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MZDA5274 05-11-2009 09:16 PM

Supra Opinions Wanted
Hey Guys,

I'm a new member obviously and was just looking for some info and opinions on how you guys would handle this.

So I see this MKIII Supra on the side of the road, no plates or anything. I call this guy up and it turns out he wants $500 give or take.

I go and look at this thing today and $500 seems a bit much for me, but then again I drive a chevy with a 350.

I pull in there and start to look around. It looks like it was in a little fender bender, NBD I'm not expecting much for $500. Then I start to really look.

No Frame rot, sounds good! The hood is popped so I look. This guy told me he starts this thing every day, YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH Right. First off there's no coolant resevoir hooked up. The hose coming off the top of the radiator broke off and the resevoir is just hanging out there.

I start to check around the valve covers, yeah there's a leak in the corner for sure, it looks like some oil has piled up there. Then I notice the exhaust sagging, yep, it rotted out.

The engine looked good though, but I'm no supra expert which is why I'm here.

It's an 86 MKIII, automatic turbo V6. 86,000 on her. I'm thinking of offering this guy $300 for it.

What do you guys think?

mirage83 05-12-2009 01:42 AM

$300 sounds about right for an initial offer, but I can't tell what kind of shape the interior is in from the photo's.

Check the drivers door-frame though, as I think that car is either an '87 or '88 since the turbo wasn't an option for '86's. It is it is possible that an owner did a GTE swap at some point in time, so I'd check to see what it started life as. The spoiler also indicates something after '86.

Check the oil, check the turbo for play. If all else fails $300 would work for a parts car if the interior is in decent shape.

shaggydude1111 05-12-2009 01:49 AM

300- 500 totally fair even if it is only for parts. in fact i'll give you a hundred for that spoiler.

MZDA5274 05-12-2009 02:27 AM

Thanks guys!

I'm gonna call him up and talk to him about what I saw tomorrow. I want to hear this sucker run.

Can you guys show me how the overflow container for the radiator is rigged up? Because the one there isn't connected but I think if I do connect it it would start up.

I did check the oil and it was dirty but full. I also checked under the car for any leaks or drops and there was nothing. I looked and it seemed like the transmission was a little wet with oil but who knows.

As for the interior, It looked good to me. The head liner was falling down and the radio was unhooked but that's no big deal. There's a sun roof as well. It's missing the window moldings for the rear windows so I don't know if that would result in leakage.

There's some ghetto audio gear in there as well, I'm thinking if I tell him to keep it he might drop the price. I don't have any use for subs or anything like that in a supra.

if indeed I do get this bad boy started what should I look for? I heard of the tell tale smoke from the exhaust pipe on start up.

What else should I look for? fluid leaks from under the hood? Any where specific? I should probably keep an eye on where I thought there was a valve cover leak.

Mirage - Thanks for the info!! if you can see in the picture the fan by the radiator says "87 Supra without turbo".

It's obviously a repaint, it looks like it was red in it's past life.

That dent would bondo up perfectly and the bumper could just get some rattle can.

any other opinions from anyone else?

If it runs I'm thinking of buying it and giving it some TLC that it needs. Supras are sentimental to me. Call me stupid but my pop had one, but too bad he wrecked and almost killed himself. I loved that car.

mirage83 05-12-2009 12:06 PM

The overflow sits just in front of the radiator support frame and over by the radiator cap area. Should be some bolt locations over there iirc.

Did the oil look good? No sign of milkiness or other gross contamination on the dipstick?

Check your turbo for shaft play, radial and axial. If there's just a little radial play (side-to-side) you're okay. If you've got radial and axial (in-out shaft play) or just a lot of radial play it'll need to be rebuilt or replaced.

The valve cover gaskets tend to leak as you already found. Check the plug valley too, as the #3 gasket there can leak as well and leave oil in the plug wells. None of that is a really big deal.

That fan with the tag on it that says 87 without turbo is a n/a fan, not a turbo fan. (I know, duh), but if you're going to drive it you'll want to replace it with a fan (and fan clutch) off a turbo car. That one shouldn't have been there at all on a turbo engine.

When (if) you hear it run listen close for any signs of rod knock. If he's run it with low oil the bottom end could be bad. Drive it, make sure you take it up to 2k-3k rpms as sometimes they don't knock till you're in that rpm range.

If you've got white-ish smoke it's a sign of water in the cylinders. Bad news. Grey-ish is oil being burned, could be from bad turbo seals, bad valve seals, bad rings. Black would be from running rich.

IHateHacks 05-12-2009 12:16 PM

Stop hallucinating. You can start and drive a vehicle with no overflow bottle whatsoever.

In fact, you can start and idle a cold ambient temperature vehicle several minutes without a radiator before it starts to heat up.

MZDA5274 05-12-2009 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by IHateHacks (Post 69683)
Stop hallucinating. You can start and drive a vehicle with no overflow bottle whatsoever.

In fact, you can start and idle a cold ambient temperature vehicle several minutes without a radiator before it starts to heat up.

Hey come on give me a break :rofl:

I thought it was the reservoir at first but like you said about running a car without a radiator.

I'm gonna go back today and check the plugs, and maybe get inside.

The oil looked good as well, just dirty. it wasn't watery or milky. I checked under the oil cap as well to see if there was that nice peanut buttery gunk there (it was there when my head gaskets went on my old 305).

It doesn't look like there was coolant in the car, and I'm gonna check out the gas tank HOPEFULLY.

MZDA5274 05-12-2009 04:15 PM

Well I went back down today and looked at the car. I told him I'd give $300 + a sony digital camera (Nothing special 7.2 MP). He said he would think about it.

