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cre 12-10-2009 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by 2Fast2Furious (Post 75878)
My water reservoir never warms up is this right?

The coolant expands (increasing in pressure) as it heats up. The radiator cap is made to vent this pressure and maintain 13psi. So, when the radiator cap opens, hot coolant flows into the reservoir. The reservoir may not feel hot because the incoming coolant is mixing with cool coolant AND the reservoir is in a location which cools it off very quickly while driving.

As the coolant and engine cool, the coolant decreases in volume. The radiator cap opens up under the suction and coolant id drawn from the reservoir into the radiator to fill in the gap... it's not really something you can watch happening... not unless you're very patient and bored.


Originally Posted by 2Fast2Furious (Post 75878)
I think the engine plug bolt head has been snapped off before because were it should be there is a screw headless bolt hanging out (maybe I'm mistaken and can't find it from top view).

Well, if the bolt is sheared off you're not going to have a fun time trying to extract the body.... I'd work around it.


Originally Posted by 2Fast2Furious (Post 75878)
Should I disconnect the hose at the rear them to drain the engine?

For most procedures just draining the radiator and then lower radiator hose will remove enough coolant to get your work done...

Refresh my memory, why are you draining the whole system?


Originally Posted by 2Fast2Furious (Post 75878)
The water from the reservoir never drained when I drained the radiator, is this because the pump pumps it out?

It's a siphon... the radiator and reservoir both have to have water for it to move from the res into the rad. ;)


Originally Posted by 2Fast2Furious (Post 75878)
Next I filled radiator with water, switched engine on, no change to reservoir, so I undid the plug a little and waited while some water drained, no change to reservoir. How can I get pump to pump water from reservoir to see if it is working?

Answered at the top.


Originally Posted by 2Fast2Furious (Post 75878)
The radiator gets very hot, I know this is normal but it steams alot. Is this a sign of a leaky radiator or a bad radiator? Why does my thermo also read normal?

Steaming is NOT normal and is indicative of a leak. You may need to replace the radiator. Call around and locate a coolant pressure test kit. Fill the coolant system completely, attach the pump to the radiator and start pumping away... look for all the fun spraying streams of coolant. Or take it to a shop and let them do it for you... just not either of the shops you've already been to, they seem to have their heads up their tails.


Originally Posted by 2Fast2Furious (Post 75882)
Right, I didn't even notice the sticky relating to oil in cylinder cover gasket, good thread and very reassuring.

So I might just replace the #3 Cylinder Head Cover with new part from Toyota and not the Valve Cover Gaskets. Aswell as replace the plugs and wires.

That should sort out misfiring problem then move on to next problem.

Good job. :bigthumb:


Originally Posted by 2Fast2Furious (Post 75878)
Were are you cre, don't give up on me!

I've got a life too. Besides, it's good for you to look things up for yourself. ;)

2Fast2Furious 12-11-2009 01:00 PM

yo cre :wavey:

well I want to drain the whole system and see what comes out from each section, so far the radiator is clean (if there were a radiator leak would it not eventually drain of water and would the reservoir coolant not get sucked into radiator as the radiator drained);

since Toyota garage did a compression test on cooling system and diagnosed no water getting to engine what else could cause no pressure in cooling system - maybe radiator leak but I am not losing any coolant volume;

filling the system up again hopefully getting the full 8.2 litres in - wouldn't this also tell me that the water is getting to the engine, perhaps.

I just want to reassure myself; see with my eyes coolant coming from each section of the cooling system with no sludge.

cre 12-11-2009 11:11 PM

I don't know of another drain. If there isn't another plug that's just not covered in the manual the only thing I know of would be pulling the water pump. You should probably inspect the water pump anyway.

Can you get a picture of the broken off plug?

I don't know if draining the radiator would provide enough suction to open the cap and allow it to siphon the coolant from the reservoir; I've never left the radiator cap on while draining the system.

2Fast2Furious 12-13-2009 03:20 AM

Cooling Systems explained - for Dummies

2Fast2Furious 12-17-2009 02:40 PM

Block Test Kit should arrive in post tomorrow, will know for sure then.

Spent €200 on tools on Sunday past in local car store, payday tomorrow Friday so leads and sparks will be ordered, I think I'm going to go with Denso iridium colder sparks. I will also order #3 Cyclinder Head Cover from Toyota tomorrow.

I put the car up on ramps and found the engine block drain plug, lol. Coolant change is complete, using 5life red coolant. I used ionised water as I couldn't find demineralised or distilled water, I know there is still organic mater in ionised but feck it anyway most people use tap water anyway, I tried! To get any excess air out of system I parked car on a slope and ran the engine over and topped up - as I believe there is no bleeding system for the supra.

2Fast2Furious 12-17-2009 07:56 PM


Good news. Test kit came today, I tested twice, both negative, what a relieve.

TOYOTA GARAGE are w-nk-rs.

Leads and sparks it is then.

Best of luck everyone with there car problems.


2Fast2Furious 12-22-2009 09:24 PM

I changed #3 Cyclinder Head Cover, the plugs and the leads. In the end I went with Platinum plugs as stated in the handbook.

There was alot of oil, right up to the top of the spark plug, I got it all out with rags before I removed the plugs.

The car is once again healthy. She sounds great and drives great with plenty of pick-up from her.

It was surprisingly easy. I'm very satisified with meself. This is what spared me on:


Originally Posted by cre
REALLY think you need to either come to terms with learning how and doing some of the work yourself or accept that the car is going to cost you an absolute fortune to send to the shop every time something goes wrong.

I do wish I had changed #1 and #2 covers like you advised cre. I hope they are not leaking. Anyway I may end up getting them and powder coating them while I'm at it.

Thanks again cre and everyone. I've just lite a fire and am going to fry meself a nice big sirloin steak. Haven't ate all day.


cvbikeguy 12-23-2009 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by 2Fast2Furious (Post 76466)
I changed #3 Cyclinder Head Cover, the plugs and the leads. In the end I went with Platinum plugs as stated in the handbook.

There was alot of oil, right up to the top of the spark plug, I got it all out with rags before I removed the plugs.

The car is once again healthy. She sounds great and drives great with plenty of pick-up from her.

It was surprisingly easy. I'm very satisified with meself. This is what spared me on:

I do wish I had changed #1 and #2 covers like you advised cre. I hope they are not leaking. Anyway I may end up getting them and powder coating them while I'm at it.

Thanks again cre and everyone. I've just lite a fire and am going to fry meself a nice big sirloin steak. Haven't ate all day.


cre is indeed wise. i would be screwed without him.

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