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chuck0960 06-25-2011 09:08 PM

EGR Delete
So i deleted my EGR with the delete kit from Driftmotion. But now i dont know what to do with the vacuum lines that went from it to the hard metal lines under the intake.?. And also what to do with the (I think its a VSV valve or something) that was in the EGR line as well. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

87hilux7mge 06-27-2011 08:40 PM

vacuum plugs man. vsv valve im not so sure on. u might get hassled a bit for egr delete, but in my experience, everytime i deleted the egr system (on my 84 crx, 93 altima, 84-89-91-91 camaro's, 87 toyota pickup etc...) i gained mileage and power. biggest gain was the altima. went from 26 mpg to 30 mpg, then up to 34 after i installed a CAI, header, exhaust and jim wolf ecu tune.

anyway, vacuum plugs are dirt cheap at any chain auto store, for an assorted pack its like 2-3 bucks.

El Supracabras 06-28-2011 09:51 PM

Hilux is right, prepare for a little hassling, especially if you run a stock usdm computer.
Anyway, you can re route the vac lines to eliminate the egr line entirely for a clean look and you can either leave the vsv or just remove it as it is useless without the egr system. My "jdm" engine came with the egr blocked off already, I never installed one and havnt had any problems with it. I am not sure what computer I have though.
Did you take care of the over heating issue? What was the problem? FYI, a properly functioning EGR sytem will reduce combustion temps, that is what they do.

chuck0960 06-29-2011 04:32 AM

I thought i took care of the overheating problem but the other day it came back. Im running out of things besides tearing the motor apart again. I looked around for a hydrocarbon tester but nobody in my area sells them. Im to the point I just want to find a shop to motor swap a 1jz in it and get it over with, since thats what a lot of people do anyways.

El Supracabras 06-29-2011 07:18 PM

That sucks. Just make sure you've checked everything before tearing it apart again. I mean everything, fan clutch, radiator, all those stupid little coolant hoses everywhere, tighten all hose clamps again, pressure test it and everything. The little stupid things are surprising sometimes with the ammount of trouble they can cause.
You can take some coolant out of your radiator or reservior, put it in a jar and bring it to a shop that has a gas analyzer (aka sniffer) diesel shops and emission testing shops should have them. Shake up the jar to release any trapped gasses and have them stick a "sniffer" in the jar to check for H/C's. You dont want to buy one, they're expensive. Good luck man, I hope it doesn't resort to the swap cuz thats just more down time.
Also, a bad coolant hose may not always leak coolant but can still suck in air during cool down periods, resulting in air pockets in the cooling system. Just a couple suggestions before going into teardown mode....again.

cre 06-29-2011 10:18 PM

Oh, here we go... Ok, my turn...

There should be zero difference in power (except when you're pulling into a parking space so who the hell cares?). The MKIII's EGR isn't even active at 70+% throttle (the only time you ever worry about making power).

Your mileage should NEVER increase from deleting an EGR system as half the affect is due to the system effectively REDUCING the engine displacement (see: Honda for how to achieve crazy high MPG)... the second half (and more important) is that it cools the combustion chambers. If your mileage actually increases then you didn't delete a functional EGR you just amputated a leg which only had a broken ankle.

EGR REDUCES combustion chamber heat, the concern about it increasing heat is just that the cooler is near cylinder 6 and there isn't additional coolant flow to that specific cylinder.

:rant2::rant2::rant2::rant2::rant2::rant2::rant2:: rant2:

And one more thing... a "performance K&N CAI" consisting of nothing other than a crap air filter sitting in your engine bay is NOT a CAI nor is it gaining you power.... more often than not it costs you power. The stock air box is the better setup of the two.

I'll stop with the peeves and let the backyard boys have the thread back. I'm soooooooo done with this site.

87hilux7mge 06-30-2011 06:20 AM

all input noted and appreciated CRE. i do not doubt you knowledge for a moment, and i too know what an EGR system is for and its functions, as well as what components of the system look like and where they are located. i am simply sharing my experiences and the modifications ive done on my vehicles, and the results i experienced with said vehicles.

as for the comment towards the CAI i installed, no it was not a K&N on the end of a short metal tube, inside the engine bay. the WEAPON R filter was mounted behind my bumper facia with a FULL CUSTOM aluminum tubing setup that i built and assembled. had it been the former, i would have labeled it a short ram, POS intake, as ive seen and experienced the crap effects of such on a 98 ford taurus sho (mileage and power drop.)

understanding your frusteration, i will again say, i am just stating what i have done and what my results were.

and as for the mk3 motors, this is my first venture with them aside from owning one waaaaay back when i was 16 for approximately 9 months. loved it, but couldnt keep it at the time.

above all that, sorry for the frusteration this and several other conversations have caused you, not the intention or aim of this forum im sure. once again, i apologize if you dont like the information ive provided, and further hope that you will continue to serve and advise me and everyone else on this board.

anyway, that sucks about the overheating problem, have you effectively burped the system? air pockets can work their way around and cause hell for pinning down an overheating problem.

cre 07-01-2011 12:52 AM

It just kills me how often I see this stuff posted. Sure, my grandpappy limps a whole lot less now that they've taken his legs off.... he's faster down hills too (with them big ol' wheels and all). It doesn't mean that's the way it's supposed to work and there was obviously something VERY wrong before hand... so it's not something I generally recommend everyone try for themselves.

Newsflash: The JDM version had no EGR, was just as prone to BHG and made NO MORE POWER than the USDM... Mileage info (government req'd label info, not individual driver's results) probably can't be compared as they most likely use different criteria for defining/measuring it; They are tuned differently for closed loop operation (undoubtedly richer and probably with a slightly milder timing map).

The intake thing is just another one of those dufus things which no one seems to get either... that's the only reason I mentioned it, not talking to anyone in particular. I've got data logs of the differences that causes... intake air charge temp increases of 20 degrees at idle? Can you say 15% loss of off the line power.... but she sure do sound purdy.

Just needed to get it all off my chest... Now I think I'm probably going to finally fully retire from the forum (my wife's going to be thrilled!).


87hilux7mge 07-01-2011 02:50 AM

haha, understood.

the intake thing i agree with you on. i didnt have any stop signs for 50 miles in either direction when i had the altima, so 90 % of my driving was at cruise haha. after a summer day in town though, i definitely noticed my car giving me the big FU. still got better mileage than ever before, but noticibly ran rougher.

and the jdm thing, yea i found that out later on with these motors, as thats what the first engine i picked up was.

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