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kadinz 02-07-2010 11:08 PM

top end knocking
just got my car up n runnin, drove it about 300miles and one day when i got back from lunch at work BAM! car shuts off, well i start it up and its goin ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding, not a bottom end noise but its pretty bad and i lose enough power to the point it wont shift out of 2nd, heres a video.. im gonna take the valve cover off tomorrow and check whatsup, mechanic at my shop said lifter but idk..sounds like too much noise for a lifter..

any ideas?

cre 02-07-2010 11:45 PM

Dear God!!! Don't run that!!!!

Sounds like it spit out a shim to me as well... the sound like rattling pocket change gives it away.
If it is a shim don't be surprised if you need a new cam. :(

kadinz 02-08-2010 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by cre (Post 78535)
Dear God!!! Don't run that!!!!

Sounds like it spit out a shim to me as well... the sound like rattling pocket change gives it away.
If it is a shim don't be surprised if you need a new cam. :(

that sounds gorgeous... uhh so i should replace a few valves and you think theres bad lifters too?? and possibly a cam.. im just tryin to get this asshole running for now, ill be doing a complete bottom end reinforcement and head rebuild around summer but for now i need it to get to work and back -_-

im gonna need to drive it to my friends house about 3 miles away to get into a heated garage with tools.. would that be horribly bad to drive it that distance? we should have the valve cover off today.

mirage83 02-08-2010 11:20 PM

Tis up to you dude. If I were you though I might want to consider towing it since every revolution of that cam is going to increase the possibility of damage to the head or it's components. From the sound it's already "bad", so it's just a question of how willing you are to risk driving it from "bad" to "worse".

Feel lucky punk? :crazy:

kadinz 02-09-2010 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by mirage83 (Post 78558)
Tis up to you dude. If I were you though I might want to consider towing it since every revolution of that cam is going to increase the possibility of damage to the head or it's components. From the sound it's already "bad", so it's just a question of how willing you are to risk driving it from "bad" to "worse".

Feel lucky punk? :crazy:

i felt lucky, but 2 miles later the engine didnt wanna comply and basically revved real high, let off the gas...knocking stopped i pressed the gas again and DING! locked. i was driving it to the place thats replacing the engine completely, ohwell...out another 145bux for a tow but whatever ill have a car in 2 weeks.

cre 02-09-2010 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by mirage83 (Post 78558)
every revolution of that cam is going to increase the possibility of damage to the head or it's components.

It could trash the whole engine... lots of metal getting shredded and the material getting dumped right back into the main system.

Green7mgte 02-09-2010 07:20 PM

whoa. i just would of towed it. 60 bucks. vs.. possible engine destruction. damn to bad you didn't record that. good luck tell us how it goes.

kadinz 02-09-2010 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Green7mgte (Post 78604)
whoa. i just would of towed it. 60 bucks. vs.. possible engine destruction. damn to bad you didn't record that. good luck tell us how it goes.

most definately, idk if the whole engine is locked up, probably not but there was definately something traveling in the head that stopped it, wont turn over, i got really really lucky...havent been able to find a cheap engine anywhere and i found this guy on craigs list in my area, has an engine out of his old rusted n/a 89 that he just freshened up, i towed it to his shop last night, should be done in a couple weeks. :D

engine:350 install:250 metal head gasket: 100$

new engine 700bux out the door, good deal or what!

on another note...i do not want this wing on my car, think someone would wanna buy it?? how much do ya think its worth lol.. its in good condition
yes dont make fun of the bosch, i just bought the car..needs to get painted but needs to run first. i purposely didnt buy bosch spark plugs just because of this lol! that and bosch sucks.

Green7mgte 02-10-2010 12:32 AM

thats not the stock supra wing. maybe you can find someone to trade you. i would say 100 + shipping sounds fair. or 100 out the door is more fair. either way. looks like a wing off a damn eclipse. I wouldn't want that on my supra anyhow.

supradaddy0803 02-11-2010 01:46 AM

Personal opinion after hearing that noise, take out a 45mm pistol, walk up to the car slowly from behind as to not scare it. Then do a nice double tap on the engine its dead. You also have to realize that with that noise being as loud as it is may not be the top end. Metal transmits sounds so it could be anywhere. I think you have the right idea replacing it will be cheaper than rebuilding. With the prices you showed there are cheaper places to find engines I know a guy in Dallas that has a 7MGTE for like 400 bucks ECU and everything.

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