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supra_rulz 06-22-2010 09:56 PM

yeah. I'll take a picture when I can. but it's a stock setup as far as I know

Grandavi 06-23-2010 02:15 AM

Lol.. I have tried finding a "cut-away" picture of the shift knob.. : )
Nada.. I would just pop into the local Toyota dealer and ask to see it on their parts screen. I dont see it in the TSRM either. You may just want to crack it open if you arent too concerned with keep it.. (cut it in half basically). I would be worried about twisting something if I was wrenching it around in the socket...

Green7mgte 06-24-2010 03:19 AM

i was just looking at your parts page.. you can get those balljoints for about 70 bucks.. plus tie rod ends off of ebay.. im scared to try it out tho..

Grandavi 06-24-2010 03:10 PM

Actually, I got those, and I have a friend that is a GM Master mechanic. He came over to assist (in the end.. he did it all). Took him about an hour to do both sides.. he just removed the shock from the arm, and I held it down with a buster bar. Was quite simple for him.. would have taken me the entire day.. lol.

Now, though, when I take a fast corner in one directing I get a squeak/scraping sound from time to time. Thinking my bushings may be dry. And the steering does not feel tight.

Being that I am not a mechanic, I will probably get a front end guy to look at it and see if there is more wrong.

Green7mgte 06-25-2010 12:46 AM

good idea. so you did get an ebay set tho?

Grandavi 06-25-2010 05:30 AM

No, I bought it from one of the resellers in the forums (cant recall who, have to hunt down the bill, because its not in my digital files yet). I think it may have been Auto Village, if I remember right. They are the sealed ones with the rubber cup and no grease nipple. Look pretty well like the OEM version.. and I think I paide 80.00 for the pair (did both sides).

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