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carfanatic89 12-13-2007 09:36 PM

My car decides when it wants to start
I have a 1987 supra NA with a manual trans. Ok well about a month ago my car started acting up, it wounldnt idle and wouldnt start. I found out that oil was on the top of the spark plugs, pulled the intake off replaced the valve cover gaskets and the 4 plugs in the middle of the head i put silicone around them. After working on it, it would only start when it was cold and run fine but if you kill it when its warm and try to start it again it will not you have to wait till it cool again. And now recently it just runs when it wants to. It will start, rev to about 1700 rpms then slowly rev back till it dies. I put in a new coil, spark plugs, and O2 sensor, but with a small budget I dont want to keep throwing parts at hoping it will fix it. Has this kinda thing happened to someone else. Can someone give me a guess on what it is. oh and the exguast smells bad and doesnt smell like gas or burning oil and it doesnt smoke. I also ran a diagnosis and it told me air intake temp. sensor (dont know what that is), netural switch (it turns over but wont start), O2 sensor (just replaced that a month ago) Sorry for the long post.

west_side_supra 12-14-2007 12:08 AM

exhaust smell is from running rich. as for it starting fine when cold but dieing when warm makes me wonder if your injectors are messing up. the IAT "intake air temp sensor" is exactly what it says, it reads air temp to adjust the amount of fuel, the 02 sensor usally doesnt do anything, at least it never did for me. the nuteral switch is just for your clutch pedal, its a little switch that when the pedal is fully depressed that it hits the button so power can continue through the system to allow you to start it. i recommend testing your IAT first, because i have seen many cars run very like crap with this part messed up or missing. as for the location of the IAT i have no clue, thats something someone else could help you out with or look in the TSRM for all the information

carfanatic89 12-14-2007 08:49 AM

well now it changed it will start all the time but now when its warm it you have give it gas right after it starts or it wil die and it misses for about 40 sec the runs smooth without missing at all, doesnt really make sense but im gonna check the sensor and see what i can find

suprra_girl 12-16-2007 11:01 AM

sounds like your afm has bitten the dust
code 31 is a sure sign of that or you have bad wiring from the afm to the ecu

carfanatic89 01-16-2008 10:57 AM

i think its the injectors im going to do a fuel pressure test and go from there. If it is the injectors, on a NA whats the bigest cc injector I can go with out flooding out the motor or changing out or adjusting the ecu

carfanatic89 01-18-2008 01:00 AM

was looking around on the internet an I saw that you could adjust the AFM, and that the OHM resistance of the new injector needs to be the same. so how big could I go if I adjusted the AFM and cept the ohm resistance the same

carfanatic89 01-24-2008 07:57 AM


f00g00 01-25-2008 08:59 PM

The IAT is in your AFM, suprra_girl posted previously that it probably bit the dust. Did you try another?
The only adjustment ive heard of for the AFM is the tension adjustment for the flapper so it opens quicker.

supramacist 01-28-2008 12:29 AM

You go ahead and adjust your AFM.
I'll keep my 200 bucks.

Lexus 550cc injectors are the largest that I know of anyone using.

If you didn't replace the grommets for the injector to head application.
That 3$ piece of rubber you neglected is going to cost you some work sir.

Work smart. Not hard.
Good Luck.

zambini 01-28-2008 06:36 PM

are you still running stock exhaust? i know the problem seems to be bigger than this, but if the exhaust smells funky, your 20 y/o cats are probably clogged and might be keeping your exhaust gasses from flowing properly.. not saying this is gonna fix everything, but might also be part of the problem.



carfanatic89 02-07-2008 06:24 PM

well I pulled my dip stick and it smells like gas and I bought the motor from a shop that imports motors from japan it only has 50,000 on it now and when I replaced my camcover gasket I never took the injectors out, I know you need to replace orings. I want to do a fuel pressure test on the fuel rail and the tool you need (sst 09268-45012) is not availible to buy, is there anyway I can take out the injectors and test them out of the car. I think the problem it getting worse b/c now it smelll more like gas when trying to start.

carfanatic89 02-07-2008 07:47 PM

Just pulled the afm and all the resistances are within spec

linuxgurupodboy 02-08-2008 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by carfanatic89 (Post 55044)
well I pulled my dip stick and it smells like gas and I bought the motor from a shop that imports motors from japan it only has 50,000 on it now and when I replaced my cam cover gasket I never took the injectors out, I know you need to replace o rings. I want to do a fuel pressure test on the fuel rail and the tool you need (sst 09268-45012) is not available to buy, is there anyway I can take out the injectors and test them out of the car. I think the problem it getting worse b/c now it smell more like gas when trying to start.

your dipstick smells like gas? sounds like a head gasket or a cracked cylinder or majorly stuffed piston rings. One way to test it take off the oil cap and put hand over it. If you can feel pressure, that's not a good sign. Not too sure if it will work with the dipstick.

But I can't see why that will cause your engine to play up. Possible options are fuel pump or filter, Throttle position sensor, computer is fried, spark plugs and leads, timing maybe out, blocked air filter. But as Suprra Girl said, "do a diagnosis!!!!". But I'm pretty sure your piston rings are stuffed.:(

carfanatic89 02-08-2008 06:48 AM

read the last line of my first post starting this thread

supramacist 02-09-2008 04:39 AM

Get a bigger budget or a smaller car man.

carfanatic89 02-10-2008 12:25 AM

sorry doing what I can im in college and paying for everything and my car is the onlything I have worth anything and it will be even more bad ass when I get out but for now I have to fix what I can and keep It on the road. I talked to the toyota intructor at my automotive tech school im going to and there taking it in there shop sometime next week so I hope it will be fixed. They should have all the tools to test it and give me some feedback.

carfanatic89 02-12-2008 07:50 PM

I did another diagnosis on the car and It gave me these 4: O2 sensor, TPS, Vehicle speed sensor, and A/C switch or neutral start saftey switch

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