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newtosupra 02-03-2012 09:44 PM

no spark in the morning 87 7mge
so i traded my 93 integra a couple weeks ago for a 1987 toyota supra :)

but after the first week i'm into the car $400 due to wheel bearings, and master clutch cylinder which i don't mind putting money into the car since...come on its a supra.

but the only problem i'm having is that a yesterday in the morning when i went out to start the car i had no spark the moter just kept on cranking (the car was frozen because it was so cold outside) But when i got home i asked the guy that i traded my car to about it he said that i should take off the battery and leave it for a couple minuts and it will start...well i did that and the first time still no spark ...but aftr a couple of times taking the battry off the car fired right up

but this morning the car agiain had no spark and ive had no time to deal with it today so if you have any suggeestions or maybe a personal expriance that fixed this problem it would be appriceated

cars specs
1987 toyota supra
70xxx 7MGE
cold air filter
arp head studs

cre 02-04-2012 01:03 AM

Quit disconnecting the battery. It does not accomplish anything more then just pulling the EFI fuse besides also killing the clock and radio memory and powering off the stock alarm's controller (it does not reset the stock alarm). All you're effectively doing is clearing any diagnostic codes which are getting triggered and might actually help you diagnose the problem. The car starting intermittently most likely has nothing to do with the fact that it does start after you've disconnected it a random number of times.... unless one of the battery cables is COMPLETELY shot.

See the MKIII FAQ section for a thread on how to check diagnostic/error codes. Post back with any stored codes after you've run the car a couple times and after a couple failed starts.

newtosupra 02-05-2012 01:30 AM

Well I found the battery wasnt doing anything cause of ur input...the battercables are good .... I found if it really cold in the morning and I get no spark I can take the 1st spark plug wire out and put a screwdriver into the wire where the spark plug would go and hold the metal of the screwdriver close to the metal of the distriputer and the car will get spark right a way and start up with no problem after that ...intill the car freezes over in the morning again ...i was thing it could be bad spark plugs or a ground for the distriputer ...any feedback would be appriciated :D

CanadianBak'inSupra 02-05-2012 04:24 PM

follow your negative battery cable and make sure its grounded to the block, as well make sure your engine harness is grounded propperly on your lower intake manifold.

newtosupra 02-05-2012 04:30 PM

Alright will do when I get off from work today... Yea cause its weird if I leave the car in the garage over night so the car doesnt get to cold itll fite right up ... But if its outside:crazy2: over night it wont wanna start...but yea when I check the grounds and ill tell u what happens

Green7mgte 02-06-2012 08:27 PM

same things have been happening to me. Think maybe it might be your starter ? im about to undertake my starter replacement.. Sort of don't want to tho. I dont have 4 ft of extensions..

newtosupra 02-06-2012 08:31 PM

noob question ..... But does the starter cobtrol if the car will get spark or not?

cre 02-06-2012 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by newtosupra (Post 100823)
noob question ..... But does the starter cobtrol if the car will get spark or not?

The STA signal to the ECU affects it but is not solely responsible.

newtosupra 02-06-2012 08:49 PM

So I would benifit from fetting a new starter? ...cause I have 350 a week to spend on the supra and I wanna get it reliable and everything before I start putting money into performance

cre 02-06-2012 08:56 PM

No.... test it. RTFM man. Test/inspect the following: starter STA pin at ECU while the engine is being cranked, igniter, ignition coil, plug wires, spark plugs and AFM... Test them all when the car is acting up and then again when it's warm and starting fine, then compare results.

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