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Crop 03-16-2012 09:45 PM

supra NOOB question. plz help.
2 Attachment(s)
Hey, been here for a bit.. but finally getting back to my project 1987 7mgte. im about to get this thing on the road for further repairs that i cant do at my house... this car has an aftermarket fan installed but does not go on when car gets to temp.. the contol box for the fan has 2 slots that wires need to was tested and works otherwise, question is ..what sensor @ the thermostat housing goes to the fan and kicks it on at the right temp??? a friend said "just hook it up to a switch" but i dont like that idea... also the BVSV has no vacum lines on it, charcoal canister is deleted along with A/C.. this guy plugged hoses i guess to bypass runs fine, no codes at all, i just dont want an overheat...

i enclosed a pic of the broken bvsv and the name of the aftermarket fan "flex o lite"

another mystery to me is my valve covers have 1 open "nipples" on the back end of EACH them..looks like hoses belong there, i seen the proper setup but just dont know the name of the parts..

bare with me not knowing proper terminology as i do body work on out of my league here...but i seem to be ok with working on my 2001 lex is300.

cre 03-16-2012 11:35 PM

Removing the charcoal system is just a waste. Personally, if you like the space then put in a smaller canister from a Tercel and mount it in the fender. If you elect to leave it removed from the system make sure to thoroughly seal the line to the gas tank and replace the sealed gas car with a vented one (both of these will fail you on emissions in most states so if it's not a consideration, don't move. ;) ).

That BVSV doesn't look like any Toyota BVSV I'm familiar with. The BVSV is part of the charcoal canister's system though, if you don't replace that then you don't need the BVSV. You can replace the BVSV with one from any Number of Toyotas you'll find at a salvage yard for a buck.... Or you can spend a fortune on a new one from Toyota, your call.

There is no switch on the 7M-GE or GTE which is suitable for an electric fan. You'll need to tap the thermostat neck or put a T in the heater hose line (AFTER THE HCV!!!) and install a proper thermostat. My recommendation (if you search the forum you'll find it often ;) ) would be to ditch the electric fan, replace the fan cowl and install a lightweight flex fan and fan clutch. The switch is a bad idea on anything but a track car.

The nipples are for the PCV (positive crankcase ventilation) system... Removing them is an ignorant move, leaving them unfiltered it flat out stupid. The PCV system actively removes pressure from the crankcase by withdrawing unburnt fuel, water vapor (a byproduct of combustion), and caustic gases which seep past the piston rings. This suction can help the rings provide a better seal and help your oil and hardware last longer.

Crop 03-17-2012 11:41 AM

hey thanks CRE, gonna try to hunt down the missing parts on ebay/craigslist and in junkyards, i bought the car this way over a year ago and im trying to piece together what the previous owner did..and fix it RIGHT..

tyvm for your time and help.


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