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bigal0043 09-16-2005 01:36 PM

Car on the road!!!!
so i finally got my supra on the road yesterday... my buddy was working on the hg for about 2 weeks now....

Did a mhg and arp studs... hardpipes and mostly all the hoses

runs really fast now loving it so much...

now my quesiton is i been keeping an eye on the temp and it stays right at normal temp... but anyway when i pop the hood after driving it around i can hear almost like a bubbling noise coming from around the thermostat area.... it is not constant like i hear it real quick then it would stop... any ideas? we were thinking it is just an air bubble in the collant or something

i just hope it isnt the hg or something like that...

rnoswal 09-16-2005 01:50 PM

I think that because that is a high spot in the cooling system that any air in the system will stay in that area until it all gets purged out. I know it might be a little work but having a temp guage that has numbers on it instead of the stock guage will give you a better read on temps. The stock one is so vague. Just make sure your shroud is on and the fan clutch is working and that you have a good radiator cap on so it can purge the system of air.

I am sure there are more opinions from some of the more experienced owners though, but that is some of my thinking on the sound. It could also be a noise that the idle control valve makes when the engine shuts off. It makes a similar noise but it is on the intake up high. Keep us informed.


bigal0043 09-16-2005 01:53 PM

k i was just worried that i blew the hg or something... after only like 2 days...

but yea i dont have a new radiator cap on there it is the same one as when i bought the car... any recommendations on a good one that i could pick up at like autozone or something?

nickvash0104 09-16-2005 01:59 PM

Autozone caps are like $8 for a standard cap; I don't reccommend buying them as they go bad in about 3 months.

I'd say to spring for an aftermarket or a TRD cap

bigal0043 09-16-2005 02:08 PM

cool thanks for the reply...

i am going up to the drag strip tonight... first time ever to drag anyone have any tips???

like when to launch ..shift points ..etc??
oh yea anyone have a link for someone who sells short shifters??? its such a long throw from 2nd to 3rd

car is a 87 turbo manual.....

rnoswal 09-16-2005 02:16 PM

Plus go for one, radiator cap, that holds the most psi, just to keep the water in if you are drag racing it.


bigal0043 09-16-2005 05:08 PM

another question.... my intercooler pipe near the turbo is getting hot what kind of heat wrap is the best to wrap the ic pipe????

also what does everyone launch at when they drag??? i was thinking at 5500 rpms but i am on a stock clutch

SupraMan1784 09-16-2005 06:21 PM

5500rpm on a stock clutch...u can launch at that speed a couple times, but be wary its still stock so it might start slipping at the end of the night depending on teh amount of runs u do, as for shift points, im not sure about stock anymore since my ecu has been reflashed so its different, i have a higher redline and a larger powerband, but basically i try and shift towards the end of the powerband, somewhere near redline, if its your first time, i suggest short shifting the first couple rounds before you actually try and pinpointing the me a misshift is badd, for short shifters try b&m not because thats wut i have but its pretty reliable and well made, and there is less effort when going from gear to gear, look at ractive as well as twm...or is tmw...dont remember, for your last question on heat wrap, i use stuff from, i use their exhaust wraps on my headers, i dont really use it for the ic...doubt it would make a difference but take look at let me know

bigal0043 09-17-2005 02:25 PM

u lost me on the short shifters... where can i get one from... i have looked on like car websites but havent seen any at all

but thanks for the replies

suprra_girl 09-19-2005 11:31 AM

i would burp your cooling system and ensure that all is up to spec... last thing you wanna do is fix a hg and be a little low on water or a little irregularity and go racing and have it go ping!

park car on hill or jack up so radiator is at highest point
pull radiator cap (make sure car is very cool)
get bottles of water
start car
turn heater to hot and switch on to full
as it warms up and thermostat opens you should start seeing a few bubbles
as it is warming top up the radiator till bubbles are down to a minimum or none at all
when you think system is purged, cap the radiator, turn car off... let it down

see if you can still hear that odd bubble

there is a short shifter for sale in the for sale section i believe
also can be found on ebay :)

good luck at the drags ;)

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