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chinesedawn 03-22-2010 07:30 PM

Why?! Still no power....
I change the air filter with a adapter and I fix my oil problem( the 4 bolts on the #3 cyclinder head cover leaking oil) ,clean the spark plugs but still no power.......fuel mile age become much better but I can't feel the pull even WOT..... What could cause this?!

Green7mgte 03-23-2010 01:12 AM

whats the name of your original thread. so we can see what was already done. the original problems and so forth.

chinesedawn 03-23-2010 03:35 AM

I will list what I have done

1, rebuild my engine
2, car idle speed not stable and hard to start sometime, no power,I adjusted timing, fixed.
3, Coolant Tem high,I changed radiator and fill coolant, fixed
4, oil change
5, compare to other supra, my car don't have enough power( no pull ) and eat a lot of gas,I checked air filter and spark plugs, air filter dirty and lots of oil cover all the spark plugs ,I change the air filter with adapter and clean all the oil under #3 cyclinder cover, clean all the spark plugs(I use ngk) and put new gasket for the 4 big bolts. fuel mile age become better but still no power..... No DTC,car runs smooth just don't have enough power.

chinesedawn 03-23-2010 11:55 PM

cost me 45 seconds to accelerate to 60mile/hour!......
I posted a thread the day before yesterday( why?! still no power) but nobody give a good answer so I post another one, I wish somebody can give some help.

like what I said, the car runs smooth but too smooth, I test my car just now, my supra need 45seconds to accelerate to 60miles/hour, from 0 to 40miles/hour is OK,just OK, but from 40 to 60 is super slow. air filter is new, spark plugs are pretty good, I checked them few days ago, EGR valve works properly, all spark plug wires are new, fuel mile age is about 18 miles/gl, gas pedal pretty sensitive right now but I can't feel too much difference when I pressed it to floor, I can hear engine work harder and RPM increase( but slow) but still poor accleration

I want to know what test I should do to figure out what is the problem of my car and fix it, I only have basic tools right now so I only can do some easy test I think.

cre 03-24-2010 01:02 AM

Please don't post multiple threads. If you feel the need post a followup request in the original. If people start answering both it makes it hard to know what has and what hasn't been suggested and tested.

Have you checked for diagnostic codes? Start there.

cre 03-24-2010 01:07 AM

Your other thread was YESTERDAY! WTF? Your communication skills also leave something to be desired... Try posting threads with no info on what's been going on and what other work you've done on the car and you might get more responses.

I'm merging the threads and if I see more empty pleas for help with mo background info or that are continuations of other threads you've already started I'm just going to delete them. There's no reason why the people here who are trying to help each other should have to do homework just to find out what problem you're talking about to begin with.

chinesedawn 03-24-2010 01:40 AM

.....en I still think I posted the first tread the day before yesterday, I think the time on each thread is a little bit wrong, you reply me just now which is around 7pm but the time on you tread shows 1:07 am..... I am sorry if I am wrong and I won't post multiple threads anymore.

I did check DTC, there is no codes.

cre 03-24-2010 01:42 AM

Fix your timezone in your user profile and the times should show up fine for you. Mine are accurate.

chinesedawn 03-24-2010 01:51 AM

Never mind, my bad.... and back to my question, I did check the DTC, no codes, what I should do next?

btwilson86 03-24-2010 06:30 AM

What engine / transmission combination do you have?

cvbikeguy 03-24-2010 03:38 PM

Yea sounds like he's low on transmission fluid.

chinesedawn 03-24-2010 06:17 PM

I got a 1987 supra 7mge + 5speed MT Not auto transmission so fluid won't affect power transmit

2genfun 03-25-2010 02:06 AM

check the cat convertor...

Cameroonski 03-25-2010 02:15 AM

I had a similar-ish problem. I re-zeroed out my timing and reset all the timing stuff. Cams to TDC and pully to zero. Make sure it is EXACTLY right, mine was only off by a notch and it gave me almost now power. Good Luck!:x:

chinesedawn 03-25-2010 04:10 AM

Thanks , I will do it tommorw, I wish get some power!

chinesedawn 03-25-2010 07:03 AM

the 3 holes on cam sprockets
there is a pin for the cam sprocket and camshaft to line up, the pin should go to the middle hole of the cam sprocket right?

cre 03-25-2010 01:16 PM

Yes, you are correct.

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