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bradenman1 02-28-2010 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by cre (Post 79424)
Nah, you'd just be crying and sweating with bloody knuckles by the time you do get it off... But there are reasons auto makers (not just Toyota) prefer studs. ;)

well i have a numatic impact so maybe not the bloody knuckles lol. i would be really pissed if the threads backed out of the turbow like the exhaust manifold studs did.

what exhaust system would you guys prefer? i know a full 3" is recomended i may be able to have a straight pipe exhaust made for me depending on the cost. If i did this just straight pipe exhaust would it harm anything with the engine? and how much more power would it provide than a normal name brand cat back with a DP and high flow cat?

im still just browsing options for upgrades, i made a thread to get some opinions but it is failing pretty bad so far lol

im for sure getting an apexi intake and if my raidator doesnt clean out well enough after i have it flushed ill be investing in some type of aluminum radiator, but i have no idea which brands to trust, or brands that actually provide a considerable upgrade in cooling vs. the stock one.

cre 03-02-2010 01:58 AM

That'd be pneumatic. ;) And you're going to have a hell of a time reaching any of the studs with the engine in the car with it.

For my exhaust I just bought a Borla muffler and had a local shop make and hang the pipe and weld the muffler on. I think I spent $200 on the muffler and about $300 on the piping and welding.

I've been running a Koyo Aluminum racing rad for a 1JZ. You have to make a couple braces out of some aluminum stock and trim the lower bushings by a bit, but it's probably the least expensive option out there if you shop around and it works very well.

bradenman1 03-02-2010 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by cre (Post 79471)
That'd be pneumatic. ;) And you're going to have a hell of a time reaching any of the studs with the engine in the car with it.

For my exhaust I just bought a Borla muffler and had a local shop make and hang the pipe and weld the muffler on. I think I spent $200 on the muffler and about $300 on the piping and welding.

I've been running a Koyo Aluminum racing rad for a 1JZ. You have to make a couple braces out of some aluminum stock and trim the lower bushings by a bit, but it's probably the least expensive option out there if you shop around and it works very well.

Iv heard some bad things about minike around here and iv seen the welding their welder does. Its pretty shitty he left 3 holes in a buddy of mines exhaust all he did was hit it with a mig a few times and he's like there ya go. Leaving a crack arouns the muffler inlet wide open .

Hmm I may have to look into that. I was looking at the fluidlyne or what ever its called stock duel row replacement. Not sure about it though its pretty expensive lol

I was thinking about going maybe 1jz, or 2jz after this engine goes out (hopefully not anytime with thew next 6 months) but I have no clue where to get one and what all is needed to do a swap succesfully the first time lol

Speaking of rechasing threads I'm having powerfab rechase the threads on the turbo that I messed up. They got me boltsa I couldn't get ahold of them eareley enough this morning due to school, but ill see how they work. Ohh and I got my exhaust manifold : ) I'm going to have powerfab send it to therew ceramic coating people and have it coated before I install it. Ill keep you up todate with some pics soon. I have the valve coversa back on and replaced that 90 degree bend hose that goews around thew back of the block (pain in the ass!!) Hopefully it will work it looks a little cremped but not too much.

cre 03-02-2010 04:13 AM

I asked around and went to a small, privately owned shop for my exhaust.... look around, I'm sure there are plenty of options in your area. If you want to step things up a good bit more then insist on mandrel bends... it'll raise the price a good amount but the pipe is bent without and crushing along the inner curve so it flows even better. On 3" I don't really worry about it as long as they've got a GOOD pipe bender.

Yeah, Fluidyne's a good brand, also there's PWR. The Koyo is a single row, but it does an excellent job and, like I said, it's very affordable.

bradenman1 03-02-2010 03:00 PM

I have also been looking at this exhaust system

Its made in canada and they sell a re routed divorced downpipe also that looks really good. its got a nice sound with a modified magnaflow muffler.

heres a sound clip I found on you tube

im pretty sure im going to get it just waiting for a reply from the owner of the store.

turbophil 03-03-2010 05:59 AM

Oil leaks and no power
Hi the screws dont need to be that tight, thats why they have those heads ,the gaskets have gone hard from from age and need replaceing, If the engine as a exhaust leak it wont make boost also the cat could be blocked fix the leak then run it with the front pipe off the rest of the system and see if it goes better Phil

cre 03-04-2010 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by turbophil (Post 79562)
Hi the screws dont need to be that tight, thats why they have those heads ,the gaskets have gone hard from from age and need replaceing,

Indeed, and over tightening can ruin a good seal. The torque spec is 23 INCH lbs... NOT ft lbs. Hand tight is pretty much it; Hence the philips screws versus bolts.

bradenman1 03-04-2010 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by cre (Post 79591)
Indeed, and over tightening can ruin a good seal. The torque spec is 23 INCH lbs... NOT ft lbs. Hand tight is pretty much it; Hence the philips screws versus bolts.

