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Old 09-01-2006, 11:21 AM   #101
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all these people are putangyna
spelled wrong , its putang-ina
but good enuff

where'd you learnd this?

Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol
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Old 09-01-2006, 08:37 PM   #102
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most of my friends are phillipino and i hang around them too much and my friend's parents teach me some of it. and while im hangin out wit them i catch on to it.
Rollin in a 98, flippin 94's
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Old 09-02-2006, 06:48 AM   #103
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Technically drifting is just keeping the car sideways without spinning out...Which he did. Aure, Its fake, But that doesnt make it not "drifting". There is also a few other methods you didnt mention. Downshifting, Letting off the gas hard (high compression bigger motors, like v8s), Flicking the car, And just plain old going into a turn hot and not crashing. You can do it in any car, You dont neccesarily have to be spinning the back tires to do it. Rally cars drift an entire race and they arent spinning the whole time, Im sure they would be experts at it. As for the supra, It needs a lot of suspension work to do the real on-power wheel spinnign drifting, The car hooks up too well. Once you get it out of shape, Its hard to keep there, Because it will either wana go all the way out or come back. All these bigger rwd sports cars are like that (camaros, trans ams, mustangs, stuff like that). It also would need a lot more steering angle. I know this just from trying to do it in the rain, You cant turn far enough to get a good totally sideways drift going. The car was meant to hookup and take turns without getting unstable or squirmy, So making it do those on purpose takes some work. Dam I just typed a lot
Yay the supra assistant is gone!!! WEEE!!
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Old 09-02-2006, 06:09 PM   #104
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most of my friends are phillipino and i hang around them too much and my friend's parents teach me some of it. and while im hangin out wit them i catch on to it.
so youre an adopted filipino then, lol
i got a lot of those here lol

Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol
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Old 09-03-2006, 12:51 AM   #105
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Technically drifting is just keeping the car sideways without spinning out...Which he did. Aure, Its fake, But that doesnt make it not "drifting".
a drift is a drift
a powerslide is a powerslide no other else

have you seen those oval drit races, they slide around all over the place there
spining tires too, but its not called drifting
there's a line in between

in the oval dirt race, they slide around corners, and race in dirt
they have similarities but can you call that rally racing

my point is, jus because it slides, doesnt mean it drifts

There is also a few other methods you didnt mention. Downshifting,
no offense, but this proves how much you know about drifting,
i downshift all day when im driving, it doesnt make you drift
what i wrote was the things that can initiate a drift

Letting off the gas hard (high compression bigger motors, like v8s), Flicking the car
yes this is powering over your car, and yes it works with high horsepower car that tend to drift by itself
it is the same thing with what they call flicking your car, or the turkish feint

And just plain old going into a turn hot and not crashing. You can do it in any car
yes any car can go to a turn hot, and not crash, but it doesnt mean its drifting

please dont encourage pple that shouldnt be drifting to drift
while they havent completely ruined the sport
i dont have a parking lot to do it now in here
thanks to them, all the parking lots that used to be available, has a cop hiding somewhere now thanks to them

and this is what really pisses me
this kid's parents are blaming me now
cuz thier kid copied what i did

Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol
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Old 09-03-2006, 01:28 AM   #106
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Originally Posted by Supra2NR
so youre an adopted filipino then, lol
i got a lot of those here lol
yea i guess u can say that cuz my friends dad considers me as his step-son cause i been friends with his son for over 7 years and we always play games with his dads and his family. they play counter-strike and have lan parties but havnt had one since a long time ago.
Rollin in a 98, flippin 94's
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Old 09-03-2006, 06:21 AM   #107
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Ok, But did you ever downshift into 2nd while in the middle of a turn going 40? your getting sideways. Sorry your dictionary perfect version of drifing isnt the same as mine. Real "drifitng" (a term started by racers in the early 60s) Is using a controlled powerslide to your advantage to get around a race track faster. And in that corolla or whatever it was, He did a pretty controlled powerslide. Thats where drift racing actually came from, When people thought it would be fun to do that the entire race.
Yay the supra assistant is gone!!! WEEE!!
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Old 09-04-2006, 01:33 AM   #108
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Sorry your dictionary perfect version of drifing isnt the same as mine
exactly my point again, the drifting sport that im talking about right now
is NOT USED FOR RACING, you can ansk any real drifters, if you drift you go slower, drift is a show art not a race technique

the technique youre talking about is when they use e-brakes in rally races cuz of certain corners that will take too much time too slow down
thats COMPLETELY DIFFRENT from the drifting that pple do now

they play counter-strike and have lan parties but havnt had one since a long time ago.
daaaamn , i miss playing that game with pple, i used to kick ass on that game
i havent played in years tho, which suck, ill probly be the first one that gets killed in the first minute of the round now lol

Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol
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Old 09-04-2006, 10:36 PM   #109
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thats how i used to be too lol i barely play any games anymore i jsut lost interest.
Rollin in a 98, flippin 94's
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Old 09-05-2006, 06:24 PM   #110
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i miss drifting in my supra, it was really fun and all i needed were my bald tires in the rear and my good ones in the front, that would be it for me. Just get into a big parking lot flat surface no dips or anything, look around for cops (screw security and their lil battery carts i can run faster then those) and then just floor it and when u hear those tires spinning and gain a lil speed, just turn left then right sharply and take in every moment while your sliding. Thats wut i did, and i managed to pull a figure 8 nicely. Afterwards when i was drivin home i was thinking about how i was handling the car and seeing how i could perfect it.
Rollin in a 98, flippin 94's
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