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ochowdero 05-06-2011 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by 87hilux7mge (Post 95042)
ok. i hate to be mean, but you need to stop driving your car with just base knowledge slammed at it. the seal you have in your pics is prolly a rear tranny seal, and from the sound of it youve been puking fluid out of it. you obviously overfilled it, and thats where all the leaks have been coming from..

just slow down and stop jumping the gun. you need to give us all more info on whats goin on than what youve been doing, cuz were only getting half the story.

so, u over filled..what else. just take it slow and explain whats happening.

i put transmission fluid in.
tried bleeding it and didnt work..
then tried a "Bench bleed" on my master cylinder and it worked alil just gotta adjust it and get it perfectly bled..i did that so i can shift to get it to my shop(a mile up the street)
tomorrow regardless, im taking it to the shop to have my mechanic properly bleed my system...
like i just said when i pulled back my carpet i was able to used the clutch properly because it fully disengaged, SO I NEED TO ADJUST IT, SO ITS LIKE ITS SPOSE TO BE.

so back to the tranny, i put 3 quarts in, i know that is an over fill... so that goes to why im leaking...
i need to know if that "seal" is needed in my trans and if i can drive without it, to get my clutch bled properly..or even drive without it or what the heck it is and for. i dont mind going back under the car and replacing it but i need to know what it is, and if its needed or not.

and like i said, it only leaks after driving it..
idk why(besides overfill)

" i hate to be mean, but you need to stop driving your car with just base knowledge slammed at it"
what do you meen by that?

87hilux7mge 05-06-2011 06:59 PM

i mean stop trying to drive it till u have gone through a basic mechanical checklist of things that need to be fixed. otherwise youll ruin something and have to do this all over again.

i.e.-your clutch system needs a proper bleed.

you also need to trim your carpet or trans tunnel some to get full shifter travel, as that sounds like whats stopping you from getting it into gear properly.

you also probably need to replace the output shaft seal on the tranny if its constantly puking fluid out after driving. its building up pressure inside the tranny and forcing fluid out.

my question is, why did you overfill the tranny to begin with?

so. get the clutch system figured out. theres only a few parts to it that can go bad. master cyl, slave cyl, hydraulic line. check any and all for leaks, and if it comes down to it, replace them. slave cyls go out all the time, so check there if its not new. master cyls are less common but ive had them go too.

next, put a new rear seal on the tranny and take the fill plug out of the side of the tranny and let it drain till the fluid is leveled off (be on a flat, level piece of ground for this).

adjust/trim your carpet/trans tunnel so you get proper shifter throw.

after youve done all that, check back.

ochowdero 05-06-2011 08:27 PM

MasteR cylinder is brand new as well as the slave, the lines however aren't, should I replace the hardlines?

87hilux7mge 05-07-2011 12:21 AM

if they are leaking. if not then dont worry bout them. the soft line that goes from the hardline to the slave would be a good idea to replace.

ochowdero 05-07-2011 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by 87hilux7mge (Post 95071)
if they are leaking. if not then dont worry bout them. the soft line that goes from the hardline to the slave would be a good idea to replace.

im using a supra soft line and a cressida hardline...
ima swap the both out for the right ones(NEW SLAVE LINE)
i cut my carpet back so i can shift like im spose to lol
it fully disengages so it was like i didnt have enough room...

i went ahead and put the seal in the tranny for precaution, and im still leaking..
so i think i did overfill ALOT!
any ideas on what to do?
i was thinking of draining alil bit of oil out(checking the level before i do that..)
good idea?
anything else

ochowdero 05-07-2011 08:15 AM

my turn signals dont work either!
help i need those lol
tired of sticking my dam hand out the window!

btwilson86 05-07-2011 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by ochowdero (Post 95084)
i was thinking of draining alil bit of oil out(checking the level before i do that..)
good idea?
anything else

Yeah. Just do it how 87hilux7mge said.

As for your turn signals, check fuses and make sure your hazard light switch is hooked up

ochowdero 05-07-2011 08:03 PM

What did he say to do?
Replace te seal?
I'll check the forums again lol

and my hazards work, but my turn signals don't

ochowdero 05-07-2011 09:11 PM

the retainer or seal,
i need to replace it
i checked the tsrm and dont know where to look..
anyone have the proper name for this and the product number?
i need to replace asap
and also
how to replace it?
please and thank you

(if you can point me to the how to on the tsrm then thatll be ok to)

ochowdero 05-08-2011 01:59 AM

i bought the seal... how do i replace it ?

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