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Old 09-15-2005, 02:01 AM   #1
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Question What to do ???

Hey again guys, luckely i found this before i baught my supra, unlike me getting the avenger before looking for anything else, lol... anyways... i noticed another car that caught my eye today, it was like 1990 i think but it was a nissan 300ZX, now the question is simply, what's better ?, the MKIII supra or the 1990 300zx ?, cause i saw a couple with like 550HP that do quarter mile in 11 seconds and 4 second 0-60 times, and the thing is they come stock with twin turbo... so i'm just so cunfused, which has moer potential ?, which is better stock ?, what's better for winter ?, what's more fun, most fast ?, better torque off the line ?... i'm confused, if anyone knows more about these or has any personal opinions, lemme know, thanx guys
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Old 09-15-2005, 03:23 AM   #2
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well being a supra guy i would say the mk3 is better, as for winter, theyre both rwd so its gonna suck either way, as for potential, i would say the mk3 has more potential because it has a bigger aftermarket backing to it, ive seen 300zx's push 700rwhp, but a lot of it is custom fabrication, not a lot of bolt-ons, mk3's you can address pretty much everything including the motor, suspension, body work, etc., as for a 300zx you can do suspension, and body work but there are not a lot of parts for internals of the motor...well not a wide selection, you will probably have to look a lot more in depth to find stuff for it...but it basically comes down to your personal choice...
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Old 09-15-2005, 03:40 AM   #3
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we;; thanx supraman, any advice helps, it's just when i got my loan for the car i went out and got my 95 avenger without looking and got myself into more then i bargened for sota speak, so once i sell this thing i don't want to rush into a supra if there is a car similar to it with more potential but i did in the last hour or two look at some more 300zx info and you are absolutely right, the MKIII has WAY more internal upgrading potential, then the 300 zx and ontop of that i'm hearing stuff off of survays about them not being all that reliable, in other words they break, and if these ppl are all right then they aren't a quick or cheap fix either, so i think i'll scratch that one off the list but hey guys if you have any more advice or comments please post them, god knows i needed more posts in my thread on winter supras, lol, all i got was throw some winters rims on and sandbag it... anyways, thanx again, byes
I want a supra SO SO Badly...
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Old 09-15-2005, 05:02 AM   #4
joel w
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Cool toyo vs nissan.

As an ex mechanic that has owned both toyos and nissans, i believe the toyo to be an extremely well designed car. especially the supras...stuff breaks on all old cars but this biotch is one tuff mutha. seems to be more bolt on stuff for the newer supras but i no my limitations ($$$) But with all the available bolt on potential power,The brakes and rearend and drivelines and ujoints and axils, cv joints and the tranny can hold the power amazes me daily still all that and it gets me 24-26mpg cruizin and i got 155k miles on mine and it still ripps em up good.

2 much fun
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Old 09-15-2005, 11:05 AM   #5
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as far as power... pretty much the same

as for working on SUPRA definitely... the 300zx you will hate working on... to change turbos the engine has to be removed practically... they're almost the worst thing in the world to work on

and when something goes wrong on the 300zx.. it's damn costly in comparison
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Do a diagnostic first!
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