found the problem
my car just recently turned off on me while driving. i found out my problem. the first thing i did was buy a new ignitoin coil adn tried that, that wasnt the prob. then i took the third valve cover off (the one coverign the spark plugs) adn noticed antifreeze adn oil in there with them so i went to town. took the cams off then every thing else i needed to take the head off and got the head off. well each of my cylinders were drenched in cooladt, and my head gasket was BLOWN. also i hadnt yet taken the distributor off so i did and the distributor rod and gear were split in two. know that i found my problem hopefully it will be fixed, but now the biggest problem is putting it all back together, i had to disconnect all the wires adn vaccum hoses from everything adn now i dont think i can remember where everything goes, now that the big problem. any advice will be greatly appreciated. thanks