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popwarfreak77 05-28-2008 03:47 AM

Need some help for new car
hey guys im in the process of getting a new car (old one cracked block) and came accross a 89 with 87,000 miles on it. the problem is that my mom has a big worry about the no airbags in the car and it may decide if i get it or not. so what im asking is that with everyone who has one, have they thought of not having that safety feature and if you have crashed(sorry) did you get badly hurt. my best friend has one and we have been working on his car for a while and ive grown to love the car.

if im in the wrong section can you please let me know or move it where i can get help


mrnickleye 05-28-2008 03:57 AM

My '89 came with a drivers side airbag, standard equipment.

popwarfreak77 05-28-2008 04:17 AM

really? when i took my buddies door panel off there was no airbag, i just need some people to help me get a good idea that i can be safe and convince my mother to let me get the car.

mrnickleye 05-28-2008 04:30 AM

OK......airbag, 101.

Its in the steering wheel.

SIDE airbags did not come into the cars until this millenia.

popwarfreak77 05-28-2008 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by mrnickleye (Post 59230)
OK......airbag, 101.

Its in the steering wheel.

SIDE airbags did not come into the cars until this millenia.

sorry dude i didnt catch what you said, i must of read it too fast...

well thats a relief maybe ill look into the car more. thanks

mrnickleye 05-30-2008 04:52 AM

Ok, I just read what I wrote, and now I see the 'side' word could make you mis interpret.

popwarfreak77 05-30-2008 05:33 PM

well normally if a car has air-bags it says srs but i dont see it anywhere... im confused

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