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Skyer 07-17-2005 07:45 PM

Well I'll start....
the thing about getting a used car is the fact that the car has a story to tell in most cases, sport cars are no different and in some cases they even have better stories. Some of us prolly got our supras out of junkyards ready to be scrapped and had to salvage them, repair them and then fixe them up. Well I got two little stories to tell of how I got my supras.
About two years ago my brother heard about this guy who was talking about calling a wrecker truck to pull the supra on his yard out and take it to get junked. my brother heard about it and asked the dude if he could take a look at it. So he went over to take a look at the car. the car had all four tires flat, the paint was almost pink because of the sun, the windshield was cracked, and there was the biggest oil and mud pool under the car and when he opened it it reeked of cigarretes. The car had been sitting there for almost two years! My brother saw hope on the machine and asked the guy if he would sell it. The guy sold it to my brother for 1,000 dlls. the next weekend my brother went to pick it up and to the suprise of everyone, once they replaced the battery, added some oil and water and added that easy start spray, the car ran!!!!!!!!! it clanked like a mofo but it ran! he drove it from the guy's house to our house and after one night of being parked outside the house it peed all of its fluids again. so he had to drive it to my dad's shop (where it will later receive a new engine.) well to end this quicky the car died right the moment they were going to park it. in other words, the car only ran from the guys house to the shop because it knew it was going to be fixed (who said machines are not alive :D)

now for the other supra.

Me and my dad got up early last saturday went to dixie rents and got a dolly, we also borrowed a extended cab 4x4 S-10 from a friend of mine and went across town to fetch the supra we had earlier seen in a mechanic show in a forsaken part of nashvillage.
the guys were "expecting" us with everything ready for us to tow the car out........ or so they said. when we got there we (I mean everyone in the shop) spent two hours looking for the keys to the vehicle to no avail. finnally we decided to call a locksmith. So now we were waiting for the locksmith to show up. also the guy at the shop said his cousing was on his way with the title. 4 hours later no keys, no locksmith, no title. my dad somehow manages to break into the car (without any damage done to the vehicle I might add) and managed to kinda almost straighten the front wheels before the steering locked, and put the car into Neutral. Great! we can now tow the car!!! but the car was at an angle and there was no way to put the truck and dolly in there and we couldn't steer the car either. a guy with a wrecker shows up to dump a car there and he decided to help us drag the car out of there. so he basically hooked a chain to a rear suspension arm and pulls the car sideways out of the lot and set's it on the road kinda straight. well, now we had the car outside! the locksmith shows up! he gets into it and dismantles a door to ge a lock to make a key. he makes the key and it turns all locks in the car but the ignition. so we paid the guy and he left. we have a key for the car that didn't help us at all. now we are ready to get the car in the dolly, well, the car is facing up hill, so we have to push the car uphill onto the dolly. 6 of us get on the back of the car (including the locksmith and some clients from the mechanic shop) and push the car onto the dolly. we are done..... but wait! what happened to the tittle? the guys cousin never showed up so the guy let us take the car without paying him for it and he would later give us the tittle and keys. we signed a paper saying that we didnt steal the car and we towed the car home at 30 miles an hour so we wouldn't damage the tranny severely. We stoped six times on the way to allow the auto tranny to cool off a bit since it was being towed without any lub. and finnally made it home just to realize that our neighboors were having a bash and there was cars everywhere. I live in a dead end street so as some of you may know, you can't back up or make tight turns with a dolly. so we had to park the whole rig in the middle of the street and wait till 2 am till some space was made to drop the car. still we had to somehow make that hairpin turn. we did make the turn draging the dolly sideways a few feet (don't tell dixie rents) and we finally dropped the car.... to far of the sidewalk. so we had to get out jack lift the front end and push the car to line it up with the sidewalk. well at last and 4 in the morning after being up at 7 we got the car home safe and sound. I am picking the tittle and keys at six today and starting repairs soon after.

