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djalkyd 05-16-2006 03:13 AM

my car was stolen
can you believe it, from my own apartment complex. i came out this morning at 6:15am to go to school and the car was gone.

i am so sick right now. how can people be so heartless and just take your car?

the freaking police act like they dont even care. well they are just criminals hiding behind a badge anyway.

this is the 2nd car i have had stolen.

oh well, anyone selling a turbo mk3 near sacramento?

stumpjumper 05-16-2006 04:16 AM

Sorry to hear that man. That really sucks.

The police don't care because of where you live. THe valley is full of car theives, but I'm sure you know that by now.
Good luck on finding the car, if it's even possible. The cops are shmuks anyway. They probably just filed your paperwork away and that's the last they'll think of it.
Start searching ebay, maybe some of your parts will pop up.
Sorry again dude, i'd be so pissed.

Reeves 05-16-2006 04:34 AM

Ouch man that sucks!

Just out of curiosity, did you use a club or any other sort of anti-theft device?

dcrusupra 05-16-2006 04:42 AM

Damn man that sucks. My friend had his Supra stolen a little while ago but got it back in one piece but it came back with a BHG lol. Then another one of my friends had his turbo'd civic with about 5k worth of work just under the hood stolen right out of the school parking lot. Found a week later completely stripped of everything. Sorry to hear about the loss. It can go either way. Hopefully the good way. I just bought this new thing for an alarm system. Its a keypad that connects to the starter. You need to enter a 4 digit code to start the car. Can't even hot wire it. And its cheap. I just bought 2. One for my daily driver and one for the Supra.

Digital Keypad Starter Kill

djalkyd 05-16-2006 06:21 AM

all i had on the car was the stock alarm which wasn't worth crap. i need to invest in a better alarm system with a kill switch and a secondary safety to have it start kinda like dcrusupra mentioned.

this is the 2nd car in cali i have had stolen, first was a 69 firebird in LA but i figured it was just LA and thought no more about it.

I am just hoping some jerk wad had it towed on accident even though it was in my parking space. i will find out tomorrow when i call the CHP again to see if it was reported being towed.

the cops said it takes 24 hours for any tow reports to come in.

i just dropped $2500 into it to get it to go 13sec at the track, that's what pisses me off the most.

back to the drawing board i guess.

KNYFE 05-16-2006 04:34 PM

Ouch, that really sucks man.... Hope you get some good news back. Several guys on the maxima forum I'm on have talked about many different kill switches. The popular one is to wire the ignition to your blinker so you would have to turn the blinker on to start the car but one started you would be all set. Another option is the hazard lights or the cig. lighter. Just some options!!!

burton51m 05-16-2006 09:13 PM

so dcrusupra, how did u mount that keypad in your car? maybe show us some pics?

also... was it easy to install b/c i am starting to consider this after hearing what happened
...sorry about the car

dcrusupra 05-16-2006 11:05 PM

Not installed yet. Just bought it. Im still thinking of a mounting location on the Hyundai. But in the Supra, I'm going to mount it here. I'm going to make a black plastic border for it so it flushes even with the console. Right now I'm thinking about getting rid of the key altogether. Just having the alarm remote, keypad, and a push button start in place of the cig lighter.

I took that little pocket with the lid off because it wouldnt stay closed and I've finally found a better use for that space.

I called Circuit City and they said they don't do that kind of installation. He said a place called Sound Advice might.

EDIT - Sound Advice does it for $150. They call it an immobilizer. It takes a few hours. Getting it installed next week.

djalkyd 05-18-2006 01:19 AM

yea, sound advice rocks. i lived in orlando for the longest time and i always went there for everything. i also have an 01 tiburon so i will be getting a kill switch in that and in my expedition.

the tib is basically full race so i will have that in the garage but i will still get a kill switch on it.

now we are fighting with the insurance, they don't want to pay for the supra. we have full coverage insurance for the expedition and the supra and they are trying to say we don't have theft on the supra but we have it on the expedition. funny thing is, both cars are covered on the same exact policy so how does it not have theft.

insurance is just a big scam

burton51m 05-18-2006 02:17 AM

*Quote*- Sound Advice does it for $150. They call it an immobilizer. It takes a few hours. Getting it installed next week.*Quote*

$150!...i got my whole system installed for like $120... they must really do a good job though.

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