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supraheelfan 06-10-2011 10:22 PM

A ? about the oil pan.
Will the oil pan from a 7mge fit directly onto a 7mgte???????????

87hilux7mge 06-11-2011 12:55 AM

it will physically bolt to the block, but im unsure if the oil pumps are exactly the same.

there are also 2 types of oil pans: front and mid sump. so if you are swapping between them, you need to change to pumps over too.

supraheelfan 06-11-2011 08:36 AM

It's the front pan and I doubt the pumps are the same also, so does that mean it wouldn't work? Because I don't know if the 7mge oil pump will suffice, for the 7mgte.

87hilux7mge 06-11-2011 08:47 AM

as i recall, the front sump 7m pan only came from the cressida. if you post pics of what pans you have i could give you a better prognosis.

if they are both front sump then is should bolt on no problem, oil pump match and all. if yours was originally a mid sump, and you have a front sump pan, then youll have to swap a front sump oil pump in. vice versa for the other other way around.

btwilson86 06-11-2011 09:06 AM

I'm fairly certain the 7MGTE uses a stronger oil pump than the 7MGE.

Both oil pans were used in the Supra, one was pre89 the other was 89+. i just don't remember which pan went with what year

87hilux7mge 06-11-2011 09:18 AM

i must just be gettin all the wierd parts or swapped around stuff. my 88 was mid sump, my freinds 87 is mid and other freinds 87 is mid, and the two cressida pans ive seen (89 and 90) were both front sump.

i know the MK2's use front sump too. as for the oil pumps, ive got 4, 2 are from gte's and i took on of each apart, and i havent been able to find a difference between em, measuring clearances etc.

but thats still not a positive thing so :rofl:.....damn you toyota for not being consistent....i mean consistent...CRAP!

btwilson86 06-11-2011 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by 87hilux7mge (Post 95971)
my 88 was mid sump, my freinds 87 is mid and other freinds 87 is mid, and the two cressida pans ive seen (89 and 90) were both front sump

Yeah, that all makes sense. The pre89 7M's are all mid sump, 89+ are front sump due to the different crossmember. The reason your Cressy 7M's are front sump is because the Cressida only had a 7M from 89+.

87hilux7mge 06-11-2011 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by btwilson86 (Post 95972)
Yeah, that all makes sense. The pre89 7M's are all mid sump, 89+ are front sump due to the different crossmember. The reason your Cressy 7M's are front sump is because the Cressida only had a 7M from 89+.

agreed lol. im too tired for this anymore...

supraheelfan 06-11-2011 09:41 PM

I got a jdm 7mgte from a 91' cressdia, and wanted to use a 87 7mge oil pan on the 91' 7mgte, but you guys are saying the 87' 7mge, has no front oil pan? Is that correct?
I"m guessing I can only use the mid sump from my 87 7mge.

But anyhow, Has anybody on here got an upgraded oil pan from driftmotion?????? Was wondering if the uggraded pan is actually worth the $400-$500 they charge. It actually looks like a decent upgrade, anybody have any experience with that.

87hilux7mge 06-11-2011 10:20 PM

the pans themselves will physically bolt to either engine with no problems. but the oil PUMPS are different between front and mid sump. if you swap pans, you must also swap oil pumps.

as far as im concerned, 500 bux for a modified oil pan from drift motion is a lil expensive, but there is alot of fab included.

im making my oil pan with all the things they put on, but i have a welder and some fab skills so..

8 qts is a good amount of oil, but for the price of 500 id say a full custom pan would be more worth it. look at companies like moroso and milodon. you pay 200-300 bux for a full custom pan for a SBC or SBF and get great quality, sometimes full aluminum pans.

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