I know I said they were going to be short, I tried to make them short :P
if you got interesting stories of how you got your supra let's hear them.

steve 07-17-2005 11:15 PM

i got my supra after my sisters boyfriend wrecked it.. i bought it wrecked for 2k and a new front clip for 1k.. rebuilt it looks perfect... thinking of selling it now cause i need a truck...

mommasupra 07-18-2005 04:20 AM

Our story began in 2003 when we decided to purchase a car for our soon to be 16 year old son. My husband thought it would be a good idea if our son learned how to build and work on his own cars, so we began looking for a good used car that needed motor work. We discovered e-bay. We actually made our very first purchase in December of 2003. A 1987 Supra with a blown head gasket. We won it in auction for $800. The only problem, it was 800 miles away. We simply planned a Christmas trip, picked it up and towed it home. By April, we had purchased a motor and all the parts we needed (on e-bay of course) and our son has a beautiful Supra. He enjoyed working on the car so much, and I love driving it, so my husband thought we might do this again. This time, we bought a 1986.5 Supra. The ad claimed that it had a busted timing belt. It had a few "drunk bumps" and needs new leather seats. We decided that the price was right and won it on auction for $280. Wow what a steal. It took a month for us to schedule the trip to pick it up because like our first, it was 600 miles away in Indianapolis.
We went last weekend to pick it up. Wow, what a trip. We took the whole family along, mom, dad, big brother and little brother. We only had two days, so it was going to be 10 hours there, pick up the car, drive until we were exhausted, sleep, drive home the next day. The trip to Indianapolis was relatively easy, we left home at 5:30 am and arrived on the outskirts at 4:00 pm. Then we just had to find the place that had our car. We drove all the way around the city, found our exit and immediately began to be a little concerned about the location. As we drove further and further into town, things began to look a little worse and worse. We found the car lot! YEAH! The guys who were there said they didn't know anything about us coming but the car was on the back lot and we could go get it. We drove past the liquor store beside the car lot and turned into the back lot behind the liquor store. Thank goodness the owner came out with us to shoo the homeless people away who were camped on our Supra. We got out and walked around the car. It obviously had been sitting here a little longer than the ad had led us to believe. The homeless people had been living in it and we could see food packages, lighters and god knows what else strewn all over the interior. (When did this guy take those pictures? ) We looked around and noticed that all of the guys who worked at the shop had disappeared. The liquor store parking lot was beginning to fill up with people who shall we say were kinda scary. My husband and our oldest son immediately began the task of getting the car onto the trailer (with a hand come along I might add) THis was going to take some time. Our youngest son and I began keeping an eye on the perimeter and trying to look like we did not want anything (or own anything for that matter) The scariest part was when I was trying to help my husband unwind the straps to tie the car down and this attracted the attention of one of the local girls who came over immediately with her "manager" to see why I was being handcuffed. I explained that we were together and would be getting out of there as soon as possible. It was starting to get later and I did not want to be here when it got dark! Well, we finally got it loaded and tied down and decided to drive down the road a ways before we really checked it out (like 50 miles away!) We did get it home and after a stop at the hardware store for gloves and garbage bags, and the carwash ,it is in our garage. A new project to love! BTW.... the timing belt is fine so wonder what the problem is?

Troyota 07-28-2005 05:45 PM

My Supra story started about 2 years ago...I had a 1988 Ford F-150 <_< . I was looking for a new project car. I was actually looking for a Mitsu Eclipse. One of my buddies wanted me to give him a ride to a small used car lot on the edge of town because he heard there was a Supra there that he wanted to look at. I took him out there and checked out the car an NA '87 automatic...but pretty clean. We test drove it and I really liked it. My friend didn't have a job at the time so there was no way he could buy the car. I asked the lot owner what he'd give me for my truck...he obviously didn't know what the car was worth...he told me $1,500 difference with the truck. That was Friday, I went home and thought on it for a weekend. I didn't want a car w/ flip up headlamps and I didn't want an automatic, but I figured "Hey, this is a Supra!!!" Monday morning the car was mine!!! I've got about $15,000 invested in it and it's actually in storage now awaiting it's 1JZ-GTTE swap which is getting closer by the day :D In the mean time I'm having a hell of a time driving my AE86 and DC5 RSX type S...24 years old w/ three sports is good :P

Poodles 07-29-2005 09:55 PM

Hmm... I'll chime in here.

Well, I 've had my 82 Toyota Hilux since I was 17 (I'm almost 24 now), and after replacing front a rear main oil seals in the engine, replacing the diff (same gears are used ont eh Supra, and I had sheared off 4 of the teeth of the pinion, but it still drove :blink: ), and then the transfer case decided to leak everywhere, i'd had it. I stopped driving it and drove my mom's car for a number of months, then she got a job and she was driving me to work, ect. She got tired of driving me around, I got tired of not having my own vehicle, so I decided to get the car i always wanted, a Mk3 Supra.