Well I tightened them down as tight as I could by hand. I got up in the engine bay to make it easier. Do you think I may have over tightened the valve covers

cre 03-05-2010 02:18 AM

Well, it's hard to crush new seals by overtighteing by hand with a screwdriver... How old are the seals? They may have cracked or they may be compressed from age (they may still be very flexible in this case, that doesn't mean they're still good).

bradenman1 03-05-2010 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by cre (Post 79646)
Well, it's hard to crush new seals by overtighteing by hand with a screwdriver... How old are the seals? They may have cracked or they may be compressed from age (they may still be very flexible in this case, that doesn't mean they're still good).

ohh i just bought the seals lol i bought valve cove seals exhaust manifold gasket and all the gaskets for the turbo oil/water/exhaust lines.

i need to buy a new accordian hose lol ill search for the hose on the site i remember reading about where to get one cheap from somewhere

bradenman1 03-14-2010 03:14 PM

Sorry its been so long sence i posted anything iv had some crazy things happen in the past 2 weeks. i have moved to a new living place twice within this time.

My baby is officialy leagal and back on the road with a few minor problems ill address in another post for now ill post some pics that i forgot to post.

Heres my masking job before i painted the manifold with some high heat paint.

My super duper paint protection/ paint booth lol
some of these are before and after i cant remember which ones are which

bradenman1 03-14-2010 04:02 PM

ok so the car is running now and im having a few problems.

1. Its a little hesatent to start and when it does it bogs the check engine light comes on and the rpms fluctuate at like 500 to 1000 untill i push the gas. It levels out to 1500 after i rev it once the engine light also turns off. (boost or vacume leak maybe?)

2. Theres this really weird sloshing noise I hear ever once and awhile it sounds like its in the dash or right infront of it. I was thinking it may be the heater or something, but im not sure.

3.When i start the car the oil pressure is high. is this normal? after it gets warm its below 40 untill i push the gass but when i start it up the pressure is way above 40.

4.when the turbo starts to boost it feels like im getting more acceleration when im not flooring the car like maybe the actuator is releasing the pressure but the psi gague says its pushing 8psi but it pulls harder around 5 or 6. (boost leak again???) and it takes it abit to rev out to 6k rpm its hard to explain. its like its not getting the full 8psi or not getting enough fuel or something. maybe the afm is dirty im pretty lost on this one.

5. after full throtel boosting the car sometimes dies or it will bog and the check engine light will come on but if i hit the gass it levels out again like it does when i first start it up.

6.Is it normal for all the TEMS lights to come on when i have it in normal mode? all three come on from time to time in normal mode under normal driving condiions no hard acceleration or anything.

if anyone can help me with this i would be very greatfull.

thanks for reading my thread and helping with my noobyness : )

ohh and i have come to understand that supras are sexy as hell and verry ammusing to drive : )

Green7mgte 03-14-2010 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by bradenman1 (Post 80079)
1. Its a little hesatent to start and when it does it bogs the check engine light comes on and the rpms fluctuate at like 500 to 1000 untill i push the gas. It levels out to 1500 after i rev it once the engine light also turns off. (boost or vacume leak maybe?)

I have a similar problem. I asked for advice, see if you can dig up my old thread on it, ill look when i get a chance

Originally Posted by bradenman1 (Post 80079)
2. Theres this really weird sloshing noise I hear ever once and awhile it sounds like its in the dash or right infront of it. I was thinking it may be the heater or something, but im not sure.

air in the coolant system. you need to burp your radiator, instructions are in the faq


Originally Posted by bradenman1 (Post 80079)
3.When i start the car the oil pressure is high. is this normal? after it gets warm its below 40 untill i push the gass but when i start it up the pressure is way above 40.

your pressure should not go above 40, get a real oil pressure diagnostic gauge and see whats the real numbers are before we proceed. in the mean time consult the tsrm for possible issues.


Originally Posted by bradenman1 (Post 80079)
4. maybe the afm is dirty im pretty lost on this one.

Do not, I repeate DO NOT! try and clean your afm with some sort of solvent.


Originally Posted by bradenman1 (Post 80079)
5. after full throtel boosting the car sometimes dies or it will bog and the check engine light will come on but if i hit the gass it levels out again like it does when i first start it up.

are you completely stock? sounds like your running pretty rich (i remember posting something on this subject but the answer eludes me.

Originally Posted by bradenman1 (Post 80079)
6.Is it normal for all the TEMS lights to come on when i have it in normal mode? all three come on from time to time in normal mode under normal driving condiions no hard acceleration or anything.

