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Legionnaire 03-31-2006 06:03 PM

My 1zgte bucks like a horse
my accord used to do this awhile back but it stopped doing it after i took it to a mechanic, but i never figured out why it did this...........i dont know if its the motor or the tranny

suprra_girl 04-03-2006 12:07 PM

when does it do it?
when you start boosting or idle or cruisng or what?

Legionnaire 04-04-2006 04:59 PM

its always random..........some days it just wont do it at all.........then the next day the engine will rev up.......and the car will start i let go of the gas, and slowly press it.......and most of the time it stops it from bucking...........

rnoswal 04-05-2006 01:01 AM

Sounds electrical. Could be your throttle positioning sensor or a bad connection to the distributor. Of course if your fuel pressure isn't right it could act in a similar way, bad fuel pump or connector there too.


1988gte 04-05-2006 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by rnoswal
Sounds electrical. Could be your throttle positioning sensor or a bad connection to the distributor. Of course if your fuel pressure isn't right it could act in a similar way, bad fuel pump or connector there too.


Just did this and stopped for me. Do a pressue check i was getting arount 10-15 lbs

djalkyd 04-05-2006 05:28 AM

i have a 7mgte and i am having a similar problem but only in 5th gear when i slam the throttle to the ground. it wont do it if i lightly get into it into boost then i can go all the way to the floor but if i snap it down from a cruise then it will buck and send a check engine light.

all the other gears i can slam them and have awsome power but 5th gear is just sensitive.

i checked the resistance on the tps and it is all good. i guess i need to try and see if i can pull a code or something. it feels like a miss fire or something but only in 5th gear.

dcrusupra 04-05-2006 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by djalkyd
i have a 7mgte and i am having a similar problem but only in 5th gear when i slam the throttle to the ground. it wont do it if i lightly get into it into boost then i can go all the way to the floor but if i snap it down from a cruise then it will buck and send a check engine light.

If it sends the check engine light, you've hit fuel cut.

djalkyd 04-06-2006 02:26 AM

well i guess i will have to go around the fuel cut then. damn i was hoping i wouldn't have hit it this early in the game.

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