Looked on autotrader for a while, was surprised that Supras where so reasonable. Well, saw one of the gold colored ones, looked good from the photos, said the interior was in great shape, but had problems shifting into 1st and 2nd, but it was only a turbo for $2600. Well, drove 4 hours down to look at it...the pictures must have ben taken a few years ago, because it was TRASHED. Interior was falling apart, battery was dead, had to jump start it to get it running. Clutch system was bone dry (no wonder it won't shift :angry: ), battery was dead because the fuel pump would kick on every so often (something's not right here...). Bald tires, peeling paint... sounded kinda loud... looked under the car... someone had cut the flang off the downpipe and welded on a straight pipe to the back, no cat, no muffler, no way it would pass inspection. I walked away defeated.

Was looking and looking, found one for $5000, red, targa top turbo, good wheels and tires, and it was local. Called the guy, said he was looking to BUY a Supra... Well, my mom called back wanting to tell this guy he was a moron, guy said he sold it. Anyways, I saw one for $4200, but it was white...ok, I'll settle for white, called the guy up, he'd sold it, but he had another, targa top, turbo...was trying to sell it for more in the paper, but would sell it to me for the price of the white one, but it had some damage on the fender.

Anyway, went to go look at it, fell in love with it (and boost :lol: ), and ended up buying it. Had Enkei wheels and yokahoma rubber :blink: . It had a clean title, the damage on the hood and fender are from a tree that fell on it during a storm, not a car accident that everyone thought that went to look at it.

I'll post some pics once I wash it and buff the roof a bit to get it to really shine, right now it's my daily driver, and I enjoy driving the work :lol:

Skyer 07-31-2005 12:27 AM

really interesting stories, I wouldn't expect them to be so similar tho.
by the way, I still haven't gotten possesion of the title of the white supra, and the guy says he lost the keys. I was wondering if anyone knows about some sort of way I can get a new title on the car. I am giving up on this guy, he seems shaddy and I don't have the paitience to wait until he thinks he should get me the title. I've heard there's way you can get a title on a car without the need of the past owner but I am completely clueless about the procedure.
I would apreciate any help I can get.
(I'll post a picture with both supras later on :D both still stock due to lack of funds)

SupraMan1784 07-31-2005 05:16 AM

92 5 spd supra turbo it off a police auction...came with upgraded turbo and intercooler...and i just put in the rest boost controller, turbo timer, suspension, little interior, head usual...and everything else...auctions are crazy ass this car for 1100 cause no one else wanted started at a grand...people dont know shit about these cars

Poodles 07-31-2005 06:33 AM

Skyer: well, there are salvage titles, but it's a real pain to sell a car with one of those. Ask your your local DMV about options, as they know what to do.

Keys....hmm, if the key cylinder is the same on the ignition as other toyota's if you can get a locksmith to pick it open, you can pull it out and have a key made. You MIGHT be able to get a whole new keyset, but I doubt it, and it wouldn't be cheap...

daiagaru2 07-31-2005 08:15 AM

i bought mine used from a local lady it was an n/a 87'with a bhg,i stored the car for a couple of years then got a jza-70 half cut and did a complete left hand conversion.with the 1jz-gte this car is what it should be,and with a perfectly tuned aftermarket suspension a bigger intercooler and rad and a very,very unrestricted exhaust,this vehicle is unbeatable on low speed high skill tracks.all i have to say is hks p-fcon and gcc baby!four point harness NEDDED to control this beatiful disaster.

Troyota 07-31-2005 03:17 PM

As far as the title, you will have to talk with your DMV...the only other option is a Salvage title...and unless it's really a salvage vehicle that sucks...I bought my AE86 from the junk was found abandoned and had no title so I had to get a salvage title...even though the car is in better shape than half the cars on the road that sucks :angry:

Troyota 07-31-2005 03:19 PM

Oh yeah, as far as keys, you can pull the lock cylinder out of the passenger door and have one made from the code that is on it. Any locksmith should be able to do it...on most cars it's only the the passenger cylinder that has the code. I know becuase as I said, my AE86 was abandoned and I had to get new keys made.

Skyer 08-04-2005 05:16 PM

I already had a locksmith pull the passenger door's lock and had a key made, but the darn thing turns everything but the ignition. We suppose the ignition is from a diferent car. (we haven't tried the red supra's key..... hehehehe wonder if it'll work......) I already had plans of going to the DMV whenever I get some free time, but right now I am working quite a lot. I wouldn't mind getting a salvage title either since the car is for staying plus, this cars only sell to people that know about them. so it wouldn't really matter much. oh and one more thing, we discovered that no one had smoked in the car ever! that's pretty cool!

