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87-POSupra 01-28-2008 06:52 AM

i think my car is EMO!
i have an 87 NA automatic with 230k miles on it and i have already replaced the head gasket less then 5k ago and it has been running perfect since but within the last month or so it has been trying to die and its performance is sad. i start it up and sometimes it starts up fine other times it starts extremely ruff and attempts to die right away but once i get going its fine, except for somedays the temp will shoot up as im driving then drop back down and my heater will start working or the temp will just keep going up and down and my heater wont be working. im also burning oil and loosing coolant somewhere. i just cant pinpoint the problem so to solve it im just going to a complete rebuild and call it good! let me know if you have any other suggestions before i drop $700 into rebuilding it.

oowee623 01-28-2008 10:46 AM

did you do anything else besides replacing the headgasket such as machining the mating surfaces?

supramacist 01-28-2008 08:34 PM

Looks like you cut corners somewhere.
And your hg is going out again.

You may try burping your coolant. Sounds like you have a bubble in there.

87-POSupra 01-29-2008 01:08 AM

there isnt any air in the system ive already checked that and the head was newly rebuilt from autozone and the block was still within limits as far as warpage.

supramacist 01-29-2008 02:29 AM


AutoZone was most certainly who I was going to tell you to take it to.
No reason you're wondering why your $hits weak.

It maynot be that your supra is a pos.
Maybe you just lack knowledge regarding such a technologically advanced auto.

suprra_girl 01-29-2008 08:56 AM

If you can't determine where you're losing coolant, and your temp is spiking it is likely the hg has gone again.
What did you torque to to? Did you use new headbolts? How is the waterpump? Radiator condition? Clutch fan operation?

87-POSupra 01-29-2008 09:46 PM

i used new head bolts and torqued to specification. not too sure on the condition of the water pump, radiator is good and so is the fan.

here is another problem added to the mix... today i went to start up my car and the motor wouldnt turn over, i had to put it in gear and rock it back and forth then it started really rough but then ran at about 1500rpm while it began to warm up but it smelt horrible.

oowee623 01-30-2008 12:43 AM

if you went by tsrm spec which is 58ft/lb thats where you went wrong you should have done 80-90ft/lb and went over it twice

87-POSupra 01-30-2008 02:35 AM

why would i go against what a professional repair manual says? i know that they are not always as accurate as we would like but 80-90 as apposed to 58? come on!

btwilson86 01-30-2008 04:11 AM

Read any thread about a bhg and you will know. Factory torque specs (which are the ones in the repair manuals) on the head are way too low...

When you replaced your head gasket did you use an O.E. one with new O.E. head bolts? Or did you use a metal head gasket with ARP head bolts or studs? If you used O.E. bolts/gasket, it should be torqued higher, but not to 80 or 90. Those bolts won't hold up that high. Check bhg threads for what others torqued their head bolts to. If you went with the ARP/metal head gasket then you should take it up to 80-90 ft./lbs

This whole head gasket issue is the most common MKIII issue with the 7M engines, and people are writing about it all the time. Do some browsing around this forum and read bhg threads. This torque issue is in every one of them.

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