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Old 01-23-2009, 06:02 PM   #1
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carnahkt is on a distinguished road
Default power steering wont bleed please help.

Hey I put a new power steering pump on my buddys 91 7mgte and it worked great at first then after about 10 minutes of running it started to whine so I figured it was a defective pump. I put a new pump on along with a new resovoir because someone had taken the screen out. So I got it all back together and this time it wont bleed out manuely.When I turn the wheel back and forth (engine off) it starts to overflow fluid, like its sucking air in somewhere. I took it back off and checked the suction line going from the pump to the resevoir and everything looks perfect. I also took the idle control valve out and looked at it because someone disabled it, so I pluged it on the outside in case air was getting sucked in there. I put it all back together and everything went fine, and it worked great like the first time but then it started whining again. so I shut it off immediatly and checked the fluid and it was all foamy, so I tried to bleed it out again and again it wont bleed it, it just overflows. I am baffled by this. I have checked everything. There are no leaks and everything on the suction side of the pump looks fine, the screen is clean and the line is not collapsing. I am putting atf in it.
Could this have anything to do with the idle control valve being disabled. I put the pump w the hydraulic reaction on it because it does have the wires going to the rack so could that have anything to do with it?
Please help me. This makes no sense to me, Ive tried everything with no luck.
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Old 01-23-2009, 07:10 PM   #2
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First off are you using ATF Dexron III? If not, you need to be. Second after you start the car are you bleeding it by turning the wheels lock to lock? If its overflowing when you do this take some fluid out of the reservoir. If it still keeps pushing too much fluid up its possible there is a problem in the steering rack/control valve etc.
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Old 01-23-2009, 08:16 PM   #3
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I am using dexron III. I am bleeding it by turning the wheel lock to lock engine off. When I bleed it the level should drop but it is actually rising and I tried taking some out and starting it up real quick but it still whined as if there is air in the lines. What is even wierder is that when I took the pump off and then back on it seemed to bleed ok and work fine for about 5 min then it foamed up and started whining again and now I have the same problem bleeding it again, so it is seems that the problem is intermitent.
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Old 01-23-2009, 09:22 PM   #4
Bill UK
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Have you tried turning lock to lock with the engine running Link
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Old 01-23-2009, 09:41 PM   #5
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Yes but not for very long because it starts out with a small whine then gets worse. I wouldnt expect that to help because the two times I was able to get the system bleed it worked great until about 15 min later it suddenly starts to whine and foam up. After that happens then it wont bleed at all it just starts to overflow when I turn the wheels. It seemed that by me taking the pump off and the idle control valve off then back on it fixed it momentarily. My first thought is that the line from the reservoir to the pump must be leaking in air but Ive gone over it and everything looks fine and I even put a new rubber hose and o ring on it.
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Old 01-24-2009, 09:20 PM   #6
Bill UK
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Well ! ATF Dexron III didn’t work for me in my auto tyranny, I drained about 5 Ltr`s out and filled up with Dexron III, after about 2 miles driving the box started buzzing which tuned into a high pitch scream. I drain out the fluid and used Dexron II. I haven’t had a problem since and that was two years ago. Just wondering if Dexron III is the problem with your power steering ?
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