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suprra_girl 02-06-2005 12:12 PM

jumper with a piece of wire t & e1 in diag box in the engine bay, jump in car, turn key to ign and count the codes from engine check light

example code


flash flash... flash

flash flash flash... flash flash flash flash

2 codes stored

14 & 52

flash...flash flash flash flash............. flash flash flash flash flash... flash flash

now go here and find out what your code means :)

Check this page for instructions also

(eddited by Green7mgte)

corewitz 10-15-2005 07:02 PM

will just like a paper clip work? I tryed that and the engine light is just on always and never blinks. Also there is a lot of white gunk in the diag. box, would that have anything to do with it?

suprra_girl 10-17-2005 12:20 PM

yep... ppl have used paper clips

that white gunk is used to keep the terminals in good health i believe :)

lifesnotfair 01-13-2006 03:17 AM

Thanks, supra girl. I have no idea what "t" and "e1" mean, but I will try to search for this tomorrow.

My hood shocks are "tired", so I hate to look under my hood coz I need one arm to keep it up, or a stick, which I never keep around =P

suprra_girl 01-13-2006 09:55 AM

hehe good luck with ya codes

look in engine bay
locate fusebox
beside fusebox = another box with diagnostic written on it
inside diag box on lid you will see pin diagram
find T & E1 (also known as TE1 & E1) on the lid then match up with diag pins and put wire or paper clip into those to connect them together and walah... your cel will flash or do something ;)

suprra_girl 07-18-2006 09:59 AM

sounds like code 52 which is knock sensor, check to make sure your plugs aren't broken and that (if turbo) both are plugged in (if na) that "the" knock sensor is plugged in

get a piece of wire and you should have to open the lid on the diagnostic box, inside the lid is a diagram of what each pin is, there you should find where te1 and e1 is

if ever you do a diagnostic and you have put the wire in but your check engine light stays lit and doesn't blink thats because the wire has not made firm connection in both of the terminals :)

Monkey 12-23-2006 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by suprra_girl
yep... ppl have used paper clips

that white gunk is used to keep the terminals in good health i believe :)

That white gunk is waterproofing/dielectric grease that helps keep water out of electrical connections, and it also helps to promote electrical conductivity.

red_armie_soviet 09-09-2009 09:13 PM

I got 3 diff codes and they all seem to be electric, i got codes 24, 32, and 41, and im having a really hard time fixing them.

cre 01-07-2010 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by gfrererr13 (Post 71144)
Will this work the same for a MKIV Supra as well? or is there anything different that needs to be done? Thanks!:drool:

I would like to know what years this works for as well, I know it works for all MKIII, I don't know about the MKII or MKIV.


suprra_girl 01-07-2010 12:44 AM

Typically will be the same for all toyotas 86-95ish

Some MK2's apparently have some sort of diagnosis system but I'm not sure which ones exactly, it's apparently a 2pin plug with a cap on it that you short.

cre 12-27-2011 08:30 PM

I haven't looked to see if this has all that's missing from the Cygnus list but it's been point out that some codes are not listed there. Here's a list I've compiled from a couple different TSRMs using TCCD ECUs (Valid for 1986 - 1995... I think they were actually using up to 98 or so in some vehicles but that may not be the case with the USDM).

Code 11 Momentary interruption in power supply to ECU (electronic control unit or computer) up to 1991
Code 12 Engine revolution signal missing
Code 13 Rpm signal to ecu missing above 1000 rpm
Code 14 Igniter signal to ecu missing
Code 16 A/T control signal missing from ecu
Code 21 Main oxygen sensor signal fault
Code 22 Water temperature sensor circuit fault
Code 23 and 24 Intake air temperature signal fault
Code 25 Air/fuel ratio LEAN
Code 26 Air/fuel ratio RICH
Code 27 Sub-oxygen sensor signal or heater circuit fault
Code 28 No.2 oxygen sensor/heater signal fault
Code 31 and 32 Air flow meter circuit or Vacuum sensor signal fault
Code 34 and 36 Turbo-charging pressure signal fault
Code 35 Altitude compensation sensor signal fault
Code 41 Throttle position circuit fault
Code 42 Vehicle speed sensor circuit
Code 43 No starter signal to the ecu
Code 47 sub-tps circuit fault or idl2 and vta2 voltage too high (>1.5v) (JDM ONLY???)
Code 51 AC signal on; IDL switch open (part of the TPS). This code will only appear if the IDL switch is open (ie: you're stepping on the throttle in diag mode or the TPS is not properly calibrated) or the A/C system is on or says it is. When the cause of the code is corrected it will automatically remove itself, no need to reset the ECU.
Code 52, 53 and 55 Knock sensor fault
Code 71 EGR system malfunction
Code 72 Fuel cut solenoid signal fault
Code 78 Fuel pump control signal fault
Code 81, 83, 84 and 85 TCM communication fault

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