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XtreeX 02-26-2006 08:38 AM

WTF? is this for real?
I saw this thing on Ebay... is this for real or a scam?

Sorry I don't know how to do links. Basically, all it is is a "speed" chip that acts as a "piggy back" to the ECU that increases the fuel injection to the motor and supposively is dyno proven to increase hp by 15-20. Lemme know what you guys think and if you can get to the link or not. Thanks guys.

Isphius 02-26-2006 10:34 AM

im sure it would work, hp numbers i dont think would be that high thou. as long as they make those right. from what im getting from the ad, it changes the output resistance of the MAF(very easy to do, which = cheap)to say its reading different temperature air, making it either advance the timing/fuel or lean the motor out a little for a better combustion, not sure exactly what that would do. its possible to burn a motor up(over lean) or cause pinging/detonation(advance timing too much) that way tho.

XtreeX 02-26-2006 11:47 AM

i dont know if i really feel like blowing my engine up lol... or detonating it with a $10 piece of electronic.

KNYFE 02-26-2006 04:52 PM

Anything that changes info to the computer aside from actual conditions is not good. A cold air intake actually cools the air so not a big deal but telling the computer it is different then actual? Not good. Any item on ebay you ever see that brags about hp for $1/1hp ratio probably isn't worth it. Also, if you read feedback on these type of items, many say that it wasn't worth it. Don't you think that for $10 everyone here and in every other automotive forum would have them and brag about them?

Strannik 02-27-2006 04:18 AM

it will lean out your a/f ratios which will give you more power and less fuel consumption, but in the end you might melt your pistons if it leans it out by too much.
better stay away from it
there are heaps of other mods which can be done under 20$

Isphius 02-27-2006 04:46 PM

i never suggested using it haa, just said it would probably work. i posted my warnings at the end too.

Reeves 02-28-2006 06:27 AM

What kind of mods, Strannik? I am currently working on getting my 87t in mint condition, and then I plan on modding it a bit. It has 255k on it, but the engine was rebuilt ~35k miles ago.This is my first car and I use it as a daily driver, so any cheap and easy to install mods are great.

Any help is appreciated ;).

hangsupra 02-28-2006 06:53 AM

trust me thats not gonna help.... cause i have a buddy use to have those part on his mk3... and 3weeks later on.... he busted out his ecu... cause it got toasted.... and what it does is that... when we open those cheap box... and inside the box... they just use a little ohm resister (spelling need help) to trip the ecu to read cold air... and to me it seens like they just want to cross over your ecu... so its better for stay away from those type of thing... i pretty sure that they have a spacer for the mk2/mk3... find one of this spacer and use on your mk3 thortle body... and it sure give you horse.... thats what i were using on my mk2 tho.... cause i got for free from my bro. in the tokyo. cause he is a serg. base in tokyo right now... and he brough one for me in this past x-mas.. and it does make a diff.... and i hope you can find one of this thortle spacer somewhere in the US.

suprra_girl 02-28-2006 08:28 AM

bla bla bla bla chips

= don't waste your time or money

get a safc, emanage, aftermarket ecu etc if you want to screw with the engine but at least you are screwing with it with the right tools

basically.... no chips



supraboy8809 03-09-2006 02:31 AM

i know someone that bought one of these and it did absolutly nothing it gave him worse gas milage which in turn would make it even slower because if you do not need the extra gas it is going to make your car run richer and more bogged out on hard acceleration.

XtreeX 03-09-2006 02:59 AM

yea didn't buy it. seemed to good ot be true.

flight doc89 03-09-2006 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Strannik
it will lean out your a/f ratios which will give you more power and less fuel consumption, but in the end you might melt your pistons if it leans it out by too much.
better stay away from it
there are heaps of other mods which can be done under 20$

It doesn't lean it out; colder air means denser air means ecu dumps in more fuel to maintain stoich. Colder air readings without colder air means ecu dumps in more fuel than stock fuel map allows = rich mixture

XtreeX 03-09-2006 08:50 PM

soo, is that good or bad

Strannik 03-10-2006 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by flight doc89
It doesn't lean it out; colder air means denser air means ecu dumps in more fuel to maintain stoich. Colder air readings without colder air means ecu dumps in more fuel than stock fuel map allows = rich mixture

which means waste of fuel and stuffed cat and absolutely no power gains
you can just disconnect the temperature sensor used for warm up and run permanently rich

i think those boxes make ecu think it actually gets less air then it does - thats the only way i can see the car would be making more power
mk3's run rich from factory already, no point making it even more rich

regarding under 20$ mods, there is a whole thread of them listed on, just look over there see if anything suits you

