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mkiiisupra 03-14-2008 09:34 AM

Engine bay junk~~
I think i have seen this somewhere but what can i yank out of my engine bay..... its very clutterd and i think i have had enough of its lip.

EGR system, Charcoal canister?

Cruise control? Windshield wiper fluid spray dealies?

Any thing else in there that doesnt effect vehicle operator any?

Not doing this for weight or anything just want a cleaner engine bay.

Besides need to make room for things that are coming a bit later.

Supra2NR 03-14-2008 09:10 PM

i dont anymore have :
egr system
cruise control
power steering
charcoal canister
a/c compressor

basically anything that comforts the driver is out

im trying to remove the iac but cant be done,

CyFi6 03-14-2008 11:22 PM

wow, those are some things i wouldnt want to give up to make my engine bay look better haha

mkiiisupra 03-14-2008 11:41 PM

haha, pwr steering and ac compressor definantly are not coming out heh....

as far as EGR system i may remove... Charcoal canister.. well what does it do? something with the gas fumes right?

supramacist 03-15-2008 12:43 AM

We all know that when the windows are rolled up all the way that we cant use them as handles to shut the doors. That and I have the sunroof.
I'm here to tell you guys the best mod I ever did for my car. Was the AC delete. I removed 50lbs of crap. 1 less belt pulling on the crank shaft.
The results were better than getting a new muffler or glass pack.

The power steering is a pain to keep up. I preferr to get my upper body workout at the gym, not at 5.5k rpms. But to each there own.

Climate providing. Shuck the ac schmaz. You won't regret it even in the summer, Gents. Research it and see what it weighs to stay cool in traffic.
I do like my power seat though, even though i hate that it weighs as much as another passenger.

mkiiisupra 03-15-2008 12:55 AM

I would have no problem with chucking the AC its my wife that complains when the top is off or the windows are down cuase her hair is getting messed up lol

Try ride'n around w/o ac and the windows up during the heat of the summer, lol no fun

supramacist 03-15-2008 12:59 AM

That's why I bought the porsche. So she can stay the hell away
from my supra.

mkiiisupra 03-15-2008 01:04 AM

If i had the money ;)

If you have the time would ya mind explaining to me the pros and cons of removing the egr/charcoal canister

and what it is exactly that they do or post up a link, cannot seem to find it even tho im pretty sure i have seen the info around somewhere

supramacist 03-15-2008 01:14 AM

You don't want to remove that noise if you intend
to keep it on the street.

I can't explain all of that, thank god. I have never had to mess with it.
You need the egr. This isnt an old ford or a chevy.
These cars need all of that to breath functionally.

Is the best I can tell you. I don't want to be telling you lies.
I'm just the a$$hole:(

Where's Chambers when ya need him. HE may be able to explain it he's wise beyond me there, I hope. Like. Not....., my field.

Also you may pm mr.nickleye. He will know for sure and will respond when he gets on.

mkiiisupra 03-15-2008 01:18 AM

We have no emissions here. My only concern is that the EGR and canister serve more of a purpose than simply lower emissions

Something about helping to lower internal temperatures by recirculating exhaust gasses how that works i have no idea.... also with a 20 year old EGR system how much is it really doing ?

Ifs its necessary then the next question would be how do i check it out to make sure its working properly

oh and asshole, i think not but that other guy you keep talking to sure is....

supramacist 03-15-2008 01:21 AM

also with a 20 year old EGR system how much is it really doing ?

That's like asking whats the 20 year old fan shroud doing dude.

mkiiisupra 03-15-2008 01:26 AM

I am no mechanic and dont know about alot of diffrent systems...

So by your comment i am assuming the EGR system is not something that breaks or loses effiency ? ;)

ravenmaster 03-15-2008 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by mkiiisupra (Post 56138)
oh and asshole, i think not but that other guy you keep talking to sure is....

Me or the putz in the other thread, the mitsubishi weirdo?

mkiiisupra 03-15-2008 02:23 AM

the mistsu dude ;)

ravenmaster 03-15-2008 02:50 AM

ah ok, btw I hav e known several people that have totally removed their egr system and this did not cause any adverse effects.
Okay I just called my old LACR (Los Angeles Circuit Racing) buddy and he told me that he saw a slight, very slight, increase in performance. He told me you just have to make sure you cap off every point, like the BSV valve, make sure you cap it or you gunna radiator coolant spraying everywhere :-)
The charcoal caister does exactly what you stated, it brings fumes in that are evaporating inside the Gas tank and filters them into the engine.. It is also part of the new EVAP testing that is happening in California.
Since you dont have to worry about smog feel free to remove it. Have fun

CyFi6 03-15-2008 03:01 AM

depending on the engine you can start pinging if you remove the egr from the raised combustion chamber temps

mkiiisupra 03-15-2008 03:06 AM

That was my fear anyways, Cy. Could you elaborate more on what would cuase that?

I run 93 octane and 14* timing will probably change that back to 10* once i install my emange and tweak my timing advance through that.

Also with a emanage system controlling fuel/ignition/timing wouldnt that help to prevent pinging?

ravenmaster 03-15-2008 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by CyFi6 (Post 56149)
depending on the engine you can start pinging if you remove the egr from the raised combustion chamber temps

Well I believ he is using the 7M-GTE, or are you referring to the age, wear and tear factors. I belive retarding the timing should help with that problem..or is

supramacist 03-15-2008 04:50 AM

See I was thinking it all had something to do and wasn't positive you could do that. Obviously not if you need emissions. Good Luck.

mkiiisupra 03-15-2008 05:00 AM

Yes i am running the 7mgte, and i have heard both things as far as what removing it does.... lol some people say it would actually rob you of power and others say it gave them some lol....

h8z2luze 03-15-2008 07:53 PM

What about just removing the canister? I get a gas smell sometimes and everyone tells me that its the canister. Pros? Cons? etc...

ravenmaster 03-15-2008 09:19 PM

You can remove the charcoal, there arent any real cons I would suggest however keeping the vaccum lines connected, as in getting a trhough link to keep them connected. The purpose of a charcoal canister is to absorb the gas fumes and keep them evaporating into the air. Really its up to you.

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