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cyanide-is-a-way-out 12-14-2007 11:49 PM

fricking awesome
i just installed a push start button in my car last night but its cool so when you turn the key in my ignitoin it wont grind the starter the only thing the starter key can do now is turn on the accesories wha i juts need to make the fuel pump turn on but then i use a button to turn over the starter:gotnos::gotnos::gotnos::gotnos::gotnos::go tnos::gotnos::gotnos:

Chambers 12-15-2007 01:45 AM

Yea push button start is cool, when I put a 5spd in my Ranger I had to put a push button start to bypass the neutral safety start. I really like the push button start but the first few time I tried to crank it and forgetting to push the button and wondering why it wont start, lol. I even went as far as popping the hood looking for probs. hehehe

Supra2NR 12-15-2007 05:25 PM

im thinking of using the headlight washer switch as a push-start button for my car
vut im still too lazy to do any wiring right now cuz its cold as hell here

wingshooter92 12-15-2007 08:07 PM

well how cold
hey how much snow did u get in chicago we got 5" down here in canton also hows the car doin:stupid::(

Supra2NR 12-15-2007 10:01 PM

so far the most we had was 6"
but its been wierd cuz we had freezing rain which is worst
cuz of black ice in the road
butr its snowing again today

but let me give you an idea how bad it has been lately
there was a shortage of salt
in the chicago area
and i had to line up the next day jus to get salt

wingshooter92 12-16-2007 02:05 PM

dam that sucks we are out of salt down here 2 we got 3 last night

Supra2NR 12-16-2007 11:41 PM

oh by the way im about to this sumtime this week
which wire did you use for the push button?
did you get from the harness going to the ignition?
and what color was it

cyanide-is-a-way-out 12-17-2007 04:33 AM

ahha at first i guessed haha but i got it nailer down to the 2 wires you need ill ghave to check it out tommorow and get back to you ill try to rember to do so after school tommorow but i think on of the wires was white with a red line and the other was black and white i tapped into the harness under neaith the steering column keep in mine its the 87 supra harness

Supra2NR 12-17-2007 06:58 AM

i was looking at my haynes manual but couldnt really confirm the color
since the print out was pretty small

plus i dont want to trust it
cuz the wiring color codes change is diffrent years of the mk3

but if you can look at the colors
it will make my life a little bit easier
and it will be greatly appreciated

west_side_supra 12-17-2007 09:12 AM

it should technically be white w/black stripe and a black w/orange stripe, thats if i remember right cause i think thats what i used for my Turbo timer

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