So I look under the hood again, went around and checked the tires and shocks. While I was looking by the radiator I noticed 2 lines with the same type of ends with nothing in between. They look like tranny cooler lines but I'm not sure. What goes in between these two lines? Pictures below

I'm hoping this guy meets me here soon because I want to see if this thing starts and runs. Both oils look good, the brake fluid looks okay, and it looks like there coolant in the radiator. The reservoir is in the corner by the passenger side headlight right?

The signal lights are in the back of the car. is this thing an 88? look at the hood sticker (does it even have any relevance?). Do you think this car was a turbo swap?

MZDA5274 05-12-2009 05:43 PM

I also noticed that the coil pack isn't bolted down and the two pipes around the "3000" aren't either.

What size nuts are these that go on the bolts?

MZDA5274 05-12-2009 05:45 PM

I don't know what's up but I made a post earlier with some pictures..

What are those two lines there for? What are they supposed to be connected to? Are the tranny cooler lines?

It's in okay shape. HOpefully he takes my offer ($300 + camera)

Vacationtime247 05-12-2009 07:54 PM

Buy a kit at the local auto parts store to check for a blown head gasket (BHG). You'll take a sample of the coolant and the kit will tell you if you have a BHG. Pretty common problem with the MKIII 7M-GTE's. $300 is a pretty good deal, even with the known problems. But be aware, if you do have to replace the head gasket, you'll likely spend double to triple what you spent on the car to just get it running well. Might even be a better option to purchase a used engine and install it. Fixing a 7M the right way involves decking the block and head. Otherwise you may have another BHG very soon. Not something you want as these cars are a pain to work on. Lots of hard to reach areas and pain the rear type of diagnostics for the electrical.

MZDA5274 05-13-2009 01:40 AM

where is the oil cooler supposed to be? Is there even supposed to be one in there? Are those lines oil cooler lines?

dunewarz 05-13-2009 08:58 AM
Oil Diagram..
Oil Cooler Diagram..

MZDA5274 05-13-2009 10:57 AM

Thanks for the diagram. I found that site last night and was looking around and I wouldn't find anything on those lines.

Doesn't anybody here have anything in front of their radiator like that? These lines don't move so they weren't repositioned. The bottom one runs under the car, which is why I was thinking tranny cooler lines.

mirage83 05-13-2009 07:26 PM

Is your A/C condensor there? If not they may be the lines for the condensor. Don't have access to my Sup right this moment, so I can't tell you for certain right now. I'll take a look first chance and get back with you on it.

MZDA5274 05-13-2009 08:50 PM

Yep That's what they are! I traced them back to the condenser when I looked at them today.

It turns out the hose where the blow off valve connects to the Accordion hose is torn off the accordion hose. Does anyone think that's a sign of things that happened or will happen?

mirage83 05-13-2009 09:43 PM

The missing hose/fitting is probably nothing more than a sign of shoddy or careless maintenance at some point in the car's past. Trust me, more than a few Supra's out there are the victims of all sorts of poor decisions and crappy maintenance by their owners. That's everything from hacked harnesses to somewhat vital parts completely missing.

Glad it was something as simple as the condenser lines. Start looking around for a replacement accordion hose, or shell out the bucks for a good aftermarket pipe to replace it with.

MZDA5274 05-15-2009 12:54 AM

anyone else have anything to say? I'll be getting cash soon and I'm ready to call up this guy.

MZDA5274 05-18-2009 08:14 PM

now he's saying there's no title. When I have cash it just goes missing.

Great. What to do now guys?

mirage83 05-18-2009 08:18 PM

If he's the legit owner he can claim a lost title and apply for a replacement from the state RMV. Cost $25.

MZDA5274 05-18-2009 08:26 PM

I just got off the phone with him and he said the guy never gave him a title with the car.

He said he's had it for abwhile though. You think he could apply for a lost title or would the person who sold him the car have to

mirage83 05-18-2009 08:44 PM

Unless state law in MA is different from here, a car has to be a certain number of years old before it can be legally transfered without a title. I'd check and see what the law is there, because unless the car comes under such an age law the guy you're dealing with is NOT the legal owner, the guy he got it from still is as far as the state is concerned.

Here's another link about this...

Caveat Emptor dude. Don't hand this guy a damn thing until you know for sure what's going on.

MA70-3.0GT 11-28-2009 12:59 PM

Apologies for thread necromancy but just gotta ask, what came of this "deal"?

I'm guessing nothing, it's strange though. You hear all the time about people wasting your time "tyrekicking" when you sell a car (indeed I'm the 7th person who was "going to to buy" my new toy, the rest vapourised...) but very rarely will it be a seller who's the one taking the mick...
Actually this is only the second case I've heard of, the other being a Volvo 240 that the seller decided to keep after shaking on a deal.

MZDA5274 11-28-2009 01:22 PM

Nothing happened with the deal. I was ripped to say the least.

Not even a month later I went to trade my silverado for a ram with a 360. Shook hands with the guy and the deal was on. I got an email saying his dad didn't want him to do it. Days layer the truck was on craigslist again. If he didn't live an hour away I would have flipped but it's not worth the drive or the gas.

MA70-3.0GT 11-29-2009 04:39 PM

Dude, you must have the worst luck in the world. Getting screwed by one "seller" is bad enough, but oh man... Maybe someone's trying to tell you that you have a good car & should stick with it? :eek3:

Hope a "real" Supra comes your way soon, they're awesome cars & I love mine even though it's shat it's HG after virtually no miles! :barf:

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