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clarkrc82 10-31-2009 01:54 AM

High Idle, exhaust man glowing red
:nuts:So just replaced bhg on buddys 88 n/a. It fired right up, but it idles around 2000rpm. Got it to idle around 1000 rpm and noticed the exhaust man glowing red? Checked all the wires and vac lines averything is good?

cre 10-31-2009 02:07 AM

Check the mechanical and ignition timing... could be very retarded.

I just sent this to another guy a week ago:

Setting timing (both mechanical and ignition) in order:

When setting timing with the timing light the TSRM shows a SST (Special Service Tool) for jumpering TE1 and E1… just use a piece of wire or a paper clip. ;) You MUST jumper those two connecters when setting the spark advance.

dannydavi 11-02-2009 06:26 AM

Exactly what CRE stated above, I had fire shooting out the exhaust man today cause of ignition timing being off! just follow those things he sent you to the book and you'll be golden.

clarkrc82 11-03-2009 02:52 AM

Cool thanks for you replies, im gettin a code 51 now so tomorow im going to check out the tps. the car has been sitting for a couple of years

clarkrc82 11-04-2009 12:52 AM

The tps checked out ok. My buddy thinks it is the idle control valve, its supposed to make a clicking sound when you turn off the car but it doesnt?:confused:

cre 11-04-2009 01:27 AM

When checking for codes the A/C must be OFF and you musn't press the throttle, either of these will set a code 51.

A false A/C signal to the ECU will set the A/C idle-up in the ECU causing an increase in idle when it's not really needed. The A/C idle increase is only a bump of a couple hundred RPM, not 1300.... if you've still got an idle of +2000RPM quit dicking around with the TPS and ISC.

Code 51 has absolutely nothing to do with the ISC... is there some other reason you're worried about that right now? Often they don't make any ticking noise because they need to be disassembled and thoroughly cleaned out.

***None of these has anything to do with a glowing manifold.***

I'm getting a bit confused here.... care to clean up your own thread a bit and tell us what you did and didn't manage to fix and why you're looking at some of this new stuff?

clarkrc82 11-04-2009 01:53 AM

ok, my buddy thought it was the isc, book says your supposed to hear a click.

The ac wasnt on and I was not pressing on the gas. The code 51 went away and its not flashing any codes right now. Its still runnin around 2000rpm, just found out the alt is bad, dont think that would cause the high idle.

The only thing I have fixed on it was the hg, and every other gasket that goes with it, I also replaced the knock sensor. Thats it.

This car has been sitting for 4 years and it ran great before the bhg.

There has been a couple of time when I start it up and it idles around 700rpm and the it slowly works its way up to 2000rpm, then it jumps back and forth from 1000 to 2000. the highest it has idled was 2800rpm. If I completely retard the dis it idles around 1400rpm.

cre 11-04-2009 01:59 AM

You went back and re-timed everything as detailed in the four links I posted? Or are you just "sure it's fine"?

So, the car got a BHG and sat for 4 years then? I sure hope when the HG went that no coolant entered the oil system... otherwise you may have more to worry about than just burnt valves.

clarkrc82 11-04-2009 02:13 AM

it hasnt been timed because its idling at 2000rpm. cant time it when its that high.

Yeah the oil was mixed with the coolant. Its had 2 oil changes to clean it out.

No burnt valves either. No smoke, and this sounds dumb but for idling high it runs really smooth, no vibrations and it doesnt miss fire. And when it does drop down to normal it runs smooth to.

I am completely lost with this car, Ive gone over every hose and electrical connection and everything seems good.

cre 11-04-2009 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by clarkrc82 (Post 74571)
it hasnt been timed because its idling at 2000rpm. cant time it when its that high.

Sigh.... you didn't REALLY read my post then.


Originally Posted by clarkrc82 (Post 74571)
Yeah the oil was mixed with the coolant. Its had 2 oil changes to clean it out.

I mean that I hope you thoroughly flushed it before the car was stored. If it sat for four years with the crank and bearings, etc. sitting in water contaminated oil then things could go bad real fast... rust does that.


Originally Posted by clarkrc82 (Post 74571)
No burnt valves either.

If the manifold's glowing red think about what's happening to the valves...

I've tried... I'm done.

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