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Andy C 04-09-2008 07:18 AM

supra head gasket questions+ rebuild
Hi im new here going to make a start on my post soon.

I bought a supra mk3 turbo yesterday by the time i got home it blew a head gasket, probably had gone already as threre looked like gasket sealent in the coolant and the blokw wouldnt give me my money back.

I was up till 1 oclock in the morning reading ihatehacks post and was impressed to say the least, im am a little mechanically minded so im thinking about attempting this myself. though never aatempted this sort of thing before. i will be posting pictures of my progress.

any info will be gladly appreciated and if i could get in touch with ihatehacks or bill uk for more info that would be great. hope to hear from you guys and everyone else soon.

regards Andy.

mrnickleye 04-09-2008 02:08 PM

Go to the TSRM and print out the section on head gasket replacement.

Buy the Haynes and/or Chilton manuals and read thru those sections. They aren't the best, but if you've ever pulled a head before, at least they will give you a pretty far idea of what to do.

It pretty straight forward. Read some of my posts in the FAQs section. Timing belt one for sure.

Tools and some muffin pans !

Andy C 04-12-2008 10:26 PM

The Beginning.
1 Attachment(s)
just thought id pos a picture of my engine (bad lighting) havent got far but i, dont wanna get anything wrong. cheers for the TRSM info. ill check it out.

supramacist 04-13-2008 01:35 AM

MK3 TSRM On-Line

Maybe this will help. It would be cool to know what year you are rolling, please. Pics please.

mkiiisupra 04-13-2008 10:55 AM

Please give that supra a bath it looks very sad :sadwavey:

Andy C 04-13-2008 09:31 PM

Turbo oil pipe.
2 Attachment(s)
well 2nd day spent 3 hours on it today removing the plenum and various other parts
Started trying to remove the turbo and all was going well but now the oil pipe that runs down fromn the turbo, i cant get to the bolts at the bottom any tips would be greatly appreciated. heres som pictures of the engine today.:(

as for a bath everything needs a good clean but thatll come later.

Andy C 04-13-2008 09:43 PM

20 year old cambelt!
2 Attachment(s)
The cambelt is completely perished and im suprised it hasnt already snapped, i noticed fibre deposits round the pulley area anyone know what this might be? :eek3:

my supra is a 89 my first turbo car, had a few ftos and they were great but this engine is something else.

supramacist 04-14-2008 01:52 AM

Those thread fibers have to be from that old ass'd timing belt.
That area is supposed to be eat off of clean. The new belt isn't really even supposed to be fondled.

Now that you have the plenum off. Get your dremil and pencil grinder attachment and port and polish the entire plenum.

SideWinderGX 04-14-2008 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by Andy C (Post 57161)
The cambelt is completely perished and im suprised it hasnt already snapped, i noticed fibre deposits round the pulley area anyone know what this might be? :eek3:

my supra is a 89 my first turbo car, had a few ftos and they were great but this engine is something else.

watch out...your oil cap is backwards too. thats asking for trouble.

no...but in all seriousness, dremel out the intake plenum and the exhaust manifold too. some nice gains to be had there, while its out and accessible...and you have time lol. beautiful looking car, and you can fix up the engine easily.

the nuts on the bottom of the turbo for the hard oil lines are a pain in the ass. get underneath the car with lots of light, or a big flashlight, and use some extensions to reach up to the turbo and it shouldnt be a problem once the socket is on the nut. hopefully yours werent as rounded as mine were, because it took me a long time in 20 degree weather to get them off.

Andy C 04-14-2008 09:10 PM

thanks about the oil cap, ill get straight on it.

well couldn't gete under the car so got them out from the top and a couple of others thinking these were the ones i was touching, ill be able to see more once the turbo is out.

went to disconnect the turbo from the exhaust and once i took the nuts off i noticed the thread has to come off looks like a female torx socket..:nuts:
does anyone else have these?? seems a little odd, i think i have disconnected everything still seems pretty tight though.

I'm quite nervous about it all as Ive never attempted this sort of thing before, I'm taking it slow. not to sure what to do with the head just skim it or the more, really depends on money any way more later with some pics

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