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MA70-3.0GT 12-06-2009 03:31 PM

cam cap torques...
They're 14ft/lb (20Nm) right?

Just wanna make sure 'yota ain't lying on these ones too!

Oh, and what's the best thing for cleaning cylinder head gasket surfaces? I've got it feeling smooth to the fingernail test but I can still see little tiny dots of composite on there & I ain't happy...

cre 12-07-2009 06:47 AM

No changes on those, just do as the TSRM says... and in the right order. ;)

MA70-3.0GT 12-08-2009 02:40 PM

Cool, at least they got that right! What about the H/G residue cleaning?

cre 12-08-2009 10:11 PM

I don't know about the availability over there, but here you can get "gasket remover" made by Permatex. It helps quite a bit (VERY nasty stuff). You may polish the deck surface with some ultra-fine sandpaper to finish the job (1200 grit or higher). Even with a grit that fine you need to make sure not to over work any one area... I recommend wrapping the sandpaper around a piece of plate glass to use as a make shift lapping plate.

Is there any pitting on the deck?

MA70-3.0GT 12-15-2009 05:46 PM

Oops, missed this!

Anyways thats cool, I've got most of the crap off by carefully scraping with a flat scalpel blade but there was just a few little marks left where the blow occured & round the edges of the combustion chambers.
No pitting or any nasties like that, in fact the head looks like new except for those slight marks & on measuring has only had under 10 thou skimmed off over the years. It's even still true so a little rub over to clean it up & we're away.

EDIT-: that's once I've found a HG for the right money anyhow, the one I found for ?11 (that's supposed to say 11 pounds not 11 question marks!!!) on Ebay is an option but I'd rather pay a bit more for one I can look at & buy in person, just not the ?60 the local factor wants!!! yeah I'm a stingy :whateva:

cre 12-15-2009 08:48 PM

True or otherwise if you're planning on installing a metal HG you need to make sure it is amazingly smooth. Are you going to be installing a metal HG or an OEM style composite?

MA70-3.0GT 01-29-2010 03:07 PM

Wooo it's good to be back online..... only had mobile phone internet since before christmas & boy does this site look different on a 1.8" screen!!!

Anyways, what with one thing and another I'm STILL waiting on enough spare cash to get the H/G :frown::stickpokebut once that miracle finally happens it's gonna be composite yeah, I'm not planning on doing much with the motor especially now I'm more skint than usual. Recession sucks azz...

kamikazemkiii 01-29-2010 04:15 PM

You get what you pay for, headgaskets deff. one of those things i wouldnt cheap out on.

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