Makavelli 08-04-2005 09:25 PM

I get my Supra in about an hour, but here's the story:

I was driving my recently paid off Hundai Elantra (yea, baby!) when some jackass rearended me at a red light, and sped off. Because I only carried liability insurance, I was stuck with a totaled car. I decided to shop around for a new ride.
I wasn't even thinking about buying a Supra, but came across an internet listing at a local dealership. It was a white 87 NA, with 160k on it. I gave it a spin and the engine felt weak. The dealer wanted $4k for it, and I passed.
So, off I went a car shoppin, when what to my wandering eyes should appear? An 87 NA on a little Buy Here/Pay Here lot. This one had 103k on it and had the power it was supposed to. On the test drive, I was hooked, but on the way back to the dealer it blew up.
Frusterated with my lousy prospects, I did one last internet search for a car under $4000.
I found an 86.5 NA Supra with 98k miles for $1000!
Thinkin it must have a blown HG, I put the seller through the ringer. First Firestone's used car check-up, then a Toyota Master Tech to check the heads. It not only passed, but was one of the cleanest, well kept engines the mechanic had ever seen. He offered to buy it from the seller if I didn't.
Still worried about the possibility of a BGH, I wrestled with the decision. Then it hit me--a used car warranty!
I found a company that offered a 5 year, 100k mile (additional, not total) powertrain warranty that covered many things including--ta da!--Head Gaskets!
I bought the warranty for $1000, which may seem high, but in all honesty I just bought an 86.5 Supra with a 5 yr/100,000 mile warranty for 2 grand.
She needs a fender, a front tire and some paint, but she's sweet nonetheless.
Seems like fate...

SuperSupra86 08-04-2005 09:52 PM

About three months ago i ran across an add in the paper for a white 87 turbo targa top M/T for 1300$ it ended up having 103k miles on and a BHG....which i expected.....but anyways i jumped for joy....the body was gorgeous and everything else ran fine. I bought it took it home bought an HKS 4mm metal Headgaskets, ARP Head bolts, Timing belt, etc... ....figured it out and i've cut some weight down to about 2900 lbs....swapped in new manual boost im consider putting a 1jz engine in... I've been looking at body kits as well...but they add too much weight....I love her and will never let her go...the guy had no idea what he was letting go in my opinion....but man she hauls a**

Troyota 08-04-2005 10:11 PM


Originally posted by Skyer@Aug 4 2005, 05:16 PM
I already had a locksmith pull the passenger door's lock and had a key made, but the darn thing turns everything but the ignition. We suppose the ignition is from a diferent car. (we haven't tried the red supra's key..... hehehehe wonder if it'll work......) I already had plans of going to the DMV whenever I get some free time, but right now I am working quite a lot. I wouldn't mind getting a salvage title either since the car is for staying plus, this cars only sell to people that know about them. so it wouldn't really matter much. oh and one more thing, we discovered that no one had smoked in the car ever! that's pretty cool!
When I first got my AE86 my Supra key worked in the ignition for the 'rolla. After a while it got picky and wouldn't accept it anymore and that's when I pulled my cylinder to get the key made. I hear that 1 in 100 keys work in another car, so it would hurt to give it a try.

I felt the same way with my AE86 about the salvage title...anybody who I'd sell it to would know what it was worth and wouldn't care about the title being Salvaged. In fact it was sitting in my front yard on cinder blocks for months and I had 4 offers to buy it w/o running and missing a front left suspension!!! Recently I had a guy flag me down and offer me $4000 for it...I paid $250 for it :D

Skyer 08-05-2005 02:17 PM

We tried the key and it didn't work, my intention was to use a worn out key my brother had (for the red supra) that you could pull out anytime but he lost it. anyways, we received a call from the guy that sold us the car he wants the VIN number so he can process the title?????? maybe things will start moving, I'll give him another shot for now.
I got the pics in my computer at home, I'll see if I can post them tonight

Star.View 08-13-2005 03:33 PM

I bought two supras in two days!

Last time I saw an MKIII in town was about 4-5 years ago. Hadn't thought about them since.

