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Old 02-27-2006, 11:37 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
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Default HG doesn't fit??

Ok, so I have posted a lot about my HG problems. And the car is in the shop at the moment getting the HG done. I bought a complete gasket kit for my car. 7MGE kit. I bought it online from a company. The shop called me today and said that they had everything ready and they went to put on the new HG and it doesnt fit properly!! They said that each hole is about 1/16 of an inch off. I dont understand why it doesnt fit. The 7MGE and the 7MGTE HGs are the same right? So I couldnt have the wrong one....I called the place that I purchased it from and they said that it should fit perfect. And said they have sold hundreds of those kits and there has never been a problem like this. They advised me to take pics at the shop and email them the pics so they can look at it.

Aside from that, what should I do? or what could be the possible problem of it not fitting? Bad machining? or what?? Im really pissed off right now lol. I havent had my car for so long!
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Old 02-28-2006, 01:01 AM   #2
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What brand HG kit did you buy?
I would really be interested in knowing that.

Also, the holes were a little different than how they are on the block when I put mine on (the oil holes), but I would not say that they were totally off.
It seems as if the oil hole/holes was/were not perfectly round, whereas the headgasket oil hole/holes was/were perfectly round.

Sometimes they have newbies in shops that don't really know what they are doing, or what they should expect. I am really wondering if that is the case...
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Old 02-28-2006, 03:15 AM   #3
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I have run into similar problems from time to time. Mostly it is just the alignment holes that cause the head gasket to bow a little. Another thing is if you have studs in the block. The holes can be off just a little bit and doesn't seem like it will fit. In all cases though, the gasket was the right one or it would not even be close! Sometimes, with all the different companies that make parts a few things don't line up perfectly. Ask where the problem seems and if it is just the alignment holes on either end, have them elongate them a little and it will sit flat. A good shop should have access to another gasket to campare with and see if there really is a problem.

Let us know how it goes.

That is why I do my own work. You learn as you go, but at least YOU know what is going on and don't have to trust the word of another.

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Old 02-28-2006, 04:31 AM   #4
3" Exhaust
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Thanks for the input guys. I am heading over to the shop tomorrow morning to see the problem for myself. My mechanic said that it fits 99%, but those holes dont line up perfect. I also got them to put in my ARP studs. So as you said, that could make it seem like its not lined up right?? The place I got the gasket set from is: http://www.streetimports.com/

I will bring some of this info to him tomorrow and see what he has to say. I have to see it first hand though. Because I honestly need this car back ASAP.
I will keep you posted as to what is happening with the HG.

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Old 02-28-2006, 01:55 PM   #5
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Well like I mentioned before, if you have the studs then they are such a close fit that what happens is that the alignment holes, the 2 holes that fit over the short studs at either end of the block, have to be elongated just a bit. For some reason, some of the aftermarket head gaskets are a little long in that area. The gasket will fit over the studs but it is press a liitle here and then a little there to make it slide down to the block.

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Old 02-28-2006, 06:17 PM   #6
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thats what happen to my mk2. but i got it fix.... hope you got yours done...
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