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Tortilla 01-24-2006 07:05 PM

What Oil does everyone use?
I read that page posted by Bullzeye about buying a Supra and i was wondering what oil everyone uses in their Supra, and why if there is a reason? Please speicify if turbo or NA.

j3pz 01-24-2006 08:18 PM

NA 10w-40 no particular brandchange it and filter about once every two months or around 3k miles

88Supraboy 01-24-2006 10:40 PM

N/A, I use 10-30 but its got to be synthetic, a lot more safer at high RPM's:D and only the best for my Supra! I've also herd the Havoline and Valvoline are the best, there the least to "sludge up" no QuakerState, not sure if its true tho.

Bullz_EyE 01-24-2006 10:47 PM

10-40. Synthetic is good stuff. I rate them like this based on my accounts:

1) Amsoil
2) Royal Purple & Redline
3) Mobil 1 & Castrol Syntec

Conventional oils are pretty equal to me, although I usually stick to Castrol.

Suprageezer 01-24-2006 11:57 PM

Castrol GTX straight 40wt here year around in socal on my 89 N/A 177K mile car for the last 50K miles, Wix oil and air filters.


stumpjumper 01-25-2006 06:57 AM

Ya, Castrol makes some good oil. WHat I like to put in mine, and it consumes oil pretty well without it, is STP Oil Treatment. It's $3 and it's thick sh!t. SUppossed to protect the engine at start up. I doubt the brand of oil really matters as long as you stay consistant with the viscosity.

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