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ochowdero 05-03-2011 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by 87hilux7mge (Post 94958)
80w90, i prefer either Valvoline full synthetic 75w90 gear oil or Royal Purple gear oil.

GL-4 or GL-5 rated is recommended.

ok forsure.. i do want synthetic definately...

i got everything on and back together just gonna jump the wires tomorrow and take those hoses off (posted a pic i need help with that)
and then put oil in and should be on the road... :D

87hilux7mge 05-03-2011 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by ochowdero (Post 94960)
i dont need these lines like BTWILSON said but if i disconnect them, wouldnt coolant leak out of them continuously?
car running or not?

no. they run to a cooler inside the radiator that is sealed off from the rest of the radiator. if it worries you you can plug them, just get some pipe plugs from the hardware store.

but no, they are not necessary and they do not need to be plugged.

ochowdero 05-03-2011 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by 87hilux7mge (Post 94962)
no. they run to a cooler inside the radiator that is sealed off from the rest of the radiator. if it worries you you can plug them, just get some pipe plugs from the hardware store.

but no, they are not necessary and they do not need to be plugged.

solved my worries haha
i can take the flexible tube off to right?

cant you get a jumper wire from autozone or radio shack with male connectors at both ends(or female idk) to jump the neutral switch?
or do i have to cut them and ssplice it together...
i know i ask this question alot but im just trying to get it done quickly and safely..

87hilux7mge 05-03-2011 06:30 AM

yes you can take the flexible lines off. get some vacuum plugs (kit at autozone is like 2 bux) if the rad doesnt have threaded holes, and just put them over the bungs if it worries you.

just get some lengths of wire and some connectors from autozone and crimp it together yourself. its pretty easy. youll prolly be into it for like 5 bux altogether at autozone or any other chain parts store.

ochowdero 05-03-2011 06:40 AM

see i knew i could do that haha.
saves me the trouble just not the money -.-
i swear all this work and if i blow this engine ima be pissed! haha

ochowdero 05-04-2011 04:24 AM

everything is running, but my clutch doesnt fully ingage...
and or disengage...
i understand theres air in the line but
something doesnt feel right
the spring pops the pedal back and forth
if i adjust the free play the pedal just falls to the floor..
idk what to do

87hilux7mge 05-04-2011 04:29 AM

get the clutch properly bled then come back and let us know what its doing. improperly bled clutches suck and they make everything feel wrong especially with air in the line.

ochowdero 05-05-2011 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by 87hilux7mge (Post 94986)
get the clutch properly bled then come back and let us know what its doing. improperly bled clutches suck and they make everything feel wrong especially with air in the line.

i was talking to #btwilson and he asked if i bench bled the master cylinder
which i did not do,
the system when i would bleed it would have a full stream come out but for some reason it still happens...
ima bench bleed both my master and slave cylinder to see if that solves it..

i did bleed it properly just didnt know i needed to prime the master cylinder before i hooked it up and bled the system like normal

ochowdero 05-06-2011 05:49 AM

whats this?

lol i over filled my trans mostlikely cuz i wasnt exact on the amount
5.2 pints, 2.6 quarts

so i put three quarts in thinking it may have been wrong info...
car wasnt all to level but it was level enough to get a reading..

so i went and bled my clutch and got pissed at the free play that i had so i decided to test drive it,
it was alil hard to get into first and second but the rest were smooth sailing..
then i park in my drive way and trans started leaking at the tail shaft out of the driveshaft (tail shaft right?)
(this is where i knew i over filled it) so yada and whatever car runs fine but gott tweak the clutch...
i went to my gf house, clutch was still alil soft and kinda hard to shift but i got there and parked, but transmission started leaking again... soo
i just let it leak, becuz i knew i put to much in. before i drove home i pulled my carpet back and was able to use the clutch correctly( still gotta tweak it, i cant drive around with my carpet back...any ideas of to whats wrong?) i get home and park, and it started leaking again, but not as much as at my gfs house.. so i pull into my garage to where its level and the trans is fine, no leaking but just dripping the excess off the mount..
now im sitting down thinking..
the part in the pics, my mechanic said i dont need it and that if i wanted to i can put it in to be safe... it goes in wear my driveshaft goes, im starting to think that it is needed OR somewhat needed... i have no clue what it is..
i just know its a retainer of some sort...
now that you know my story of what happen today about my car, can you give me some insight of what this is and if its needed?

87hilux7mge 05-06-2011 08:49 AM

ok. i hate to be mean, but you need to stop driving your car with just base knowledge slammed at it. the seal you have in your pics is prolly a rear tranny seal, and from the sound of it youve been puking fluid out of it. you obviously overfilled it, and thats where all the leaks have been coming from..

just slow down and stop jumping the gun. you need to give us all more info on whats goin on than what youve been doing, cuz were only getting half the story.

so, u over filled..what else. just take it slow and explain whats happening.

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