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Mk3_turbo 10-26-2004 12:56 AM

sup, my 88 supra turbo is making some funny noises... its a high pitched squeal as soon as i rev over 3500rpms, or early in the morning when the engine is cold, i dont know if its the belts or what? but something is rubbing up against stuff... need some help!!! whats wrong and what can i do to fix it?

email me

suprra_girl 10-26-2004 08:24 AM

well it could be either...
check your belts and make sure they're not loose, if soo tighten them up
if its your turbo you will find it starts squeling as soon as you come on boost
take off your accordian hose that has the other 3 pipes routing into it off the front of your turbo and just check your compressor wheel is still fully intact... see how much side play and back and forth play it has... don't force it sideways or in and out... just give it a light wiggle ... if she's got no play or very minimal i wouldn't worry... also check that it spins freely

let me know how you get on with that so far and we'll continue :)

MK3_turbo 10-26-2004 05:33 PM

yo, i dont think it is the trubo at all.... i mean when im parked and i rev my engine, something squeals... i checked the fan belts, they seem to be ok, but when i rev my engine up to 3500, even when im parked.... i get this horrible VERY VERY VERY high pitch chirping(like a small bird) whats wrong>?

GOGS 10-26-2004 09:51 PM

without hearing it it could be anything, but a few possibilities though not specific to supras are; :(
1 inlet gasket leak screaming /whistling/usually high pitched more prominent under load.
2gaskets,hoses,intercoolers,turbine finns ect dont usualy leak/make noises till pressure has risen sufficiently to do so.
3 alternator bearings can sieze up making same sounds till total siezure.As happens on toyota range.-Try remove 1 belt at a time to eliminate various items.
4 If its a belt/bearing sound ,with alt belts ect off check w/pump+t/belt pulley for any fault.+renew if any doubt
5dont know type of motor ie man/auto/air con but the more info you can give the better. ;)

Guest 10-27-2004 12:06 AM

this car is an 88 toyota supra turbo, 7M-GTE, aircon doesnt work anymore i dont think, it isnt a hose leak i dont think, because even when the engine is cold, it could be the crankshaft just worn out.... just when the engine is cold, and the push on the gas... as the car revs quickly, there is a squeal/ pitch noise... but when the car is warmed up a little... it stops doing that, but as soon as you hit 3500, it starts to squeal again... this is so hard to try to explain...
im going to use my digital camera and film whats going on... save it as a small file you whoever wants to see and hear it can... ill post the download later...

GOGS 10-27-2004 07:59 PM

eliminating poss causes can save time.
belt removal ect can work or simply eliminate an area.

suprra_girl 10-29-2004 08:39 AM

that would be awesome if you could upload a vid of it... make things a whole lot easier ;)

MK3_turbo 10-30-2004 10:53 AM

how do you remove a belt anyway? they are on there pretty tight?

GOGS 10-30-2004 08:35 PM

Sometimes if youve no mechanical knowledge sufficient to say:remove a fan belt ,then minimum training may be worthwhile before safely attempting repairs.Paying a known reputable garage to give you a quote after diagnosing may save you cash + time. :unsure:

mk3_turbo 10-30-2004 09:55 PM

yo im trying to find a place to post the movie for free... does anyone know? but in the mean time... whoever wants the movie just post me their email... the file size is 1meg

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