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IKneX 07-13-2011 07:11 PM

MAF Replacement
So my CEL now comes with code 31, MAF. Can I buy the lexus sc400 maf and bolt it on without modding anything else? I found one on ebay for a pretty good price

El Supracabras 07-14-2011 12:17 AM = the point of this.
Short is answer yes you can and no you shouldn't. By the way you got the letters mixed up, its AFM not MAF.

IKneX 07-14-2011 12:23 AM

Oh yeah, I dunno where I came up with MAF :dunno: im trying to keep my motor as stock as I can, I just want everything to run 100% smooth, ill stick with the 7m AFM.

Green7mgte 07-14-2011 01:31 AM

you can hook up the black box. just not the honey comb w/o any ill effects.
code 31.. before you spend any money do yourself a favor and run an ohm meter from your pins and check the wires.. if you have a bad wire, replace it. Otherwise spending w/e money you did on your KVAFM is money wasted.

IKneX 07-14-2011 03:05 AM

K, ill check that, im assuming is in the TSRM?

El Supracabras 07-14-2011 03:48 AM

If your AFM fails the tests and that Lexus AFM is cheap, buy it, use the sensor and sell the housing. The sensor is the same as yours the housings are different. Just put the sensor in your 7M housing. Be sure to closely inspect the connector and wires while testing the sensor.

Green7mgte 07-14-2011 03:57 AM

yes the sensor or "black box" is the same. The housing "honeycomb" from the lex is for a v8 and allows 15% more air to enter the engine. Bad news if your not pushing more fuel.. results in whats called "running lean" and that will destroy your engine.

IKneX 07-14-2011 01:05 PM

Oh I didnt know that, Thats what I was gonno do anyway because the ebay one was JUST the sensor not the houseing. So as long as I keep my 7m houseing I can use the lexus one?

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