Yep! road conditions, braking, anything really will make your Tems light fluctuate, completely normal.

for the things that I didn't answer give them a search here with my name in it or cre's is always a safe bet. im about to walk out the door so im a tad rushed. Ill get back to you tonight.

Green7mgte 03-14-2010 11:33 PM

heres a link that to my original post of "stall at start up" maybe this can lead you in the right direction

heres a link to supramania were someone else is experiencing low oil pressure. (tips on using a checker)
oh and I read a very technical explanation of exactly how our stock pressure gauge works, if you interested I can see if i can dig it up again. just if your curious, think it was on supramania also.

bradenman1 03-15-2010 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Green7mgte (Post 80085)
I have a similar problem. I asked for advice, see if you can dig up my old thread on it, ill look when i get a chance

Well i replaced all the hoses ontop of the engine and it stopped for now.. i actually replaced them like 10 minutes ago my toyora parts box came in lol


Originally Posted by Green7mgte (Post 80085)
your pressure should not go above 40, get a real oil pressure diagnostic gauge and see whats the real numbers are before we proceed. in the mean time consult the tsrm for possible issues.

I apologies i ment to say that when i start the car it jumps up to 40 then when it starts running it drops to 20 or so and runs at or below 20 depending on how much gas im giving it.


Originally Posted by Green7mgte (Post 80085)
Do not, I repeate DO NOT! try and clean your afm with some sort of solvent.

i read the FAQ lol im really glad i did i almost went and bought some AFM cleaner.


Originally Posted by Green7mgte (Post 80085)
are you completely stock? sounds like your running pretty rich (i remember posting something on this subject but the answer eludes me.

yep comletely stock untill next week : ) i replaced those hoses and it doesnt do it now but it will not rev out. it shoots up to 4500 or so then its like theres no more power. it is very noticeable that its not getting full power. i just readjusted the throttle cable it wasnt going wide open but i went and tested it after i fixed it. it had alot more acceleration but it is still not getting full power i can tell it seems like lower boost is giving me more acceleration than when i floor it and let it spool up to 8psi. im very confused now lol the check engine light is on full time now to after running it.

im about to have a front moun, aluminum piping and a taiel Q bov installed i believe its a Q or a SQ BOV does anyone have any tips on taking the bumper off i need to do that tonight lol (procrastination)

Green7mgte 03-15-2010 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by bradenman1 (Post 80104)
im about to have a front moun, aluminum piping and a taiel Q bov installed i believe its a Q or a SQ BOV does anyone have any tips on taking the bumper off i need to do that tonight lol (procrastination)
i think someone was gonna clean this up to have it sticky ed. that link will give you instructions. sorta.

hey. take some pictures when you remove your bumper and post the process.

while you have your fender off. buy a air filter and make a cold air intake box and mount it under your light.

bradenman1 03-15-2010 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Green7mgte (Post 80112)
i think someone was gonna clean this up to have it sticky ed. that link will give you instructions. sorta.

hey. take some pictures when you remove your bumper and post the process.

while you have your fender off. buy a air filter and make a cold air intake box and mount it under your light.

I took it off last night but ill put it bqck on for educational purposes and post some pictures. Its not thaat hard there's 8 nuts that are kinda hard to get to but other than that it was cake. There's just a lot of nuts and bolts and supports that have to be taken loosened or taken off. But they are all 10 mm so no need to change sockets after each piece.

bwright40 03-15-2010 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by bradenman1 (Post 80079)
ok so the car is running now and im having a few problems.

1. Its a little hesatent to start and when it does it bogs the check engine light comes on and the rpms fluctuate at like 500 to 1000 untill i push the gas. It levels out to 1500 after i rev it once the engine light also turns off. (boost or vacume leak maybe?)

2. Theres this really weird sloshing noise I hear ever once and awhile it sounds like its in the dash or right infront of it. I was thinking it may be the heater or something, but im not sure.

3.When i start the car the oil pressure is high. is this normal? after it gets warm its below 40 untill i push the gass but when i start it up the pressure is way above 40.

4.when the turbo starts to boost it feels like im getting more acceleration when im not flooring the car like maybe the actuator is releasing the pressure but the psi gague says its pushing 8psi but it pulls harder around 5 or 6. (boost leak again???) and it takes it abit to rev out to 6k rpm its hard to explain. its like its not getting the full 8psi or not getting enough fuel or something. maybe the afm is dirty im pretty lost on this one.

5. after full throtel boosting the car sometimes dies or it will bog and the check engine light will come on but if i hit the gass it levels out again like it does when i first start it up.

