidence either....do this a couple times (Remember to change parking lots...cops like to nail us when we try to drift in one area to long....wonder why, arn't we helping put rubber onto their pavement??), on different days. Then maybe try to find a parking lot with TWO light posts closer together....then in the middle of the night, go there and attempt to drift around both, not a figure eight...just both of them. Keep doing this, keep remembering how it feels in different situations.

Before long of SLOWLY building up your skill, you will be able to do LONG drifts in no time. There is always room for error when drifting, and it usually happens when your doing something TOTALLY COOL. Just remember that you can come back and do that same thing again another day, if you had to pull out of it because you were unsure.

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Old 08-25-2006, 02:42 PM   #9
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Hey guy's I'm new to the forum and I just bought a 1988 toyota supra with the 7mGE inline6 enigine and it has a 5spd transmission. Is it really that hard to drift these cars, because I just floor it in first and the back end breaks loose with no problem, I'm still trying to learn how to do it, but I think with a little bit of suspension work, I could probably do it with ease.
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Old 08-25-2006, 07:09 PM   #10
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Actually you CAN drift a front wheel drive car, BUT it's not called drifting it's called powersliding. Me and my friend took our cars and learned how to do it in the snow and then we got really good at it and then tried it on dry pavement, we got really good and we got props for knowing how to do it without causing over steer or fish tailing, but now I have my new supra and I will have to learn how to do it all over again. I have to say though, it was really hillarious watching all these guys try to "drift" their little ford escorts and other 4 cyl cars. I did however see a 1994 RX7 Turbo drift around a turn, VERY NICELY, I might add, but then get pulled over because he was stupid and slid right in front of an undercover cop car...
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