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Old 07-19-2006, 02:28 AM   #1
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Default eliminating rust

I got an 86 last week (notorious for rust in certain places) these 'certain places' however only have a bit of rust..but i want to get rid of it so it doesnt spread (its all on the exterior surface, no structural rust). what do i need to do to sand it off and refinish it?
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Old 10-02-2006, 10:54 PM   #2
tone loc
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i can tell you how to stop it from spreading. first sand it down with 40 or 50 sand paper or wire brush just to remove the loose particles. Then you can use some rust treatmeny stuff (i used permatex rust treatment seems like its doing the job )

and this is how to remove it completly.....

1.to remove the rust you have to sand or cut all of the rust so you can see bare metal.
2.then use rust arresting agent to the metal(dont really have it just to be safe).
3. then using a ise grips and a body hammer to form a recessed flange around the edge of the opening about 3/4 inch beyond the hole
4. after that get some release film and trace over the part you cut out including the 3/4 inch flange.
5. cut a piece of fiber glass cloth the same size as the outline on the film.
6. then do the same to a second piece of fiberglass cloth only make this one like an inch smaller or so.
7. use some kind of backing material like window screen or steel wool but make sure when your done you remove all of the backing or it might create new rust.
8. then youll need a epoxy resin and pore into some kind of plastic containerthen add a hardener to the resin in the way specified by the manufactor and mix them together so that then resin changes color.
9.lay the film on a clean flat surface and and add a even layer of the epoxy.
10. lay the smaller of the 2 pieces of fiberglass colth to the film and add a second even layer of epoxy.
11. lay the bigger piece of fiberglass cloth and add another even layer of epoxy.
12.then pick it up by the outer edge and place it over the the area and have the film facing out and press it with your fingertips and try not to move it only to align the cloth.
13. then use a spreader over the film to press the fiberglass cloth firmly against the metal and to push out all the air bubbles
14. then check the exposed resin to see how its drying and when its tack free peel off the film.
15.let the fiberglass cure for a while(u can use a light or heat lamp)
16. when its hard to the touch progressivly use finer grades of sand paper to smooth it out.
17.use body filler or glazing compound over the top to get it ready for paint.finish sand the body filler/glazing compound until the surface is perfectly smooth.
18. then you can prime and paint

i got this from my notes which are from a haynes body repair and painting manual.
hope this helps

Last edited by tone loc; 10-02-2006 at 11:17 PM.
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Old 10-03-2006, 12:57 AM   #3
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that pretty much sums it up

well said

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Old 10-03-2006, 01:22 AM   #4
tone loc
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thank you

finaly able to add some info on this forum

Last edited by tone loc; 10-03-2006 at 01:26 AM.
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