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mc_p0pe 05-12-2008 11:44 PM

Running Rich! Help needed
Hey guys,
I have a 1989 toyota supra turbo and when i boost my sensor says it is running rich. I checked and i do have signs of a rich mixture and am not sure what i should do. I think it is do to a boost leak, but i'm not sure any ideas? Also, when i start it for the first time everyday it takes awhile to turn over and starts kinda rough. I was thinking that it may be the cold start injector, but once again i am not sure. Any help on eith subjects would be much appreciated.

mc_p0pe 05-13-2008 03:27 AM

No one has any ideas huh? Throw me a frickin bone here...

1989 8secmkiii owner 05-13-2008 03:44 AM

vaccum leak
it sound to me like a vaccum leak or its a faulty sensor.:gotnos:

supramacist 05-13-2008 04:48 AM

MK3 TSRM On-Line

I'm an N/A. So this tsrm is about the best I can do for you with what you're asking.

Have you metered the battery?

Pull Codes.

Cygnus X1 Home Page

ddmcse 05-13-2008 10:15 AM

i bet you are getting code 51 and 24
i would check the vsv switches under the intake

mc_p0pe 05-13-2008 08:17 PM

I checked and there are no error codes, i just hooked up the knock sensors and all is well. My car has an extremely big hks super dragger exhaust and a megaflow intake on the turbo and it is boosting to about 11with stock turbo and injectors... i think this is close to the fuel cutoff point and dont know why it would run rich. my vaccuum pressure is also about 19-20. if this helps any, please respond

p.s. did you mean a faulty o2 sensor or mixture sensor because there is extra soot in the exhaust proving it is rich?

1989 8secmkiii owner 05-13-2008 10:29 PM

running rich
check the resistance if that o2sensor it should be around 0.3ohms + or -.2 and additionally check tps.:outahere:

1989 8secmkiii owner 05-13-2008 10:32 PM

ddmcse hey where did u get the engine from and is it stock.:x:

supramacist 05-14-2008 06:56 AM

It may sound redundant..., but check your timing.

I think these cars naturally run a little rich..., atleast for there age.

Mine does as well. My answer you ask?

A Fuel Pressure Regulator. MSD makes one. sells them as well.

Don't cheap out and get one from the local parts barn unless you just want to test it before you invest real $$$$ into 1.

You can spend anywhere from 60$ /150$

I personally think something in the 100$ range would suit my needs and maybe yours.

These are just opinions and there's a reason they're free.

ddmcse 05-14-2008 10:20 AM

if you are going to modify a turbo'd supra

put an air/fuel meter on it .

air/fuel mix is extremely important for a turbo's supra

there is a reason why these cars run a little rich ,

it's to keep idiots from wrecking the engine once they start to modify things like they know what they are doing

the oxygen sensor could cause it to be a little rich but when i swapped mine out it didn't help.
it was my vsv valves . i tried all kinds of things checked everything , you wonder how a turbo forcing air into the engine could make it rich in the first place .
i replaced the start injector too .

a simple continuity check on the vsv showed it was out of spec . replacing both of them gave me instant gratification with a nice and balanced air/fuel meter ..

you have to have an air/fuel meter if you are going to start messing with a turbo supra .
you need a baseline

supramacist 05-14-2008 03:56 PM

Would an air / fuel meter work on an na?

I mean..., I'm sure it would but, how effective would it be?

I ask because I hadn't thought about that.

We n/a's don't have some of the same headaches.

mc_p0pe 05-14-2008 08:24 PM

Well, right before i bought the car last summer they had the head gaskets replaced and a new fuel pressure regulator put in... not to mention they hooked up the wrong vaccuum hoses to it and i had to sort it out, but do you think this could be the cause? a cheap fuel regulator...
and i already have a air/fuel gauge

supramacist 05-14-2008 08:30 PM

1. I don't condone using cheap parts.

I think we as a collective should strive to use quallity parts to uphold the heritage that is supra.

Just to clear the air. I would only use a cheap one to see if it helps.
That way..., it's only a 20$ if. That you can assuredly return.

Will it aid in running rich? It will certainly monitor the fuel pressure so you can cut it back to make it run "not" so rich.

This is the theory I am operating on.

If I am wrong..., Please correct me. Feel Free.

I'm here to learn as well.

supraflymk3 05-23-2008 12:31 AM

my supra has the same issue except mine is stock.

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