Reeves 09-13-2006 09:11 PM

Sorry to ressurect an old thread but i really want to know some things about chips. I was told that when upgrading your car with exhaust, intake, and whatnot, the computer will get used to it, "learn", and adjust itself and you will lose much of the horsepower from the mods. They told me a chip will take care of that.. You guys make chips sounds really bad, while a co-worker of mine says they make your car run more effecient and gives you more horsepower at the same time.

Basically just want to know if there are any "safe" chips for our cars. And if not is it true that the computer will adjust to our mods making us lose horses?

cars4me89 09-14-2006 02:34 AM

What I want to know is that.. if you make the car run richer by using that chip and making it think its getting more air than it is.. and it dumps in more fuel cause of it thinking its getting colder air. So then it puts that extra fuel in and some of it won't burn up. that means the car is now running rich. why wouldnt the oxygen sensor pick up on that and change the injectors to make it run at that ideal 14.7:1 ratio. If I'm correct that would make the chip completely obselete and would in fact do NOTHING. am i right??

suprra_girl 09-14-2006 03:19 AM

the only modification that your ecu does really is ignition timing (usually retarding due to faulty knock sensors or pinging is actually happening) or air fuel ratio

how it does this is through the 02 sensor, if too much oxygen is detected in the exhaust gasses it will richen the fuel mixture to compensate (if it can... it depends on what is wrong) or if it detects not enough oxygen it will back off the fueling to compensate

the ecu doesn't really know what mods you have or are doing to it, all i can see is extra air in which case it will richen where needed

you do not lose power by doing mods, else why would people mod their cars?


/chips thread

suprra_girl 09-14-2006 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by cars4me89
What I want to know is that.. if you make the car run richer by using that chip and making it think its getting more air than it is.. and it dumps in more fuel cause of it thinking its getting colder air. So then it puts that extra fuel in and some of it won't burn up. that means the car is now running rich. why wouldnt the oxygen sensor pick up on that and change the injectors to make it run at that ideal 14.7:1 ratio. If I'm correct that would make the chip completely obselete and would in fact do NOTHING. am i right??

if that chip makes the car run richer it does not automatically make the ecu think that there is more air, you're forgetting an important item which is at the beginning of your engine.... an "Air Flow Meter". That will tell the ecu exactly what air is entering the system, unless you have a boost leak which is of course not the afm's fault.

yes you are correct the 02 sensor would send it's readings to the ecu to which it analyses and corrects :)

Isphius 09-14-2006 03:48 AM

Haha yeah the AFM takes authority over all the other sensors. The other ones just kinda add to what the ECU does after reading the AFM signal. And reeves, your friend is probably referring to real "chips" Like the ones giac makes for the vw/audi turbo cars for example. Not ebay chips. And yes those do work, But i dont think anyone makes one for our cars. And most of what those chips do is turn up the boost and fuel curve to compensate because the boost is ECU controlled on most newer cars (DSMs, audis, vws, turbo diesel trucks, etc), But you can still use a boost controller to modify the air pressure to the wastegate. Our turbo supras run purley on mechanical boost control, And the ecu will just cut fuel if too much air goes through. The only chip equivalent we can get for our cars are things like the maft pro, safc-2, and things like that. Suprra girl just mentioned them.

Isphius 09-14-2006 03:52 AM

Oh and if anything that ebay chip would make the car run lean, not rich. lean = power (to a point). Almost all engines run slightly richer than perfect (the 14.7:1 stoichiometric) because the gas works like a lubricant and cools off the valves and stuff. And our n/a supras could use a little leaning out for power, But in a controlled fashion.

Reeves 09-14-2006 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by Isphius
And reeves, your friend is probably referring to real "chips" Like the ones giac makes for the vw/audi turbo cars for example. Not ebay chips. And yes those do work, But i dont think anyone makes one for our cars.

Yes im sure that is what he is talking about.

Supra2NR 09-15-2006 02:33 AM

man,, this is a long thread about sumthing that doesnt work lol

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