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cre 04-28-2008 12:28 AM

I posted in a thread about the Lex AFM. It apparently does use the same electronics as the 7M-GTE... I have no idea why everyone insists it doesn't....

Seriously, I don't know who's right now and as such I'm just going to stay away from that topic hence forth.

sold my malibu 05-01-2008 06:08 AM

probably safest
On another note.
heres one:when I start my car often it feels like it is starting rich.It stumbles and sounds shitty for maybe a minute.I am checking the timing tomoorow. (I was too busy today replacing the deck some idiot tried stealing and only succeeded in completely bastardizing it).But when I was going through the trouble with the afm I got a code about the starter.code 43.Or could this also be the TPS requirering adjustment.It runs fine after it catches itself though.
Feel free to chime in supramacist apart from the past You may have some benificial ,contribital knowledge.

supramacist 05-01-2008 06:15 AM

Don't start adjusting that tps unless you have a 51...., or you'll throw a 51 as well. I just went through all of that. I mean the idle screw and the dashpot to be more specific.:x:

supramacist 05-01-2008 06:20 AM

This may help you. maybe. maybe not.

sold my malibu 05-02-2008 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by cre (Post 57491)
Ah, gotcha. Sorry, I didn't see that mentioned previously.

I know how boost controllers work and can usually set them up pretty quick, but that model's unknown to me.

What's the present setting on the controller? The BOV isn't venting at all or you just don't hear it? Is the BOV routed to the intake or open to atmosphere?

EDIT: Well, if you're looking to learn here's a guide from our distant cousins the 3000GT crowd (*me* ducks the heavy objects now poised to be thrown in my direction). This looks like it covers things fairly in depth, although cut back on the boost settings until you have a feel for what the turbo has to offer before it chokes.

SwissCars / Blitz DSBC Installation

EDIT 2: Forgot to mention that you should also check that the SBC's vacuum line is connected and that there are no leaks.

here's the manual:

I downloaded the manual and keep it in the glovebox.I have it set at 5 gain and # 1 at 20% it runs nice man.I am interested in shimming the waste gate is this a simple job?or in hours with corect tools

cre 05-02-2008 04:16 AM

Shimming only takes a few minutes... getting it just where you want it is another thing. Although with the Blitz you shouldn't have any need to shim the wastegate... so, what's up?

sold my malibu 05-02-2008 05:43 AM

your right
after posting I did wonder about that.I need to understand a little more about this area
I have a spare ct26 on the kitchen table right now and had to laugh because the owner of it had the washers on the nut side.I couldn't see how this gained anything.But I had the chance to learn alittle more.
I may switch actuators tomorrow as i have what seems like some exhaust coming out of my divorced pipe at idle.I don't know if they are prone to failure or not.I suppose the spring mechanism could tire.

It should be closed at idle correct.

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