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bleSId 03-22-2008 09:35 PM

just bought a super dupra, noob to the car
ok so here's its story.

i bought the car for 200 bucks, according to the lady i bought it from the timing belt broke and when it did that it broke something in the no. 3 cylinder. i have no idea wat broke im pretty sure it wasnt the piston could've been a valve but again im not sure. i just did a compression check and the rings arent fried so that good.

i know im gonna have to take the head off but other than that, thats about all i know.

so my question is: with the information i just gave you guys how complicated is this gonna be?

Supra Goddess 03-23-2008 01:51 AM

Supras have non-interference engines. What that means is, when the timing belt breaks, it doesn't break anything internally. The pistons won't smash into the valves or anything like that. So eit must have another issue, whether it be rod knock or something else.

bleSId 03-23-2008 02:00 AM

so what could have been the things of metal that they picked out of the cylinder

i have rebuilt my civic SI motor and my h22 prelude, but this car has me stumped

Supra Goddess 03-23-2008 10:48 PM

I can almost guarantee you that it wasn't valve pieces unless the timing belt broke around 6500rpms.

And how were things "picked out of the cylinder"? Did someone stick a magnet down the spark plug hole or what?

bleSId 03-23-2008 11:27 PM

no it wasnt 6.5k it was idling i think, she said she reached to kill the engine and BAM!!!

as for the peices, let me inform you as to who looked at this car: long story short the same mechanic that looked at the supra also tryed to convince that my prelude DESPITE the H badges all over the car was in fact a mis-badged nissan, top quality japanese car technician

so in truth i really have no idea how or what was picked out of the cylinder

so it could only be a sparkplug then? cuz i have never heard of a spark plug actually exploding

Supra Goddess 03-24-2008 02:54 PM

Why are you assuming it is a spark plug now? And an exploding one at that? It seems you were spoon fed a buttload of misinformation and are now trying to work around that.

Nuke all that crap from your mind right now. Go pick up a Haynes or Chilton's manual for the Supra and start reading. Serious.

It's probably something really dumb like a forgotten ground wire, or hell, maybe they didn't put the timing belt on right and it's timed incorrect. At any rate you need to rediagnose the car yourself.

When you turn the key on and then crank it, what does it do? Are there any knocking or tapping noises coming from the engine? Does it spin over fast or normal?

Need YOUR diagnosis, not that silly lady and he half-wit mechanic's.

bleSId 03-24-2008 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Supra Goddess (Post 56504)
Why are you assuming it is a spark plug now? And an exploding one at that? It seems you were spoon fed a buttload of misinformation and are now trying to work around that.

Nuke all that crap from your mind right now. Go pick up a Haynes or Chilton's manual for the Supra and start reading. Serious.

It's probably something really dumb like a forgotten ground wire, or hell, maybe they didn't put the timing belt on right and it's timed incorrect. At any rate you need to rediagnose the car yourself.

When you turn the key on and then crank it, what does it do? Are there any knocking or tapping noises coming from the engine? Does it spin over fast or normal?

Need YOUR diagnosis, not that silly lady and he half-wit mechanic's.

i really have no idea where i got the spark plug thing from i guerss i just mis read what you wrote.

i do have the haynes manual and i have read almost the whole thing, that doesnt mean i know what happened to the car

the battery is as dead as a door nail, NOTHING cranks up

Supra Goddess 03-24-2008 09:04 PM

step 1. replace battery
step 2. turn the key over, crank it and see what happens (and listen to hear any knocking)

you're obviously smart enough to run a compression test. what were the numbers?

bleSId 03-24-2008 09:18 PM

C1: 160psi
C2: 158psi
C3: ???
C4: 162psi
C5: 156psi
C6: 163psi

we arent real sure about C3 we got psi numbers consistent with a freightliner truck so im in the process of rechecking that one, there was some oil in the valley between the cams that the spark plugs sit in, does that mean anything?

Supra Goddess 03-24-2008 09:46 PM

freightliner truck? what does that mean? very high psi or very low?

the other numbers seem good, fairly consistant.

the oil between the cam towers is either the valve covers or cam tower gaskets leaking, a pretty common issiue with these engines after so many years/miles.

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