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Old 02-23-2010, 02:43 PM   #1
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Default Engine starting to knock/tick.

I'm pretty sure my engine is about to die. I just got through replacing the release hub for the clutch, fun job btw with no tranny jack. But I was all happy and about to go drive and get gas when I start her up and she knocks around like there's a hammer in the block almost.

I figure, crap, I'm royally F'ked. But, it goes away and leaves behind an even nicer ticking sound that get's louder if I rev it. Needless to say, I haven't run it since. I'm going to pull the lower end apart this upcoming week as long as the weather holds up. But now here's the question.

Since I have a 1jz, would I be better off rebuilding it, or going and getting a 2jz block from a MKIV or SC300. There's two SC's in PNP near my place, so I figure I'll do a hybrid jz engine. But I'm just worried because the ticking isn't loud, and sounds like a valve, but it sounds to low in the block to be a valve. I've searched and found other guys with the same problem, only for them to just replace the engine anyway and not deal with it. But I can't do that. So, hence I'm hoping for other mindsets for input on what the sound might be. Friend of mine said I might have pushed one of the dowels in the flywheel back into the block side of the flywheel causing the tick, so I'm going to check that to. But any other suggestions would be appreciated.

I'd hate to have to get rid of my jz, but I just might have to at this point if the crank is screwed up if I happened to spin a bearing.
1jz-gte swap (Currently spun #3 rod bearings), Apexi high flow filter, Greddy thrust 3" downpipe, N1 3" catback with cat delete tube, 1 peice driveshaft, Bar and Plate intercooler, and 440 JDM 2jz injectors.

Possible 2jz lower block swap in the works if I can't rebuild the 1j. So troublesome.
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Old 02-23-2010, 05:47 PM   #2

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Are you certain it's the bottom end?
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Old 02-24-2010, 01:59 AM   #3
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To be honest cre, no i'm not. But due to rain and not having my garage free to work, (gotta love my friends), I haven't had a chance to get under there to pull it apart. I've pulled the cam covers off to see if one of the: pushrods? cam followers? fell in, which would let me know if a valve dropped, but everything is still in place. I know the cam's use shims and all for spacing, but i didnt see the remains of anything sitting up there so i wrote that off. If there's a break in the rain however I'll drop the oil and look for metal.

You think I might luck out and it could be something simple?
1jz-gte swap (Currently spun #3 rod bearings), Apexi high flow filter, Greddy thrust 3" downpipe, N1 3" catback with cat delete tube, 1 peice driveshaft, Bar and Plate intercooler, and 440 JDM 2jz injectors.

Possible 2jz lower block swap in the works if I can't rebuild the 1j. So troublesome.
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Old 02-24-2010, 05:02 AM   #4

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Sure, it could be something simple... I've seen a loose cam gear cause a tick which resonated down the length of the camshaft making it sound like it was coming from the back of the engine... but, sadly, I wouldn't count on it; it is worth checking for though.

Unless you pulled the cams and removed the shims and buckets you can't tell if you've lost a valve or broke a spring... pulling valve covers is only one fourth of the trip.

I'm not terribly familiar with all of the construction of the 1JZ, so the best I can offer is conventional diagnostic advice; I can't point you to common failure points.

The next thing I would do is: while the engine is running, pull the wires to the coils one at a time to determine if the sound is indeed tied to one specific cylinder and if so which one.
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Old 02-24-2010, 02:49 PM   #5
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Your advice is welcome though cre, even if the engine construction isn't the same as the 7m's, it's pretty close from what I could see of the engine. Plus, listening to you guys here, it gives me other viewpoints to look at the problem. It looks like the rain is going to let up today hopefully, so I'll be able to start pulling it apart today. Thanks for the help.
1jz-gte swap (Currently spun #3 rod bearings), Apexi high flow filter, Greddy thrust 3" downpipe, N1 3" catback with cat delete tube, 1 peice driveshaft, Bar and Plate intercooler, and 440 JDM 2jz injectors.

Possible 2jz lower block swap in the works if I can't rebuild the 1j. So troublesome.
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Old 02-25-2010, 02:28 AM   #6
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Ugh, well, the jig is up. The rain let up today so I pulled off the lower portion of the oil pan and took a look around the lower block section of my 1j. The oil was clean, but i've learned not to trust it. I spun the #3 rod bearing, nice little shards are on the bottom of the pan. BUT, there doesn't seem to be any major damage. I'm still thinking of getting the 2j block from the yard out here, but it also seems I caught it soon enough that I can rebuild the 1j after flushing the oil system a few times.

What a drag.
1jz-gte swap (Currently spun #3 rod bearings), Apexi high flow filter, Greddy thrust 3" downpipe, N1 3" catback with cat delete tube, 1 peice driveshaft, Bar and Plate intercooler, and 440 JDM 2jz injectors.

Possible 2jz lower block swap in the works if I can't rebuild the 1j. So troublesome.
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Old 02-25-2010, 05:31 AM   #7

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Sucks man... I'm sorry... It is definitely a good thing you caught it now. Check them all and don't hesitate to get the crank polished if there are any negative signs.

I've got a bad bearing (ball bearing) sound I really need to get off my rear and chase down.... but it's been wet and cold and snowy and I don't have a garage at my disposal.
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Old 02-25-2010, 04:10 PM   #8
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I know how you feel, every few days for the last couple of months it has been raining here in sac. It kind of makes working hard to do, especially when you can't feel your fingers. Good luck with the bearing sound, hopefully it'll clear up soon so you can chase it down.

Ugh, I'll be pulling my motor and trans apart again it seems....Such a drag.
1jz-gte swap (Currently spun #3 rod bearings), Apexi high flow filter, Greddy thrust 3" downpipe, N1 3" catback with cat delete tube, 1 peice driveshaft, Bar and Plate intercooler, and 440 JDM 2jz injectors.

Possible 2jz lower block swap in the works if I can't rebuild the 1j. So troublesome.
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