Here's the story. Just got a 1986.5 Toyota Supra for cheap with a .... you guessed it BLOWN HEAD GASKET! So, my plan is to put in a 350 Chevy Vortec Motor and a 700R4 from a previous project that I had sitting around. Why Why WHY!?!

Because I can make this car go fast for super cheap.

Won't require a lot of fabrication work either! Just some welding and metal that can be done easily in my garage. I have the car, with a blown motor. I have the engine, with no car. So put 2 and 2 together and will have a 400 hp monster that will ride nice and look awsome. I always liked the 3rd Gen Supra Styling but always thought the motor was a turd. After reading how much fun it is to put a new head gasket on, I came to the quick and easy solution of the 350 Chevy swap. Weld in motor mounts and braces for it. Put in a trans mount. Align the engine and tranny up with the rear differential and make sure the pinion angle is correct and whala!! A 400 hp screamer for cheap. Total cash won't excede $1500 as I only gave $600 for the car and the engine won't be included in that price. So I do believe that $900 additional should be achievable. Even if I do go over, it'll still be worth it, to me at least.
