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Vacationtime247 02-18-2009 06:30 AM

Oh no he isn't! Oh YES I AM!
Here's the story. Just got a 1986.5 Toyota Supra for cheap with a .... you guessed it BLOWN HEAD GASKET! So, my plan is to put in a 350 Chevy Vortec Motor and a 700R4 from a previous project that I had sitting around. Why Why WHY!?! :rant: :frown: :eek3: Because I can make this car go fast for super cheap. :yum: Won't require a lot of fabrication work either! Just some welding and metal that can be done easily in my garage. I have the car, with a blown motor. I have the engine, with no car. So put 2 and 2 together and will have a 400 hp monster that will ride nice and look awsome. I always liked the 3rd Gen Supra Styling but always thought the motor was a turd. After reading how much fun it is to put a new head gasket on, I came to the quick and easy solution of the 350 Chevy swap. Weld in motor mounts and braces for it. Put in a trans mount. Align the engine and tranny up with the rear differential and make sure the pinion angle is correct and whala!! A 400 hp screamer for cheap. Total cash won't excede $1500 as I only gave $600 for the car and the engine won't be included in that price. So I do believe that $900 additional should be achievable. Even if I do go over, it'll still be worth it, to me at least.:dance:

kwnate 02-18-2009 02:06 PM

sounds pretty lame, have fun I guess.

Vacationtime247 02-18-2009 11:16 PM

But it would have been 'really friggin' cool' if I'd of stuck a 1UZ motor in there right? Any idea how hard those are to get around here? On top of that the cost? I'm on a budget and welding in some sheetmetal will be easy / cost effective. Putting in a built Chevrolet 350 Vortec & 700R4 into this Toyota Supra is really the only shot at another life for it. Would have been nice to find one running, but this way is cheaper and more fun. Wish me luck! :x:

sounds pretty lame, have fun I guess.

will fight for food 02-19-2009 01:27 AM

I agree that really sucks you never put a non toyota motor in a supra its just not cool and a disgrace to the mk3 :whateva:

kwnate 02-19-2009 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by will fight for food (Post 67288)
I agree that really sucks you never put a non toyota motor in a supra its just not cool and a disgrace to the mk3 :whateva:

Wrong, an LS series motor would be sweet. A vortec 350 in a supra is lame.

Good luck, post some vids when you're done.

Vacationtime247 02-19-2009 05:06 AM

I'll try and reconfigure the pics soon or change my camera settings. I can't get them to upload as the file must be too big. Comes up as a file upload error on the manage attachments after it attempts upload.

The car is a solid roller only needing a front windshield glass and paint. Will receive a gloss black paint job and a red stripe from the front of the hood all the way back down the middle. Oh yea, the paint job will be cheap as well. $75 roller job. 8 -10 thin coats of rustoleum with a 4 inch foam roller (did I mention this project is being done on the CHEAP!). Prep for paint will take me another day or two.

Has like new Z rated 16" tires on it and a nice complete interior. Has less than 100k on the odometer. So it's a decent base.

Say this project will be lame, yea... but effective. :stickpoke

mastergrader007 02-19-2009 06:34 AM

i seriously felt bad for you they way people were bashing your motor idea, BUT PAINTING WITH A ROLLER, NOW THATS LAME. you should just buy a bicycle or something. sorry dude, but there is a difference between being "cost effective" and plain old "CHEAP".:boring:

Vacationtime247 02-20-2009 04:38 AM

I'm ain't gonna just slather paint on there like some idjit.:stupid: No, the rustoleum has to be thinned with mineral spirits. Get it to a milk / melted ice cream consistency and go over the whole car 8-10 times allowing time for proper drying. First, the engine needs to come out. Then sand and smooth it out good. Then, I'll go over it one coat a night. Wish it would warm up at least to 40* - 50* so it wouldn't be so bone chilling outside.

This car will take some time to do. But it'll be something I've done and created. I don't have a spray gun to paint it, I don't have a Toyota engine to put in it, I don't have endless amounts of cash to throw at it either. What I do have is time, patience and the know how to put this car together to work for me. But hey, if any one of you wants to put this car together for me or donate a 400hp Toyota engine, bring it!


Originally Posted by mastergrader007 (Post 67296)
i seriously felt bad for you they way people were bashing your motor idea, BUT PAINTING WITH A ROLLER, NOW THATS LAME. you should just buy a bicycle or something. sorry dude, but there is a difference between being "cost effective" and plain old "CHEAP".:boring:

tsupranami 02-20-2009 04:46 AM

Roller paint job? Vortec v8? $1500 for people to laugh at you 'till they wet themselves? There's got to be a cheaper way to screw up a Supra!

Why not a gallon of gas and a match?

Good luck!

mastergrader007 02-20-2009 08:27 AM

you can buy a basic siphon feed paint gun for about 20 bucks. or if you have the cash, it bout 100bucks for a nice gravity fed gun. anyway, i think your in for a world of screwing around and jimmy riggin everything. but hey, im sure it will be one of a kind and you'll need a big stick to beat the ladies off of ya. :x:

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