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bigal0043 08-11-2005 01:25 PM

Alright so i have a turbo xs rfl...

How do i install this into my 87 turbo supra? it is the 7gmte engine.. my friend said something about our cars uses bypass valves instead but dont know what that means and he is unsure if we can put in this or any bov....

I really want one on cuz it would sound sick

edit i just found this on ebay is this kinda what i need to do???

ddmcse 08-11-2005 01:49 PM

my BOV came with a pipe like the one you see on ebay . mine came with instructions on how to replace the stock bov with the new bov . I've seen some installs where both stock and new bov are used . the stock one is bewtween the turbo and the 3000 pipe area

bigal0043 08-11-2005 01:56 PM

alright ill have to check it out...

yea i bought the bov off some guy so i dont have anything but the bov do u have a pic of where the stock one is?

ddmcse 08-11-2005 04:10 PM

stock bov


bigal0043 08-11-2005 04:25 PM

cool thanks that diagram helps alot i should be able to find it...

Intenseneal 08-11-2005 04:39 PM

HAve fun with that BOV, Turbo XS BOVS do not recirculate os evrey time you come to a stop your car will want to die. This is a comon problem with mas air controlled cars. Get a Greddy type S, RS or a HKS SSQV thay all can be recirculated.

bigal0043 08-11-2005 04:53 PM

Is intenseneal correct??

ddmcse 08-11-2005 05:27 PM

pretty much . my car does it sometimes .
it doesn't actually die at every light or everytime i stop
but it does dip depending on how much throttle i was giving it before i drop my foot off the pedal .

i went for the blitz DD mostly because i like the initials

sometimes you just plain old get what you pay for
i guess if i were to get another one i'd go for the HKS

bigal0043 08-11-2005 05:33 PM

hmm am i better off just trying to sell this one and buy a HKS SSQV ???

monkihead 08-11-2005 05:41 PM

mine has never died and i have a blitz non-recirculating kind. it does happen on some models, but i've never had a problem on mine. I had it from the stock boost to now 12psi.

bigal0043 08-11-2005 06:02 PM

Alright well ill put it in to see how it works... i wanted this one because i hear the rfl is really fucking loud.. lol

what year car is urs monki?

ddmcse 08-11-2005 06:37 PM


Originally posted by monkihead@Aug 11 2005, 01:41 PM
mine has never died and i have a blitz non-recirculating kind. it does happen on some models, but i've never had a problem on mine. I had it from the stock boost to now 12psi.
monkihead how do you get 12lbs ? are you using some kind of fco defense ?

are you using a boost gauge ?
where are you measuring boost from ?

just curious
i can't really get past 10 or so . the turbo will give me way more than 10 but i hit fco right around 9-10

monkihead 08-11-2005 06:52 PM

i have a sport comp autometer gauge. its connected by the firewall side of the intake plenum. according to the gauge, i hit fco at 12. i caught it off guard once and pegged it to 14. that was cool, but it scared the living crap out of me. i also have a cheezey manual boost controller.

forgot, 89 turbo 5spd

bigal0043 08-11-2005 07:17 PM

do u have a pic of ur engine bay... and of ur bov installed?

edit where does everyone get their pillar pods from????

monkihead 08-11-2005 08:02 PM

i couldnt find a pic, i forgot to take one before the dissassembly of my car. shes in pieces right now getting a new head gasket.
heres a pic when i just got started...
my bov is connected between the rubber outlet from the fender to the "3000" center section. i have an "s" styled pipe with the blitz bov attached. i can take a pic of it and post later, but it wont be till after 4ish central time.

ddmcse 08-11-2005 09:40 PM

i used to have the manual controller and would hit spikes once and a while
here's my BOV in between the two rubber elbows .

i think i use the same boost gauge and it's tapped into the upper intake
here is a pillar pod photo

notice the whacked since day 2 stock temp gauge .. how would you feel driving with that gauge sitting where it sits sometimes pegged then all the sudden she'll drop to normal . damn car isn't even started just the IGN to ON in this picture.

i replaced all stock hoses wiith hose from hose techniqueshose tecniques
you can get a kit to replace your whole setup
even the water bottle up front and painted the formed elbow pointing to the ground.

FCO is hit by volume as well as lbs. and i think the position of the sun and moon :D
days like today are tough for boosting wicked high humidity over 70% and air pressure is 29.92 Hg whatever that is all i know is it's harder to make boost on these august days until night time B)

monkihead 08-12-2005 01:52 AM

dam i feel dirty with my engine bay....heres a pic of my bov in the car, just without head intake upper plenum and all the other lil crap...

Poodles 08-12-2005 03:38 AM

Getting a piggyback computer gets rid of the studdering with a BOV that vents to the atmosphere. It's because you're losing metered air and confusing the computer.

ddmcse 08-12-2005 11:15 AM

if something doesn't give me more HP it doesn't make it to the top of the "want" list

bigal0043 08-12-2005 01:38 PM

Thanks for the pics they willl help out alot

bigal0043 08-12-2005 03:47 PM

hey ddmcse where did you get ur pillar pod from?

ddmcse 08-12-2005 04:34 PM

sorry i don't remember . went through all the papers i have and there's no pillar pod ticket . i don't remember the money either
i get alot of stuff from
maybe here

monkihead 08-12-2005 04:37 PM


Originally posted by Poodles@Aug 11 2005, 09:38 PM
Getting a piggyback computer gets rid of the studdering with a BOV that vents to the atmosphere. It's because you're losing metered air and confusing the computer.
i wish i had a piggyback system... :huh:

bigal0043 08-12-2005 04:50 PM

Cool thanks for the link ill have to check into that... i bought a generic pillar pod but is going to take some work thought it would be easier just to buy one lol....

how much are piggy back systems and where could i find one of those at....

monkihead 08-12-2005 05:32 PM

a piggy back would be something like an apexi avc-r or s-afc. or you can do the ems system by AEM...

bigal0043 08-12-2005 05:35 PM

Now say i did a piggy back system... down the road when i go to put in 550cc injectors would i still need a lexus afm??

and how much are one of those "apexi avc-r or s-afc"

where can i find one at?

edit i found this one on mvp

i also just found one over on alamosports

bigal0043 08-12-2005 06:00 PM

found this one on ebay looks like it would work.... how hard are these to install into our cars??

Thanks again for all the help u have given me

monkihead 08-12-2005 07:40 PM


Now say i did a piggy back system... down the road when i go to put in 550cc injectors would i still need a lexus afm??
not sure, i havent gotten there yet.

Guest 08-12-2005 07:53 PM

but in theory i wouldnt right because with one of those systems it regulates air and fuel right? so in fact would be better to tune it as well?

bigal0043 08-12-2005 07:58 PM

sry that was me ^

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