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brs86supra 03-13-2006 01:19 PM

hot start
after driving about a half an hour or so, and then when i cut the car off then leave it for a while, when i go into the store, then go back out and try to start it, the car idles rough and cuts off then i turn it on again and does the same thing so i press the gas and it putters and then shuts off. then i turn it on again and put it into drive, then press on the gas it accelerates real slow. could it be that i need to change the fuel filter, or something else, the car has 144k miles on it, and i dont think that it has been changed before, what else could it be?

brs86supra 03-14-2006 02:11 PM

does anyone have any clue to what this problem could be i cant figure it out. going to chang the fuel filter tomorrow and see what that does. is there an easier way of changing the filter besides lifting the car up off the ground, its kinda hard to get to

supra_91 03-14-2006 02:35 PM

its a pain in the a$$ to get to

kewlcoconut 03-14-2006 08:27 PM

i have the exact same problem man. i have no idea what it could as stumped as you are

suprra_girl 03-14-2006 10:01 PM

are your cars turbo?
have you both done diagnostics?

check for boost leaks or check the air flow meter is correctly plugged in

have either of you done the 12 volt mod to the fuel pump?

kewlcoconut 03-15-2006 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by suprra_girl
are your cars turbo?
have you both done diagnostics?

check for boost leaks or check the air flow meter is correctly plugged in

have either of you done the 12 volt mod to the fuel pump?

my car is not a turbo. 86.5 NA
i havent done a 12volt mod to the fuel pump. and the AFM is plugged in properly as well. mrnickleye said it could possibly be an EFI or ECU problem. I know mine is not a vacuum leak, I replaced every line and nothing leaks. My fuel filter was changed not too long ago as well, and the problem persisted. :dunno:

suprra_girl 03-15-2006 02:03 AM


kewlcoconut 03-15-2006 11:41 AM

i havent done a diagnostic. what exactly would it tell me? would it narrow down the possible problems that it could be?
----------Errrrr Edit

brain is a little slow tonight...its like 4am. thought you were talking about running dyno tests...ugh i need sleep haha. i havent done a diagnostic recently because my engine light isnt on. being as stupid as i am, i didnt think of checking it. i will check it out tomorrow afternoon, see if i get a blink or two.

suprra_girl 03-15-2006 11:45 AM

it very well may do :)

kewlcoconut 03-16-2006 03:15 AM

well i ran a diagnostic today and nothing showed up. steady blinking light.......:frown:

brs86supra 03-16-2006 12:43 PM

i tried to do a diagnostic and nothing happened it didnt even blink

brs86supra 03-16-2006 12:45 PM

changed my fuel filter and it looked like mud wasnt clean at all

mrnickleye 03-17-2006 12:24 AM

Normally (mostly) a dirty fuel filter will restrict the flow of fuel. So the signs of dirty one one is....the car will start and run OK up till a certain RPM, then it will start cutting out (misfiring). Dirtier ones will not allow the car to get up over a certain speed (like 50mph).

So the hard start when 'heat soaked' (as it is called) is not the filter.

Dirty injectors, carbon on the intake valves, a fuel system that won't hold the pressure after engine is off, a weak fuel pump (low pressure). These are the areas I'd be looking at if you came into the shop.

kewlcoconut 03-17-2006 03:37 AM

im gonna look into the fuel pump. how much is this part? anyone know?

mrnickleye 03-17-2006 05:07 AM

The fuel pump is in the tank, and not a joy to replace. They aren't cheap either.
I suggest doing a fuel pressure test before replacing parts.

Burn N' Up 03-17-2006 09:07 PM

What does your exhaust smell like? Smell like raw gas? Any back firing? Cleaned your air filter lately?

kewlcoconut 03-18-2006 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by Burn N' Up
What does your exhaust smell like? Smell like raw gas? Any back firing? Cleaned your air filter lately?

the exhaust doesnt smell like raw gas and to my knowledge, the car doesnt backfire. I know for a fact my filter is clean. the problem was present with the stock filter. Bought the K&N one, and it's still there. I will look into the fuel pressure test. I'm thinking thats the problem.

Thanks for all the help guys. Appreciate it. I will keep you posted on the testing.

Synack 03-22-2006 12:30 PM

that happened with my 1993 318is

kewlcoconut 03-23-2006 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Synack
that happened with my 1993 318is

can you verify that it was the fuel pump?? or did you never get it fixed?

kewlcoconut 03-23-2006 09:47 AM

i was browsing supramania forums and came across this thread.
wtf connections are these?(pics)
"I am just wondering what these two connections are and what exactly they do.

The first two pictures are a plug that was cracked during the headgasket change. It connects two pieces of vaccume line under the intake manifold."

Quote from JonoTurbo
"First two pics are the fuel pressure regulator vsv, you definitely want to fix that."

Quote from Red Dragon
"AFAIK, Fuel VSV is for hot starts to combatr heat soak, so if your car starts fine w/o it when hot then you are good to go. I don't have mine on there either"

The second quote struck me the most, I am going to check my car to see if that brown plug is connected to anything. If it isnt, where should it be connected to??

kewlcoconut 03-31-2006 10:16 PM

bahhh.....i still havent figured out this problem. im going to get a fuel pressure test soon. but also, would a bad gas cap do this? not venting properly??

brs86supra 04-03-2006 12:53 PM

just replaced my afm and it still does the same thing, cant seem to figure it out. this problem is killing me, what could it be

yellowturboman 01-15-2007 08:46 AM

Did you guys ever fix this problem? I have it too!

mr.w 01-15-2007 10:40 AM

I have this problem too, I just hold the gas a little when I start it up and after a couple second of holding it it will idle around 500-800 rpms. If I don't hold the gas while I start it up the engine starts and staggers to get to the right rpm but will stall out. Also starting it when its cold the engine will start and shoot to 1100-1500 rpms. My car is a 87 turbo. I want to replace the fuel filter to see if that will fix it and because it probably needs replace, I also need the check the air filter. Im pretty sure the injectors and that are okay because I had some one do the head gasket for me recently.

yellowturboman 01-15-2007 04:20 PM

yeah thats exactly what mine does, hold the revs up a bit and it goes away, only does it when engine warm though maybe halfway between hot and cold marker. If you leave it to cool right down it will start no probs. Was thinking maybe it is a miss fire in engine caused by maybe silicon hoses arcing when they get warm or somthing. Im going to give it a full service and see if it goes away.

If anyone has had this problem and fixed it can you please please please tell me what it it. Thanks

carfanatic89 02-07-2008 06:08 PM

I have the same problem I think it would be leaking fuel injector in the morining or when the car is cold it needs the extra fuel to start. When you get back to your car from going in its still warm it doesnt need the fuel so it floods it out causing it to run bad. Take out the dip stick and smell it if it smells like gas it is the injectors more than likely, also let it sit and idle for about 15 mins if it starts running bad and missfiring then you have the same problem I have. And I put a new gas tank filter and pump on my car 6 months ago. mabye this will help. btw I havent replaced my injectors yet.

SilenceboneSupra 02-09-2008 08:38 AM

i had a similair problem like that! it was hard to start at all times and it would die fast if i do not keep it over 1000rpm, found out that the first fuel injector gave up for some reason which i think was the cause, after getting myself new VENOM fuel injectors :x: it worked out great but i dont know if it this is the same problems u guys have........................

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