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donbrown92 09-27-2010 04:30 PM

1989 mk3 supra tail light problem
So on my supra when I use the brake, the lights come on but when i take my foot off of the brake no lights come on.
Help? fix?? advice?
Ima car noob.

Sinistral 09-27-2010 08:45 PM

"...when I use the brake, the lights come on but when i take my foot off of the brake no lights come on."

Unless you're leaving something out, it sounds like the tail lights are doing exactly what they're supposed to do.

dannydavi 10-01-2010 03:06 AM

lol yeah that's a pretty good example of exactly how brake lights work... I on the other hand have the opposite problem and would love a solution! my tail lights when my lights are on are really dim and when i push my brake pedal the tail lights and brake lights don't work at all. The hatch brake light works but not the two below. Also when I push the brake pedal when the car is off I notice my stereo lights lighting up :s... and then to top it all off at the same time these went out my dome lights on the interior don't work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have already checked the obvious fuses and replaced all bulbs. Not trying to steal his thread, but perhaps this is what he was getting at...

Busted Knuckles 10-01-2010 06:19 AM

Check the grounds. If the ground circuit at the tail lights goes bad, the brake lights will use the double filament to seek ground through the parking lights, powering up the parking light circuit and the dash light circuit.

chopsticks 10-01-2010 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by dannydavi (Post 88399)
lol yeah that's a pretty good example of exactly how brake lights work... I on the other hand have the opposite problem and would love a solution! my tail lights when my lights are on are really dim and when i push my brake pedal the tail lights and brake lights don't work at all. The hatch brake light works but not the two below. Also when I push the brake pedal when the car is off I notice my stereo lights lighting up :s... and then to top it all off at the same time these went out my dome lights on the interior don't work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have already checked the obvious fuses and replaced all bulbs. Not trying to steal his thread, but perhaps this is what he was getting at...

i had the same problem. If you take off that interior piece that you have to take off to change the bulbs and look under the light bulb retainer there is a little yellow box. That may be bad. I have to pull over when i notice my brake lights arnt working and have to jiggle that box around. mine has a short. But i dont know where to pick a new one up at??

Busted Knuckles 10-02-2010 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by chopsticks (Post 88418)
i had the same problem. If you take off that interior piece that you have to take off to change the bulbs and look under the light bulb retainer there is a little yellow box. That may be bad. I have to pull over when i notice my brake lights arnt working and have to jiggle that box around. mine has a short. But i dont know where to pick a new one up at??

Dealer. But, you could open the box yourself and re-solder any broken solders.

dannydavi 10-02-2010 05:44 AM

I have already opened up that yellow box and all is good in there. Looks in perfect condition. And as far as the grounds go... where would one find those?

Busted Knuckles 10-02-2010 07:27 AM

You need a multimeter, and check for resistance between any of the white with black stripe wires (ground circuit) and a know good ground. You should be getting 'infinite' ohms, meaning no resistance. Zero ohms means a break somewhere, and anything else means a corroded ground connection somewhere causing a resistance.

btwilson86 10-02-2010 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by Busted Knuckles (Post 88432)
You should be getting 'infinite' ohms, meaning no resistance. Zero ohms means a break somewhere, and anything else means a corroded ground connection somewhere causing a resistance.

Close, you actually have it backwards though. 0 ohms means almost no resistance, meaning a good conductive wire. Infinite ohms (often represented with a "1" at the beginning of the display on a digital multimeter) means that the 2 reference points are not connected to each other electrically

chopsticks 10-02-2010 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by dannydavi (Post 88429)
I have already opened up that yellow box and all is good in there. Looks in perfect condition. And as far as the grounds go... where would one find those?

Well i have already opened it and everything looked fine. A buddy of mine told me that is a common problem with the brake lights.

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