Two months ago I cut through one of the unseedy side streets of downtown, saw a white turbo MKIII in a grassy lot with a big orange sticker on it. Miles ~145k. Four flat tires, busted out rear window, rough interior (it was unlocked!), but no obvious rust or signs it had been wrecked. Plates had been renewed 6 months ago. Orange sticker was a tow threat by the city. Mechanic from the garage across the street appeared and told me the engine was blown and the owner couldn't afford to fix it. Visited again a couple of days later and this time found some guys hanging around who knew the owner. Got her phone number (she lived in another town). She said everything was working great on the car when the engine went. She would think about selling it, but she never returned my calls. So there it sits, wasting away...

But the white car caused me to do some research. Found out Supras were in my price range (took 20 years). Found a red one (nonturbo) on Auto Trader for $1000, only 35 miles from me. Called him. He said right after he placed the ad, the car wouldn't start for the first buyer that came out to look at it. I told him I didn't care if it started. He said he would take $500 for it today. We went out, and he had it running. Interior was in very nice shape. Paint was shot. Odometer wasn't working, so it probably had 180k miles on it. Brake caliper was locking up. Holes in muffler. Motor sounded good. We bought it, and he delivered it to my barn on a flatbed.

The very next day my husband saw a dark blue 87 (nonturbo) on a residential street near his office. He stopped and asked the kid if the car was for sale. He said probably, and gave my husband his parents number. We called. The car had been purchased from the neighbor for the son to drive, and he didn't want to drive it (???). They had it for several years and only put a few hundred miles on it. Interior was perfect, everything worked but the sony stereo LCD display was burned out. Motor hummed, only had synthetic oil in it. All original, 124k miles. This was one I could drive immediately so we bought it for $2500. Probably too much, because I immediately spent another $500 on repairs. It needed a new brake caliper and throttle position sensor. Found a bad belt in one of the tires that causes it to pull, but plan to rotate it to the rear. Bought a second brake caliper for the front, and the old one will go on the red supra in the barn.

Still waiting to see if the white supra gets towed - one of my clients is the contracted tow company for the city. If it sits on their lot for 60 days they will sell it.

Will be selling the red one as soon as hubby fixes the caliper and puts the new muffler on. With a little tweaking, engine starts everytime. We won't be selling it for $500 ;)


mommasupra 08-13-2005 06:13 PM

btw........As for the 86.5 Supra we picked up in was the fuel pump! We dropped the gas tank (and cleaned out some real SLUDGE!) installed a $100 fuel pump and VOILA! our supra purred to life. No smoke, no knocks, and it feels strong! I am so excited because this means the $1000 I had reserved for anew motor can be spent reupholtering the leather seats. Like supraman1784 said, people don't know what they have! I got a 1986.5 supra for $248, a $100 fuel pump and a very weird trip to Indianapolis.

Skyer 08-15-2005 03:58 PM

bad news!!!!! my sister backed into my supra denting in the front side panel on the passenger side. no structural damage but the passenger door won't open so we have been getting in the car a la dukes of Hazard style. It surely isn't a big deal but it sure does sets me back a little.
another thing that is bothering me is that the car pees water out of the radiator reservoir tank it seems it builds up pressure in the rad and water s forced out.

huggybear16 08-15-2005 07:50 PM

I am 16 years old now, just turned in july, it al started when I moved back from nashville to here, memphis, i went to visit a freind of mine, but his mom moved out, well me and his mom started talkin and she ask me, if I knew anybody that wanted to buy a car, well I said me, so I looked at it and it was a 1988 supra n/a automatic, interior is tore to hell, and it dont run but the body and paint is in damn good shape, I said how much?? she said 200$ so I come back a week later after sellin tons of my stuff, and BAM there is a supra in my drive way

Skyer 08-18-2005 04:33 PM

congrats kid, and now the fun part starts.... figuring out what's wrong with the old 6 and getting it beating again. concentrate on the machine, since the body and interiors won't get you from point A to point B

Luin Haden 08-20-2005 07:05 AM

I was looking at a local forum in the for sale part and saw the add for a 1990 Supra w/ Turbo, 5 speed, Targa top, needs body work $2050 firm. I looked at the webpage and didnt want to spend that much for it. Fast foward to last thursday the 18th. Visited the same add: MUST SELL 90 Supra $1200!! Called him up, saw and drove he Supra and freekin bought it!!

The Supra drives great!

It does need some things fixed till its road worthy again, but right now its in nice driving condition without the parts. :)

Here are some pics...

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