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mk3supra909 01-10-2009 07:02 AM

1500 not bad i paid 1800 for mine have dropped about 3 to 4 in it so far got some work 16" rims 2 in lips falken 512 uhp non turbo great driver every day only crapped out once due to dumb ass second owner who thought it was a drift toy lol idiot but its in great shape dont be to skepticala i mean be skep. but keeo in mind you cud pay f15 for one hooked up or add 12 to it and blow motherfuckers out the watter like what the fuck just happend i got mobbed on buy an old ass car lol most dont know oh supra fuck that ill get mobbed on thats why i love emm lol just maake sure you check for everything weve saiad if its all there ok still cool just as long as its not bad in all areas just makae sure engine is good with wide powerband and no slippage of the clutch if they dont ride with thry to grind it just a lil see how bad it sounds if its real bad it has prolly been rubbed mayb needs replacing but i think thats an ok price if it runs strong enough mayb bring a mini dino plung in thing for it so you can quarter mile it and hp test it i mean should be stock about 210 without turbo with turbo i hear its about 320 so ne were in the range 180 to 30 your great


Originally Posted by Lypher (Post 48001)
I'm going to see a 88 turbo 5 speed in a couple days and its running for $1500. Should i be suspicious of why the price is so low?

new supra guy 05-27-2009 12:46 AM

All i'm gonna say is check the damn rear wheel wells to see if they are soft, if they are then you got rot under the factory undercoating, and it could be very bad. I just spent 3 days cutting out rot and welding in metal plates and still have to do the pass side. Not a fun time lol

Nobahd 06-30-2009 07:07 AM

sounds like a good deal i will say MK3 is a great car they run great ya they have head gasket issues but if u keep it clean and dont hot rod is every time u go to the store then u should be fine and if worst comes to worst for 1700 bucks i think u said u where getting it for u can always just keep the body and make it a project car or get a master rebuild kits for a few hundred bucks but either way when ppl ask what do u drive u can proudly say "umm nothin special just a SUPRA!!!" lol good luck man

Nobahd 07-01-2009 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Isphius (Post 29406)
Best used car guide ive ever read lol. I dont think anyone else will even need to post on it...Except for, Dont be too excited by the acceleration to not notice anything else. I went to test drive a camaro SS, And was so excited that it went from 10-70 in about 3 seconds(the guy was crazy, who gives keys to a 350(plus mods) hp car to a 19 year old driving a supra??) i didnt realize the CEL was on untill i parked it, And then in the trunk all the stock parts sat. Cam, ecu, maf, some unknown sensors(neveer worked on an ls1), stock intake manifold, And it def had an aftermaket exhaust. Def good reasons it had a CEL on lol. My real point, Dont buy a modded car. lol. Make sure all the parts are stock, Or that you at least get all the stock parts and ask the guy exactly what he did. The best part of the test drive was the look on my GFs face when i gunned it. From talking to WHOAAA and big eyes. Best moment of my life.

ya man i think u just got a fucked up supra ive raced a 06 Sicon XB and theres no comparason i have a 88 turbo 5 speed supra wiht just ecu, intake, exhaust done and i rarly find your everyday car that can keep up thnk the only problem i run into is STI turbos but i am running 140k on a 21 year old car

Grandavi 07-02-2009 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by Nobahd (Post 70966)
ya man i think u just got a fucked up supra ive raced a 06 Sicon XB and theres no comparason i have a 88 turbo 5 speed supra wiht just ecu, intake, exhaust done and i rarly find your everyday car that can keep up thnk the only problem i run into is STI turbos but i am running 140k on a 21 year old car

lol.. Yeah.. I got beat by a STI... but if I put that kind of money into my 88 MKIII... he wouldnt come close to me.

Definitely check the wheel wells. Mine has rust holes in them and when I drive in rain.. it fills up the rear quarter panel. Didnt even think to check it when I bought the car.. only way I found out was I had a leak in the filler tube to the gas tank. Also.. take the spare tire out and look at the storage area for rust as well. Then take a close look at the weather stripping, your not gonna want it leaking all over the place.

The other thing I can think of to check is.. tell them that you will be there at 5:00 pm and show up at 4:00 pm.. and just say.. whoops..

My car blows blue (which isn't necessarily bad) when it starts cold sometimes. Not sure what is causing it, but its not using oil, so I dont worry. But.. I would have noticed it had the car not been started prior to me getting there to test drive it. Luckily, the guy had all the bills, etc.. and the engine only had around 7k miles on the rebuild. I paid 6k for mine (and had it appraised.. it came to 6k - this is Canada) and have it insured so that if it gets wiped.. I get the appraised value. Also.. a nice little tip. Check to see if you can get antique insurance on it (we can in Alberta). The stipulation is that you don't use it for a business and you dont drive over 5000 miles a year here. Only costs me 79.00 for full coverage per year. HUGE savings.. lol.

