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Old 06-04-2006, 09:47 PM   #81
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it might b hurtful to the transmission or what not, but personally i think clutcj dipping is the best way to make a supra drift, i got a stock n/a with stock suspension, but im able to drift with it, idk why cuz maybe im jus mde for it cuz i kinda suck at drag racing, but i've been able to pull some moves with my car, i can do double 180 i can drift around corners and turn i can even connect my drift together, it jus comes natural to me

Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol
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Old 06-21-2006, 11:23 PM   #82
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Default Supra's Drift (**Hands Down**)

I honestly don't think that some of these guys saying that the Supra doesn't drift have never completed a drift in one themselves. That may sound obvious, but what I mean is that if they havn't done it themselves...then BAM it can't be done.

I like others on this topic can drift with a Supra. I have a 87 turbo, stock tires, and rims and all....that thing can drift on pavement, in second if I want to. Rain is great, no questions there, it has helped newbie drifters become great masters of the art. In rain, I can easily drift in 3, fourth spools the tires too fast to do anything GREAT if your doing under 60km/h. New pavement is also a bonus.

In my opinion, I would opt to find a parking lot, like a mall parking lot, and learn how to bump your rear end out (Just a bit) around a lamp post....don't power it through...just get it to kick out, and maybe skid a bit. Increase your enter speed SLOWLY at each pass. Learn the control you need to keep your car through the small skids.

Once that is achieved, start using throttle once your back end it kicked out. Your not looking for some INSANE cool angle here either....small angles to start out with. Keep learning with more throttle till you FEEL the balance of speed and your arc. It will come to anyone who practices.

Once you can drift around a light post, with confidence...not a ONE DAY confidence either....do this a couple times (Remember to change parking lots...cops like to nail us when we try to drift in one area to long....wonder why, arn't we helping put rubber onto their pavement??), on different days. Then maybe try to find a parking lot with TWO light posts closer together....then in the middle of the night, go there and attempt to drift around both, not a figure eight...just both of them. Keep doing this, keep remembering how it feels in different situations.

Before long of SLOWLY building up your skill, you will be able to do LONG drifts in no time. There is always room for error when drifting, and it usually happens when your doing something TOTALLY COOL. Just remember that you can come back and do that same thing again another day, if you had to pull out of it because you were unsure.

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Old 07-24-2006, 01:55 PM   #83
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If you go watch Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift dont go thinking that you can go flying fthrough the city streets drifting through traffic and parking garages.
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Old 07-29-2006, 06:34 AM   #84
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no arguement the movie was good, but i hate the sH!t out of it

that movie got every punk that drives thier parents car, sum preppy ass ,
god, its so annoying i can even explain it

drifting was my only pure sanctum, it was one of those things that you dont know unless you already know things

now every punk with undriftable cars, are crowding the parking lots getting unncessary attention from PIGS

you wont believe this kid with a civic askd me what do i do , bcuz he cant make his car drift?

what the hell, right there i can tell this kid jus saw the movie and decided to do it for himself, there's already been at least 3 accidents from and close to where i live at, and 1 of them was fatal


Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol
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Old 08-01-2006, 03:46 AM   #85
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y would u try to drift with a FWD car? dumbass.

sounds like your popular supra2NR, with all these kids coming up to you asking you how to drift.

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Old 08-08-2006, 05:42 AM   #86
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not popular, i was jus one of the originals using that parking lot for drifting
i've been learning drifting for a couple years now
even b4 i had my supra
even b4 the movie

i realized this when i found out i can control my car fishtailing
so i kept doing it around corners
i ddnt even knew that there was a sport called drifting back then i wasnt watching tv a lot i was in car more that 2/3 of the day, if i wasnt working

but i told the kid to go as close you can to the wall and pull the e-brake
and yes i did throw him off the cliff basically
cuz he did exactly what i had in mind

he went close to the wall, he pulled his e-brake, and jus like i predicted, and envisioned, his car went 180' and the rear smashed the wall

the funny part, he ddnt even knew what i did to him, cuz he askd me what did he do wrong, so he went for a ride in my car and i showed him how i pull the e-brake
i was cracking up inside but i had to hold it in until i left the parking lot

Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol
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Old 08-08-2006, 06:05 AM   #87
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b4 anybody say anything
nobody was hurt when this happnd
except his or his mom's pocket
or maybe his civic lol
but i did everybody a favor i took a ricer out of the streets

i did found humor with this
i do find it hilarious
im sori im offend pple
but im wired (not weird) that way
i find humor in other pple misery
well at least pple that deserve it

he did talk shit about me when i couldnt pull a perfect figure 8
so he got what he deserved

and to make it more hilarious i got a sketch of what happend
it was rainy too and the asphalt was wet
the fourth red box was when his car turned around and did the 180 then the 5th
is the funniest part

Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol
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Old 08-25-2006, 02:42 PM   #88
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Hey guy's I'm new to the forum and I just bought a 1988 toyota supra with the 7mGE inline6 enigine and it has a 5spd transmission. Is it really that hard to drift these cars, because I just floor it in first and the back end breaks loose with no problem, I'm still trying to learn how to do it, but I think with a little bit of suspension work, I could probably do it with ease.
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Old 08-25-2006, 07:09 PM   #89
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Actually you CAN drift a front wheel drive car, BUT it's not called drifting it's called powersliding. Me and my friend took our cars and learned how to do it in the snow and then we got really good at it and then tried it on dry pavement, we got really good and we got props for knowing how to do it without causing over steer or fish tailing, but now I have my new supra and I will have to learn how to do it all over again. I have to say though, it was really hillarious watching all these guys try to "drift" their little ford escorts and other 4 cyl cars. I did however see a 1994 RX7 Turbo drift around a turn, VERY NICELY, I might add, but then get pulled over because he was stupid and slid right in front of an undercover cop car...
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Old 08-28-2006, 10:42 PM   #90
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speaking of powersliding...whats fun to do is find a FWD car and go get some trays from taco bell or mcdonalds and put the trays under the back tires of the FWD car and take off in a parking lot or somewhere open.

i think its sweet cuz you can do 180s and 270s and sometimes 360s without a problem

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