6.Is it normal for all the TEMS lights to come on when i have it in normal mode? all three come on from time to time in normal mode under normal driving condiions no hard acceleration or anything.

if anyone can help me with this i would be very greatfull.

thanks for reading my thread and helping with my noobyness : )

ohh and i have come to understand that supras are sexy as hell and verry ammusing to drive : )

Hey man i just got a 89 supra turbo, and quickly learned, they all blow the headgaskets, eventually. well if its a 7m motor. defect from factory. If you are hearing a sloshing or girgglely noise behind the dash, thats one of the signs. mine kept blowing antifreeze out of the overflow, i pressure tested the system, it all checked out. eventually it went way bad, im in the process of replacing it right now, i think that the car will be awesome. eventually, right now i dont wanna look at it!

Green7mgte 03-16-2010 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by bwright40 (Post 80159)
Hey man i just got a 89 supra turbo, and quickly learned, they all blow the headgaskets, eventually. well if its a 7m motor. defect from factory. If you are hearing a sloshing or girgglely noise behind the dash, thats one of the signs. !

yes that is a possibility but more likely just needs burped. least start there as a precursor for checking bhg

bradenman1 04-07-2010 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by bwright40 (Post 80159)
Hey man i just got a 89 supra turbo, and quickly learned, they all blow the headgaskets, eventually. well if its a 7m motor. defect from factory. If you are hearing a sloshing or girgglely noise behind the dash, thats one of the signs. mine kept blowing antifreeze out of the overflow, i pressure tested the system, it all checked out. eventually it went way bad, im in the process of replacing it right now, i think that the car will be awesome. eventually, right now i dont wanna look at it!

Mine is also blowing coolant out of the over flow but I think my thermostat is bad and the connector for the housing is also busted most likely creating back pressure causing me to loose coolant every week or so. I have new hoses on the way they are all bad.

Sorry its been so long guys iv had some really bad luck lately my feionce left me iv moved 3 times in the last month and the supra was in a wreck without the front plastics on and needs slight body work, and now it keeps blowing the EFI fuse when I turn the ignition switch to on. I unpluged the fuel pump and its still blowing the fuse. Anyone have any idea what it could be I'm having a hell of a time here. Ohh and I also foundout I bottomed out and crushed my exhaust pretty good so ill need that before too long also.

Green7mgte 04-07-2010 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Green7mgte (Post 78828)
this is the part were you say Wacka wacka!

sorry to hear that.

bradenman1 04-17-2010 02:10 PM

supra is done for! : (
Ok so I found out that the headgasket has been blown sence I bought t. he car. The hose that I thought was leaking cooland onto the engine was only part of the problem the coolant is now leaking out of the side of the block on the left bank. I'm not going to put a new head gasket in an engine that has 238000 miles on it so does any one have any sugestions on an engine or a recomended engine dealer to get a new engine through?

Has any one delt with osoca or supra store engines? And also is there any reputable ebay stores that anyone has delt with? if worst comes to worst ill post another thread but id like to just keep this one for now.

Thanks for your time.

radical89supra 04-18-2010 01:56 AM

as to your turbo issue i have a 1989 supra turbo that i could never get to boost more then 3 lbs of boost, come to find out the cat was clogged,after that it boosted fine of course i have a new turbo and there could be other issues but if that is the original cat i would say that is at least half of your problem.

wstanek 05-11-2010 01:01 AM

wow hard times man lots of shit going on that you have no control over lots of stress.

bradenman1 05-26-2010 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by wstanek (Post 82767)
wow hard times man lots of shit going on that you have no control over lots of stress.

That's for sure man a lot of stuff has happened recently as well I passed out while driving due to all the stress and ended up in the hospital and all kinds of other shit happened but ill have to deal with it I guess. That's a lot of the reason its bee taking me so long to post back I have been trying to sort a lot of things out I really appreciate everyoes iput on my partial rebuild you have all helped a lot! Well now I have $10.61 to my name for the week and I need a few questions answered.

Ok here it is. The headgasket is blown the engie has developed rodkock and sounds like a desile truck or chubacca from starwars. It has 238k miles on it. Would it be cheaper for me to rebuild the engine I have my self, other than michineing that needs to be done, I donk know if id trust a rebuilt 238k mile block but I havt rebuilt a highmilage moter. Or should I start lookig into investing In an engine from suprastore or some other reputible engine seller? I will need an new wiring harnes as welll the one I have is pretty shot to hell.

And also if anyone knows a reputiable engine shop in the houston texas area that works on imports or specializes in the 7ms please post or pm me.

Thank you all

bradenman1 10-17-2010 02:42 AM

bump^^ still need the info haha

i have gotten alot of new tools an engine stand, jack stands, floor jacks and some other goodies all i need now is info and an engine hoist

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