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Ranma 04-08-2011 03:58 PM

AC and what is it?
Got my guy back from the shop yesterday. He is running very well the new exhaust works for me :) Very quiet but there is that nice sound when accelerating.
My problem is the AC is not coming on and the light is on only during automatic. With the top on the car is "stuffy"
Second on the left side of the steering wheel is a button "cruise main" what is it?
Other wise he is doing great, even with a non turbo this guy is going to get me a ticket. :rolleyes2 Thought it was the noise that attracted police. My guy still gets them to turn their heads.

Busted Knuckles 04-08-2011 10:19 PM

For the AC, check your AC pressure. At rest, the high side and low side should be equalized to over 120 psi. If it doesn't have even 75 psi, the AC compressor will not kick in.

The 'cruise main' switch turns on the cruise control. When the green light is on, the cruise control, operated by three buttons on the lower spoke of the stock steering wheel, should work.

Ranma 04-12-2011 04:54 PM

I will get my guy into the shop. Lack of refrigerant pressure sounds right. About the top, ACK! the fracking fire department set some fires, drove right through the smoke at 80mph. Guess that dude had a point about having a hard top :o

Green7mgte 04-12-2011 07:24 PM

naw.. just hold your breath? 80?? speeder.

Ranma 04-12-2011 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Green7mgte (Post 94289)
naw.. just hold your breath? 80?? speeder.

speed limit plus 5 :)

Ranma 04-14-2011 05:21 PM

The button on the left side of the steering wheel does not do anything. Is it just another way to turn the cruise on? Mine does not do that function :(
Other than that my guy is doing well, though it seems like all the guys in town want to race me. For a 7mge (yea I know it "sucks") He does alright, would love to find a place to see what he can do.

87hilux7mge 04-16-2011 08:47 AM

guys call their cars ladies names or ladies, girls call their cars mens names or man...never really thought bout it, but kinda funny. go surprise a few hondas for us. and btw, if your in texas, its 80 on the freeway, possibly soon to be 85 :naughty:

Ranma 04-18-2011 06:55 PM

Yup it was low pressure, the dealer filled up the coolant, no charge. Nice and COLD now. Check and no leaks...

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