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mkiiiboost 01-14-2011 03:17 AM

supra wont turn over
i have a 87 7mgte and i recently whent to start it and it fired up fine wouldent stay running with out the pedle pressed down a little bit then it died as soon as i let off the throtle in the drive way and then i got it running and yesterday it wouldent crank over at all so i tryed boosting it and nothing everything else comes on but it wont crank over after wile it did but tonight same thing but it would not turn over at all just woundering what this might be

89ST 01-14-2011 08:10 PM

If the car doesn't turn over even when attempting to be boosted by another vehicle than its the starter. when they wear out they will sometime still work on occasion. but you need a new one. doesn't explain you idle problem though

mkiiiboost 01-14-2011 10:23 PM

annyother possibilties

Supra_Freak_7m 01-16-2011 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by 89ST (Post 91516)
If the car doesn't turn over even when attempting to be boosted by another vehicle than its the starter.

Just because it fails to start when boosted doesn't necessarily mean it is the starter. You could have corrosion on the battery cables, especially if you have metal ( as opposed to lead ) battery terminals. metal ones don't have to corrode near as much to impede the function of the starter. if you ahve metal battery terminals they usually have 2 bolts next to where the wire connects that hold the wire into the terminal, take that piece off and check the connection there between the bare wire and terminal. If in doubt, clean it.
The starters on these cars are pretty bad ass, they don't fail very often. ( not saying they don't fail at all) I would give every connection some major scrutiny before i get under there to remove that starter cause that is a pain.
AS far as not staying running, i would check the idle circuit on the tps as well as the connection to AFM. You can find information on how to do that

mkiiiboost 01-16-2011 06:06 PM

i just dont understand becuase one time it started fine then 10 min later it was acting up and wouldent turn over

Supra_Freak_7m 01-17-2011 09:36 AM

When I got my turbo supra, the car had been driving all day so, I test drove it around for about an hour and then pulled up to the owners house, hopped out gave the dude the money, did the title stuff and went back out to the car hopped in, turned the key, CLICK! nothing, jumped it, CLICK! nothing. Got my friend to tow the car home, looked at where the starter was and said FU*% THAT. I took the battery to the store to have it tested, tested good. Went home looked at the battery cables, they looked good, but I decided to take them apart anyway, cleaned the inside of the terminal where it actually touches the bare wire, and started right away. Just though I would share that with you

89ST 01-17-2011 10:59 PM

if it's not the battery terminals. Which i think might be a bit of a long shot. I replaced the starter on mine in a couple hours. Not a big deal, you just have to start.

keegan 07-10-2011 01:40 PM

new comer
I have a question for you guys I have a 7m ge and the car wont stay running it will turn over every time but wont stay running I saw the post about the afm sensor and was wondering were that is and if there is anything else that can cause this symptom

Green7mgte 07-14-2011 01:43 AM

check your codes.. if it comes back code 31 then yea, its most likely a wire going to you afm. There is a wire in there that tells the engine how much fuel to give it when cold.. explains your running issue dosnt it.

keegan 07-15-2011 03:19 PM

I checked the codes and it poped 41 51 so I got a new tps but its still poping 41 and still haveing the same issue

Green7mgte 07-15-2011 05:49 PM

check your wires.

keegan 07-15-2011 10:07 PM

I did and I could not find anything but know its poping a lot of codes like 24 31 41 51 I know what the two are and 24 and 31 I don't

MK3Newb 07-16-2011 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by keegan (Post 96653)
I did and I could not find anything but know its poping a lot of codes like 24 31 41 51 I know what the two are and 24 and 31 I don't

You say its not running... what exactly do you mean . Will it start then the throttle wont idle properly? does it not want to stay idling at all... could be the maf/map or if it idles high then dies could be the Idle air control valve. Pray its not the IACV cause thats just 400 bucks for the part not to mention new seals and the pain to switch it out

keegan 07-16-2011 03:14 AM

The car will turn on and idle some what but when I give it gas its like there is no response for a litttle but then it will jump up and stay around 3 grand with foot on floor but when I let off it will still idle the same

Conga1991 07-19-2011 03:09 AM

Thats what happened to me. Had a supra enthusiast come out and look at it, my cps was off a tooth and my tps was bad, so it was thinking it was wot so it was dumping fuel and fouled the spark plugs. check those just in case they are fouled or not.

keegan 07-19-2011 01:18 PM

Thank you for the help ill check the cps and everything else

Mk3FirstCar-Mike 07-26-2011 05:18 AM

Could be a number of things:Starter, Engine is running lean, corroded battery/other electrical wiring - When you do get it running, I recommend High Mileage GumOut. It works wonders and it's only like $5 at Walmart.

keegan 07-28-2011 04:25 PM

I got the car to run but now when I check the codes the light flashs rapidly with no stop have you guys ever heared of this problem

Conga1991 07-28-2011 04:53 PM

Im pretty sure that means you have no problems, but check the tsrm just incase it does... just checked and it means there are no errors in your system. Is it running weird??

keegan 07-28-2011 11:50 PM

Yea it starts but. When I give iit gas it lags and dos not want to go I thought it was spark but now I'm leaning more towered fule

Conga1991 07-29-2011 12:57 AM

Check the clamps on your intercooler piping. also check the voltage on the tps per tsrm.

keegan 07-29-2011 01:34 AM

I have an na I wish I got the turbo one and what is tsrm

Conga1991 07-29-2011 04:22 AM

nevermind on the piping then. Toyota Supra repair manual, search on google, there are two sites. One for an 1987 and one for 1990 I believe. 1987 works for pre 89 models and 1990 for post 89 models.

keegan 08-19-2011 09:55 PM

Ok so I found what my problem was and it was my timing belt thank you guys for all the help

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