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Benesesso 04-27-2006 06:01 PM

Dropping Oil Pan
Just got an oil analysis back that shows coolant and lead (102 ppm) in the oil.

I'm just finishing a BHG repair, so cooland was expected. How hard is it to remove the oil pan in place---IF I have to check/replace the bearings? Oil pressure was fine before, and no knocks.

TONY! 04-27-2006 08:48 PM

Before I give you information and send you on your way to do something that maybe you should not do, why do you want to remove it in the first place?
Is it because you want to have a look at your bearings?

Benesesso 04-27-2006 10:19 PM

Yes. I know how harmful antifreeze can be to bearings, and the oil lab. says that 102 ppm lead and 19 copper isn't good news,

TONY! 04-28-2006 01:23 AM

Well, what you are primarily asking is something I once contemplated (removing the oil pan with the engine in place).
On these cars it is not so easy to do and I personally never have done it.
I would opt for removing the whole engine instead. Why? because if you do find other problems, then you have the engine on a stand to work from instead of having to then take out the motor after removing the pan.
I think most would say that it is just as hard to take the pan off of the engine (and all that would include) as it would be to take the engine out of the car.

Personally, if it runs fine, I would just drive it unless I was sure that it needed to be serviced.

Originally Posted by Benesesso
Yes. I know how harmful antifreeze can be to bearings...

Is your oil foamy? How long did you drive it with coolant?

Originally Posted by Benesesso
...and the oil lab. says that 102 ppm lead and 19 copper isn't good news,

I think that is good that people do have their oil checked by labs as that is probably a good way to diagnose things, but I certainly can't form any conclusions on my own based on what was found, and I also can't come to any conclusions based on what others have concluded--I like to form my own opinions rather than just following blindly in hopes that what someone said is actually true and applicable to my situation.

Your BHG, was that a combustion chamber to coolant jacket leak? or was it an oil passage to coolant jacket leak?
Just exactly how much coolant did your bearings have to deal with?

ddmcse 04-28-2006 03:11 AM

after bhg #2
or during bhg #2 i knew i blew the gasket like 1 mile from my house .I let it sit till the next day ,( i wasn't in a rush to to the job )
i drained the oil and nothing but water came out at first .. what a shocker then you remember oil and water don't mix and that oil floats on water so after the engine settles the water is at the lowest point of the oil pan . . i didn't worry too much about it and she's running just fine still 3 yrs later . I just spanked 2 cars tonight , one was a lexus and i just don't know what the other one was i never let it get close enough to pass me and it was dark out . wasn't really any challenge but it's always heart pounding @120 mph
it's running real good and i just need more money to pour into it .

luggage 04-29-2006 03:55 AM

What do you mean cut the crossmember out? Doesn't it unbolt? That's what the service manual says.

Benesesso 04-29-2006 05:55 AM

I didn't notice any bolts, but maybe they're just covered with grease and dirt. If it unbolts it would be easy to get the pan down.

There IS a bolt-on round tube that's used to laterally stiffen the front suspension-only 2 bolts.

luggage 04-29-2006 03:35 PM

The service manual has a section on how to remove the oil pan with the engine in the car. It's under "Oil Pump".

No garantee that this is better than taking the engine out :)

rnoswal 04-29-2006 06:34 PM

There are 4 long bolts and 2 in the rear part of the crossmember. You might as well remove the front suspension and unbolt the rack and pinion. There is a lot too it, but I think it equals out from pulling the engine. It's just that if you find something wrong with the engine you will probably have to pull it anyway.


Burn N' Up 04-30-2006 05:27 AM

I like the systematic cut of your jib there ben. Good luck

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