Dan Swanson 08-20-2009 07:09 PM

I have owned an 1987 N/A MKIII, since 1990. I love the car but if you do not have the money to pay a mechanic or have the Knowledge, Skill and Ability ( KSA's) to fix it yourself you would be better off woth out one.

The supra factory repair manual is very good. But the car is very complex.

Good Luck,

Dan Swanson


Originally Posted by Medrivfast (Post 29394)
Hello, Tomorrow i'm going to look at an 89 Supra Turbo. I talked to a lady on the phone today about the car. She wasn't to informative about it since it was her uncles. But, she said it has 100,000 miles, New Altinator, New Water Pump, Targa & it's a 5 Speed. I have read through these forums breifly and the only problem i can find about the cars is the head gasket issue.
Other than looking at the basic things on the car like oil and water and belts. What major thing should i look for on this particular car?

They are asking $1700 for it.

I appreciate any help you can supply me....

Dan Swanson 08-20-2009 07:15 PM

I have owned an 1987 N/A MKIII, since 1990. I love the car but if you do not have the money to pay a mechanic or have the Knowledge, Skill and Ability ( KSA's) to fix it yourself you would be better off woth out one.

The supra factory repair manual is very good. But the car is very complex.

Good Luck,

Dan Swanson


Originally Posted by Medrivfast (Post 29394)
Hello, Tomorrow i'm going to look at an 89 Supra Turbo. I talked to a lady on the phone today about the car. She wasn't to informative about it since it was her uncles. But, she said it has 100,000 miles, New Altinator, New Water Pump, Targa & it's a 5 Speed. I have read through these forums breifly and the only problem i can find about the cars is the head gasket issue.
Other than looking at the basic things on the car like oil and water and belts. What major thing should i look for on this particular car?

They are asking $1700 for it.

I appreciate any help you can supply me....

mk3supra909 08-21-2009 01:03 AM

dude srry but your dumb shit is not that complex sit it next to a rotory or a vw diesel lol then you got complex lol supra engines are easy so is the wireing im 20 and i did mine my self lil help with sheilded whiles and shit but thats it dude if you got some moey to pick one up grab it only if its in good condition these guys hve brought up manay good points except this guy who just keeps repeating himself :roflwtf::weak:


Originally Posted by Dan Swanson (Post 72245)
I have owned an 1987 N/A MKIII, since 1990. I love the car but if you do not have the money to pay a mechanic or have the Knowledge, Skill and Ability ( KSA's) to fix it yourself you would be better off woth out one.

The supra factory repair manual is very good. But the car is very complex.

Good Luck,

Dan Swanson

Toyota Fan 08-26-2009 04:22 PM

All I can say is watch the turbos..
A lot of people tryed to sell me supra turbos with fucked up turbos or they ran too much boost and screwed up the engine bad gotta be really careful and inspect it mostly just ask a ton of questions and see what there running the boost settings at if they ran it stock it should be fine also check the car for frame damage from drifting or crashing it

mk3supra909 08-26-2009 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Toyota Fan (Post 72477)
A lot of people tryed to sell me supra turbos with fucked up turbos or they ran too much boost and screwed up the engine bad gotta be really careful and inspect it mostly just ask a ton of questions and see what there running the boost settings at if they ran it stock it should be fine also check the car for frame damage from drifting or crashing it

for drifting look at the tires look for wear tht normaly dont happen lots of treadgone but tires still look new hummmm and yeah turbos are trouble get a n/a and bosst it cuz no matter what they tell you they bosted at they lied some guy the other day had a nice ass soaer clean as fuck 2jz twin turbo and he told me he only bosted at stock boost on that engine i told him he mine as well take off his turbos and wtf does he have turbo controlers for if he he is stock lol idk but i told him his turbos are wasting engine power gas among other things he said but then my w58 tranny wont turn and i said what w58 on 2jz twin yeah your stupid that shit cannt take the boost of that engine i thought the guy was fucking stupid for having all that with a w58 which wud pop in to pieces as i drifted out of his block fuck that wheel weel shit is so true i cudnt figure out why the fuck it was doing that lol targa seals also make sure they have been spraying them with belt dressing to keep them perky and sealing lol its gets bad buy the mirror and targa tops

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